
Defines functions estimate.spenra spenra.integrand evaluate.fhat choose.p.lwo timeseries.entropyrate.lwo estimate.pred.dens

Documented in choose.p.lwo estimate.pred.dens timeseries.entropyrate.lwo

#' Estimate Predictive / Conditional Density
#' estimate.pred.dens estimates the predictive / conditional density of
#' order p associated with the scalar time series x using np.
#' @param x A continuous-valued scalar time series.
#' @param p The order of the conditional density.
#' @param kerntype The kernel type, one of {'guassian', 'uniform', 'epanechnikov'}.
#' @param bwtype The bandwidth type, one of {'fixed', 'generalized_nn', 'adaptive_nn'}.
#' @param bwmethod The method used to choose the bandwidths, one of {cv.ml, cv.ls, normal-reference}. Defaults to cv.ml to perform LOOCV on the specific entropy rate.
#' @param bwuse Specify a fixed bandwidth to use across all lags, or NA to estimate the bandwidths in a data-driven way.
#' @param nmulti The number of random initial conditions to use by the optimizer for choosing the bandwidths.
#' @keywords predictive density, conditional density, kernel density estimator
#' @export

estimate.pred.dens = function(x, p, kerntype = 'gaussian', bwtype = 'fixed', bwmethod = 'cv.ml', bwuse = NA, nmulti = 1){
	Xt = embed.ts(x, p+1)

	npcdensbw.out = np::npcdensbw(ydat = as.matrix(Xt[, p+1]), xdat = as.matrix(Xt[, 1:p]), tol = 0.1, ftol = 0.1, cxkertype = kerntype, cykertype = kerntype, bwtype = bwtype, bwmethod = bwmethod, nmulti = nmulti)
	npcdens.out = np::npcdens(npcdensbw.out)


#' Estimate the Entropy Rate of a Scalar Time Series Using a Plug-In Leave-Window-Out Estimator
#' timeseries.entropyrate.lwo estimates the specific entropy rate using a plug-in, leave-window-out estimator.
#' @param x The scalar time series.
#' @param pred.dens The npcdens-based predictive density used to estimate the specific entropy rate.
#' @param half.window.length The half-length of the window about the present removed in estimating the specific entropy rate.
#' @export

timeseries.entropyrate.lwo = function(x, pred.dens, half.window.length = 1){
	if (2*half.window.length + 1 >= length(x)){
		stop('The window size for the LWO estimation is larger than the time series. Choose a smaller window size.')
	p = length(pred.dens$xbw)

	Xt = embed.ts(x, p+1)

	entropyrate = rep(NA, length(x))

		for (loo.ind in 1:dim(Xt)[1]){
			loo.inds = max(c(1, loo.ind - half.window.length)):min(c(dim(Xt)[1], loo.ind + half.window.length))

			npcdens.out = npcdens(bws = pred.dens$bws, txdat = Xt[-loo.inds, -dim(Xt)[2]], tydat = Xt[-loo.inds, dim(Xt)[2]], exdat = matrix(Xt[loo.ind, -dim(Xt)[2]], ncol = p), eydat = Xt[loo.ind, dim(Xt)[2]])

			entropyrate[loo.ind + p] = -log(fitted(npcdens.out))

	return(entropyrate = entropyrate)

#' Choose Specific Entropy Rate Order via Leave-Window-Out Cross-validation
#' choose.p.lwo chooses the model order p to use in estimating the specific entropy
#' rate of a scalar, continuous-valued time series using leave-window-out
#' (LWO) cross validation.
#' @param x A continuous-valued scalar time series.
#' @param p.max The largest model order to consider.
#' @param p.min The smallest model order to consider.
#' @param half.window.length The half-length of the window about the present removed in estimating the specific entropy rate.
#' @param kerntype The kernel type, one of {'guassian', 'uniform', 'epanechnikov'}.
#' @param bwtype The bandwidth type, one of {'fixed', 'generalized_nn', 'adaptive_nn'}.
#' @param bwmethod The method used to choose the bandwidths, one of {cv.ml, cv.ls, normal-reference}. Defaults to cv.ml to perform LOOCV on the specific entropy rate.
#' @param bwuse Specify a fixed bandwidth to use across all lags, or NA to estimate the bandwidths in a data-driven way.
#' @param nmulti The number of random initial conditions to use by the optimizer for choosing the bandwidths.
#' @export

choose.p.lwo = function(x, p.max, p.min = 1, half.window.length = 1, kerntype = 'gaussian', bwtype = 'fixed', bwmethod = 'cv.ml', bwuse = NA, nmulti = 1){
	if (2*half.window.length + 1 >= length(x)){
		stop('The window size for the LWO estimation is larger than the time series. Choose a smaller window size.')
	ps = seq(p.min, p.max, 1)

	pred.dens.by.p = list()
	er.by.p = rep(NA)

