
Defines functions tbl_propdiff

Documented in tbl_propdiff

#' Calculating unadjusted and adjusted differences in rates
#' This function calculates the unadjusted or adjusted difference in rates with confidence interval.
#' @param data A data frame
#' @param y vector of binary outcome variables. Outcome variables can be
#' numeric, character or factor, but must have two and only two non-missing levels
#' @param x string indicating the binary stratifying variable. The stratifying
#' variable can be numeric, character or factor, but must have two and only two
#' non-missing levels
#' @param formula By default, `"{y} ~ {x}"`. To include covariates for an adjusted
#' risk difference, add covariate names to the formula, e.g. `"{y} ~ {x} + age"`
#' @param label List of formulas specifying variables labels, If a variable's label is
#' not specified here, the label attribute (`attr(data$high_grade, "label")`) is used.
#' If attribute label is `NULL`, the variable name will be used.
#' @param statistic Statistics to display for each group. Default `"{n} ({p}%)"`
#' @param method The method for calculating p-values and confidence intervals around the
#' difference in rates. The options are `"chisq"`, `"exact"`, `"boot_centile"`,
#' and `"boot_sd"`. See below for details. Default method is `"chisq"`.
#' @param conf.level Confidence level of the returned confidence interval.
#' Must be a single number between 0 and 1. The default is a 95% confidence interval.
#' @param bootstrapn The number of bootstrap resamples to use. The default is 2000
#' for `"boot_centile"` and 200 for `"boot_sd"`
#' @param estimate_fun Function to round and format estimates. By default
#' `style_sigfig`, but can take any formatting function
#' @param pvalue_fun Function to round and format p-value. By default
#' `style_pvalue`, but can take any formatting function
#' @return A `tbl_propdiff` object, with sub-class `"gtsummary"`
#' @export
#' @section Methods:
#' * The `chisq` option returns a p-value from the `prop.test` function and a
#' confidence interval for the unadjusted difference in proportions based on
#' the normal approximation.
#' * The `exact` option returns a p-value from the `fisher.test` function. The
#' confidence interval returned by this option is the same as the confidence
#' interval returned by the `chisq` option and is based on the normal approximation.
#' * The `boot_centile` option calculates the adjusted difference between groups
#' in all bootstrap samples (the default for this method is 2000 resamples)
#' and generates the confidence intervals from the distribution of these
#' differences. For the default, a 95% confidence interval, the 2.5 and 97.5
#' centiles are used. The p-value presented is from a logistic regression model.
#' * The `boot_sd` option calculates the adjusted difference between groups
#' in all bootstrap samples (the default for this method is 200 resamples).
#' The mean and standard deviation of the adjusted difference across all
#' resamples are calculated. The standard deviation is then used as the
#' standard error to calculate the confidence interval based on the true
#' adjusted difference. The p-value presented is from a logistic regression model.
#' @examples
#' tbl_propdiff(
#'   data = trial,
#'   y = "response",
#'   x = "trt"
#' )
#' tbl_propdiff(
#'   data = trial,
#'   y = "response",
#'   x = "trt",
#'   formula = "{y} ~ {x} + age + stage",
#'   method = "boot_sd",
#'   bootstrapn = 25
#' )
tbl_propdiff <- function(data, y, x,
                         formula = "{y} ~ {x}",
                         label = NULL,
                         statistic = "{n} ({p}%)",
                         method = c("chisq", "exact", "boot_sd", "boot_centile"),
                         conf.level = 0.95,
                         bootstrapn = ifelse(method == "boot_centile", 2000, 200),
                         estimate_fun = style_sigfig,
                         pvalue_fun = style_pvalue) {
    "0.3.0", "hotfun::tbl_propdiff()", "gtsummary::add_difference()")

  # converting inputs to named list --------------------------------------------
  y <- var_input_to_string(data = data, select_input = {{ y }}, arg_name = "y", select_single = FALSE)
  x <- var_input_to_string(data = data, select_input = {{ x }}, arg_name = "x", select_single = TRUE)
  label <- tidyselect_to_list(.data = data, x = {{ label }}, arg_name = "label", select_single = FALSE)

  ### CHECKS------------------
  # Matching arguments for method
  method <- match.arg(method)

  # Save out list of covariates from formula
  rhs <- formula %>% stringr::str_replace_all(pattern = "\\{y\\}|\\{x\\}", ".") %>% stats::as.formula() %>% all.vars() %>% setdiff(".")
  covariates <- setdiff(rhs, x)

