
# 1. install pkg that will run and save the documentation images
  repos = c(ddsjoberg = '',
            CRAN = '')

# 2. Install the most recent version of gtsummary

# 3. Restart R to have a fresh R session.
#    No packages should be loaded, not even gtsummary
#    Any object that is in the global environment may be written over!

# 4. Run the function below to save the images created in the help files.
#    Only objects whose named in `_ex` or `_ex[:digit:]+` are saved.
#    Files will be saved to "~/man/figures/<filename>.png", where the filename
#    is the object name, i.e.'tbl_ae_count_ex1.png'. No example object
#    may overlap throughout the entire package.
gt.doc.images::save_help_file_images(pkg = "bstfun",
                                     delete_existing_pngs = TRUE)

gt.doc.images::save_help_file_images(pkg = "bstfun",
                                     delete_existing_pngs = FALSE,
                                     rd_files = "tbl_likert.Rd")

# 5. Shrink png files
gt.doc.images::shrink_help_file_images(pkg = "bstfun")
ddsjoberg/bstfun documentation built on June 1, 2024, 11:46 p.m.