
Defines functions pattern pattern.default pattern.character pattern.Pattern pattern.Searchable describe_pattern

Documented in pattern pattern.character pattern.default pattern.Pattern pattern.Searchable

#' Defines or extract a search pattern 
#' Patterns defines how searches are conducted against a searchable target
#' @slot .Data character object representing a pattern.
#' @slot type character; type of search performed; one of "std" (default), "regex", 
#'      "fixed", "coll", or "charclass". See details. 
#' @slot options list; name = value pairs for search options used.
#' @param object character or pattern; 
#' @param type character; the type of match: std (default), regex, coll, 
#'        fixed.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{stri_opts_*} functions. 
#'        See details.
#' The \strong{pattern} class defines how the search is conducted.
#' The function \code{pattern} is the constructor for the class. It takes a 
#' \code{'string'} can be used to define a pattern that controls matching 
#' against a searchable target. Most often the user will want to use the type 
#' specific functions: \code{regex}, \code{coll}, \code{fixed} or \code{basic}. 
#' Eacb is described below.
#' These are closely related to the 
#' @section std:
#' The default is \code{std} matching which performs matching 
#' as base R would. This is equivalent to \code{fixed} and 
#' \code{case_insensitive = FALSE}.
#' @section regex:
#' \code{regex} matching takes a regular expression for matching using 
#' \code{stri_*_regex} functions. 
#' @section coll:
#' ...
#' @section fixed:
#' ...
#' @examples
#'   pattern('hello')
#'   pattern('hello', type="regex", boundary="starts_with" )
#' @rdname pattern
#' @exportClass Pattern
#' @export
#' @include Class-Searchables.R
 Pattern <- setClass( 'Pattern'
   , contains = 'character' 
   , representation = representation( 'character', type='character', options='list')
   , prototype( NA_character_, type = 'std', options=list() ) 

#  NB. compare with searchable
#' @rdname pattern
#' @export

pattern <- function( object, type, ... ) UseMethod('pattern')

#' @rdname pattern
#' @export

pattern.default <- function( object=NULL, type = 'std', ... ) {
  pattern.character( as.character(object), type=type, ... ) 

#' @rdname pattern
#' @export

pattern.character <- function( object, type = 'std', ... ) {
   if( object %>% is('SearchableOrPattern' ) ) NextMethod('pattern')
   new('Pattern', object, type=type, options=list(...) ) # %>% return   
#' @rdname pattern
#' @export

pattern.Pattern <- function( object, type = object@type, ... ) { 

  if( missing(type)                &&        # type not supplied 
      length( list(...) ) == 0               # no ... 
  ) return( object %>%  pattern )  

  new('Pattern', object, type=type, options=list(...) ) # %>% return   


#' @rdname pattern
#' @export

pattern.Searchable <- function( object, type = object@type, ... ) { 
  new('Pattern', NA_character_, type=type, options=if( missing(...) ) object@options else list(...) )  # %>% return   

#' @rdname pattern
#' @export

setMethod( 'show', 'Pattern',
  function(object) {
    object  %>% .describe_pattern %>% cat
    show( object@.Data )  

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------

.describe_pattern <- function(object) { 
    msg <- character() 
    if( length(object) < 2 ) msg %<>% append(  "a " )
    if( ! is.null(object@options$case_insensitive) && 
    ) msg  %<>% append( 'case-insensitive, ')
    msg %<>% append( c("'",  object@type, "' matching ") )  
    msg %<>% append( 'pattern ' )
    msg %<>% append( ":\n")
    msg %>% paste0( collapse = '' )  %>% return 
decisionpatterns/searchable documentation built on Jan. 8, 2019, 3:28 a.m.