  # Confirm that x and y variables and covariates exist
  if (length(setdiff(c(x, y, covariates), names(data))) != 0) {
      "These variables do not exist in the dataset: ",
      glue_collapse(setdiff(c(x, y, covariates), names(data)), sep = ", ")
    call. = FALSE

  # If specifying covariates but not specifying a multivariable method
  if (length(covariates) != 0 & !(method %in% c("boot_centile", "boot_sd"))) {
      "When specifying a formula that includes covariates, you must specify one of the two multivariable methods ('boot_centile' or 'boot_sd')."
    call. = FALSE)

  # If selecting a multivariable method but no covariates
  if (method %in% c("boot_sd", "boot_centile") & length(covariates) == 0) {
      "Method '{method}' was selected but no covariates were provided. ",
      "The {conf.level*100}% confidence interval around the unadjusted difference in rates will be bootstrapped."))

  # checking the x variable has two levels
  if (data[[x]] %>% stats::na.omit() %>% unique() %>% length() != 2) {
    stop(glue::glue("The stratifying variable, '{x}', must have two levels."),
      call. = FALSE

  # checking the y variables have two levels
  if (purrr::every(y, function(x) {
    data[[x]] %>%
      stats::na.omit() %>%
      unique() %>%
      length() == 2
  }) == FALSE) {
    stop(glue::glue("All outcome variables, '{y}', must have two levels."),
      call. = FALSE

  # Confirm that conf.level is not < 0 or > 1
  if (conf.level < 0 | conf.level > 1) {
    stop("The confidence level specified in the `conf.level=` option must be between 0 and 1.",
      call. = FALSE

  # Checking estimate_fun and pvalue_fun are functions
  if (!purrr::every(list(estimate_fun, pvalue_fun), is.function)) {
    stop("Inputs `estimate_fun` and `pvalue_fun` must be functions.",
      call. = FALSE

  ### DATAFRAME FOR ALL MODELS--------------------------------------

  df_propdiff <-
    tibble::enframe(y, name = NULL, value = "y") %>%
    mutate(x = x)

  # If logical, convert to 0/1
  # Reverse factor levels for x variable to match tbl_ancova output
  # Convert y to factor
  data <-
    data %>%
    dplyr::mutate_if(is.logical, as.numeric) %>%
    mutate_at(vars(y), ~ factor(.))

  ### UNADJUSTED RATES---------------------------------

  df_propdiff_summary <-
    df_propdiff %>%
      # Before creating tables, save out outcome label
      outcome_label =
          ~ label[[..1]] %||% attr(data[[..1]], "label") %||% ..1
      # Save out table of unadjusted rates
      tbl_rates =
          list(.data$x, .data$y, .data$outcome_label),
          function(x, y, z) {
            data %>%
              select(all_of(c(x, y))) %>%
              mutate_at(vars(any_of(x)), ~factor(.) %>% forcats::fct_rev()) %>%
                by = .data[[x]], missing = "no",
                label = list(z) %>% rlang::set_names(y),
                type = list(everything() ~ "dichotomous"),
                statistic = list(everything() ~ glue("{statistic}"))
              ) %>%
              gtsummary::add_n() %>%
              gtsummary::modify_header(stat_by = "**{level}**")

  ### CALCULATE DIFFERENCES-------------------------

  # For "chisq" or "exact" method
  if (method %in% c("chisq", "exact")) {
    df_propdiff_final <-
      df_propdiff_summary %>%
        estci =
            list(.data$x, .data$y),
            ~ calculate_unadjusted(
              data = .env$data %>%
                select(all_of(c(..1, ..2))) %>%
              method = .env$method,
              x = ..1,
              y = ..2,
              conf.level = .env$conf.level

    # For multivariable bootstrap methods
  } else if (method %in% c("boot_centile", "boot_sd")) {

    # Calculate central estimate in full dataset
    df_propdiff_est <-
      df_propdiff_summary %>%
        est =
            list(.data$x, .data$y),
            ~ create_model_pred(
              data = .env$data %>%
                select(all_of(c(..1, ..2, covariates))) %>%
              x = ..1,
              y = ..2,
              covariates = covariates,
              pvalue = TRUE