	for (p.ind in ps){
		p = ps[p.ind]

		cat(sprintf('\nOn %g from %g..%g...', p, p.min, p.max))

		pred.dens = estimate.pred.dens(x, p, kerntype, bwtype, bwmethod, bwuse, nmulti)

		entropyrate = timeseries.entropyrate.lwo(x, pred.dens, half.window.length)

		er.by.p[p.ind] = mean(entropyrate[(p.max + 1):length(entropyrate)])

		pred.dens.by.p[[as.character(p.ind)]] = pred.dens

	p.best = ps[which.min(er.by.p)]

	return(list(ps = ps, er.by.p = er.by.p, pred.dens.by.p = pred.dens.by.p, p.best = p.best, pred.dens = pred.dens.by.p[[as.character(p.best)]]))

evaluate.fhat = function(future.vals, specific.past, pred.dens, loo.inds = NA){
  p = length(pred.dens$xbw)

  if (p == 1){
    expand.grid.opt = paste0('specific.past[p]')
    # expand.grid.opt = paste0(rep('lags.', p), 1:p, rep(' = Xt[past.ind-', p), p:1, rep(']', p), collapse = ',')
	# expand.grid.opt = paste0(rep('\"', p, '\" = specific.past[', p), 1:p, rep(']', p), collapse = ',')
	expand.grid.opt = paste0(rep('\"', p), 1:p, rep('\" = specific.past[', p), p:1, rep(']', p), collapse = ',')

  extract.grid <- eval(parse(text = paste("expand.grid(frame = future.vals, ", expand.grid.opt, ")")))

  if (sum(is.na(loo.inds)) == 1){
  	eval.pdf = npcdens(bws = pred.dens$bws, txdat = pred.dens$xeval, tydat = pred.dens$yeval, exdat = extract.grid[, 2:(p+1)], eydat = extract.grid[, 1])
  	eval.pdf = npcdens(bws = pred.dens$bws, txdat = pred.dens$xeval[-loo.inds,], tydat = pred.dens$yeval[-loo.inds,], exdat = extract.grid[, 2:(p+1)], eydat = extract.grid[, 1])

  fhat = fitted(eval.pdf)

  return(list(fhat = fhat, eval.points = extract.grid))

#' Sentence-like Title for Function
#' Short description of what function does.
#' @param p1 Description of p1
#' @keywords keyword1, keyword2, keyword3

spenra.integrand = function(future.vals, specific.past, pred.dens, loo.inds = NA){
  p = length(pred.dens$xbw)

  if (p == 1){
    expand.grid.opt = paste0('specific.past[p]')
    # expand.grid.opt = paste0(rep('lags.', p), 1:p, rep(' = Xt[past.ind-', p), p:1, rep(']', p), collapse = ',')
	# expand.grid.opt = paste0(rep('\"', p, '\" = specific.past[', p), 1:p, rep(']', p), collapse = ',')
	expand.grid.opt = paste0(rep('\"', p), 1:p, rep('\" = specific.past[', p), p:1, rep(']', p), collapse = ',')

  extract.grid <- eval(parse(text = paste("expand.grid(frame = future.vals, ", expand.grid.opt, ")")))

  if (sum(is.na(loo.inds)) == 1){
  	eval.pdf = npcdens(bws = pred.dens$bws, txdat = pred.dens$xeval, tydat = pred.dens$yeval, exdat = extract.grid[, 2:(p+1)], eydat = extract.grid[, 1])
  	eval.pdf = npcdens(bws = pred.dens$bws, txdat = pred.dens$xeval[-loo.inds,], tydat = pred.dens$yeval[-loo.inds,], exdat = extract.grid[, 2:(p+1)], eydat = extract.grid[, 1])

  fhat = fitted(eval.pdf)

  entropy.integrand = -log(fhat)*fhat

  entropy.integrand[is.na(entropy.integrand)] = 0


estimate.spenra = function(x, pred.dens, half.window.length, integral.lowerbound = -Inf, integral.upperbound = Inf, rel.tol = 0.01, subdivisions = 100L){
	if (2*half.window.length + 1 >= length(x)){
		stop('The window size for the LWO estimation is larger than the time series. Choose a smaller window size.')
	p = length(pred.dens$xbw)

	Xt = embed.ts(x, p + 1)

	spenras = rep(NA, length(x))

	for (loo.ind in 1:dim(Xt)[1]){
		loo.inds = max(c(1, loo.ind - half.window.length)):min(c(dim(Xt)[1], loo.ind + half.window.length))
		specific.past = Xt[loo.ind, 1:p]
		spenras[p + loo.ind] = integrate(spenra.integrand, integral.lowerbound, integral.upperbound, rel.tol = rel.tol, subdivisions = subdivisions, specific.past = specific.past, pred.dens = pred.dens, loo.inds = loo.inds)$value
ddarmon/spenra documentation built on July 11, 2020, 4:41 a.m.