    # Create list of indicators for each resample, separately for each outcome
    df_bs_map <-
      df_propdiff_est %>%
      select(.data$x, .data$y) %>%
      mutate(freq = bootstrapn) %>%
      tidyr::uncount(.data$freq) %>%
        nrow =
            list(.data$x, .data$y),
            ~ nrow(
              .env$data %>%
                select(all_of(c(..1, ..2, covariates)))
        bs_assignment =
            .data$nrow, ~ sample.int(..1, replace = TRUE)
        # Bootstrapping adjusted difference
        bs_pred =
            list(.data$x, .data$y, .data$bs_assignment),
            ~ create_model_pred(
              data = .env$data %>%
                select(all_of(c(..1, ..2, covariates))) %>%
                tidyr::drop_na() %>%
              x = ..1,
              y = ..2,
              covariates = covariates,
              pvalue = TRUE
      ) %>%
      select(.data$x, .data$y, .data$bs_pred) %>%
      unnest(.data$bs_pred) %>%
      nest(bs_pred = -c(.data$x, .data$y))

  #### CALCULATE 95% CI---------------------------------

  # 95% CI for exact method already calculated

  # Calculate which centiles to use
  lower_centile <- (1 - conf.level) / 2
  upper_centile <- 1 - (1 - conf.level) / 2

  # For centile method
  if (method == "boot_centile") {

    # Calculate 95% CI using centiles
    df_propdiff_ci <-
      df_bs_map %>%
        ci =
            ~ ..1 %>%
                conf.low_2 = quantile(.data$estimate_2, lower_centile, na.rm = TRUE),
                conf.high_2 = quantile(.data$estimate_2, upper_centile, na.rm = TRUE)
      ) %>%

    # Merge with main results
    df_propdiff_final <-
        by = c("x", "y")
      ) %>%
        estci = map2(.data$est, .data$ci, ~ bind_cols(..1, ..2))
      ) %>%
      select(-.data$est, -.data$ci)

    # For mean/SD method
  } else if (method == "boot_sd") {

    # Calculate standard deviation around mean differences
    df_propdiff_ci <-
      df_bs_map %>%
        se =
            ~ ..1 %>%
              dplyr::summarize(se = sd(.data$estimate_2, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
      ) %>%

    # Merge with main results
    df_propdiff_final <-
        by = c("x", "y")
      ) %>%
        estci =
            .data$est, .data$se,
            ~ ..1 %>%
                conf.low_2 = .data$estimate_2 + stats::qnorm(lower_centile) * ..2,
                conf.high_2 = .data$estimate_2 + stats::qnorm(upper_centile) * ..2
      ) %>%
      select(-.data$est, -.data$se)

  # Standardize format of results
  df_propdiff_fmt <-
    df_propdiff_final %>%
      estci =
          ~ ..1 %>%
              vars(.data$estimate_2, .data$conf.low_2, .data$conf.high_2),
              ~ . * 100
            ) %>%
              ci = as.character(glue("{estimate_fun(.data$conf.low_2)}%, {estimate_fun(.data$conf.high_2)}%"))

  # Stack tbl_summary tables
  tbl_results <-

  # Unnest difference and 95% CI
  df_estci <-
    df_propdiff_fmt %>%
    select(.data$estci) %>%
    unnest(cols = c(.data$estci)) %>%
    select(.data$estimate_2, .data$ci, .data$conf.low_2, .data$conf.high_2, .data$p.value_2)

  # Add results to table body
  tbl_results$table_body <-

  # rename stat_1 to stat_1_1 and stat_2 to stat_2_1
  tbl_results$table_body <-
    tbl_results$table_body %>%
    rename(stat_1_1 = .data$stat_1, stat_2_1 = .data$stat_2)
  tbl_results$table_styling <-
    tbl_results$table_styling %>%
      function(.x) {
        if (!is.data.frame(.x)) return(.x)
        if (!"column" %in% names(.x)) return(.x)
        .x %>%
            column = dplyr::case_when(
              .data$column %in% "stat_1" ~ "stat_1_1",
              .data$column %in% "stat_2" ~ "stat_2_1",
              TRUE ~ .data$column

  # Update table header
  if (method %in% c("chisq", "exact"))
    estlabel <- "**Difference**"
  else estlabel <- "**Adjusted Difference**"

  # update styling -------------------------------------------------------------
  tbl_results <-
    tbl_results %>%
        estimate_2 ~ function(x) as.character(glue("{estimate_fun(x)}%")),
        p.value_2 ~ pvalue_fun
    ) %>%
      estimate_2 = estlabel,
      ci = "**95% CI**",
      p.value_2 = "**p-value**"
    ) %>%
    gtsummary::modify_footnote(ci ~ "CI = Confidence Interval", abbreviation = TRUE)

  # Add class
  class(tbl_results) <- c("tbl_propdiff", "gtsummary")

ddsjoberg/outfuns documentation built on Dec. 12, 2021, 12:23 a.m.