
# Filename: 04-focal_eample.R (2017-08-29)
# TO DO: Illustrate how a focal function works
# Author(s): Jannes MUENCHOW
# CONTENTS-------------------------------------------------
# 1 ATTACH PACKAGES AND DATA-------------------------------

# attach packages

# 2 SPATIAL SUBSETTING-------------------------------------

# Subsetting example I=====================================
# create data
# raster
r = raster(nrow = 3, ncol = 3, res = 0.5, 
           xmn = -1.5, xmx = 1.5, ymn = -1.5, ymx = 1.5,
           vals = 1:36)

clip = raster(nrow = 3, ncol = 3, res = 0.3, xmn = 0.9, xmx = 1.8, 
             ymn = -0.45, ymx = 0.45, vals = rep(1, 9))
# create color scale
colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("lightyellow", "rosybrown"))

p_1 = spplot(r, xlim = c(-1.5, 2), ylim = c(-1.5, 1.5),
             col.regions = colfunc(36), colorkey = FALSE,
             par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col =  'transparent')),
             sp.layout = list(
               list("sp.polygons", rasterToPolygons(r), col = "lightgrey",
                    first = FALSE),
               list("sp.polygons", rasterToPolygons(clip), col = "black", 
                    lwd = 2, first = FALSE)))

# add another subsetting example (masking)
r_mask = raster(nrow = 6, ncol = 6, res = 0.5, 
                xmn = -1.5, xmx = 1.5, ymn = -1.5, ymx = 1.5,
                vals = sample(c(NA, TRUE), 36, replace = TRUE))
masked = r[r_mask, drop = FALSE]
p_2 = spplot(r_mask, col.regions = colfunc(2), colorkey = FALSE, 
             xlim = c(-1.5, 2),
             par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col =  'transparent')),
             sp.layout = list(
               list("sp.polygons", rasterToPolygons(r_mask), col = "black",
                    first = FALSE),
               list("sp.polygons", rasterToPolygons(aggregate(r_mask, fact = 6)),
                    border = "black", first = FALSE))

p_3 = spplot(masked, col.regions = colfunc(36), colorkey = FALSE,
             xlim = c(-1.5, 2),
             par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col =  'transparent')),
             sp.layout = list(
               list("sp.polygons", rasterToPolygons(masked), col = "black",
                    first = FALSE),
                    rasterToPolygons(aggregate(r_mask, fact = 6)),
                    border = "black", first = FALSE))

ggplot2::ggsave(filename = "figures/04_raster_subset.png",
                plot = arrangeGrob(p_1, p_2, p_3, ncol = 3),
                width = 7.5, height = 3)

# png(filename = "figures/04_raster_subset.png", width = 800, 
#     height = 300)
# plot(arrangeGrob(p_1, p_2, p_3, ncol = 3))

# Subsetting example II====================================
elev = raster(nrow = 6, ncol = 6, res = 0.5, 
              xmn = -1.5, xmx = 1.5, ymn = -1.5, ymx = 1.5,
              vals = 1:36)
elev_2 = raster(nrow = 6, ncol = 6, res = 0.5, 
                xmn = -1.5 + 1, xmx = 1.5 + 1, ymn = -1.5 + 1, ymx = 1.5 + 1,
                vals = 1:36)
# retrieves the intersection
clip = elev[elev_2, drop = FALSE]

p_1 = spplot(elev, xlim = c(-2, 3), ylim = c(-2, 3), colorkey = FALSE, 
             col.regions = NA,
             par.settings =
               list(axis.line = list(col =  'transparent')),
             sp.layout = list(
               list("sp.polygons", rasterToPolygons(elev), col = gray(0.7),
                    first = FALSE),
               list("sp.polygons", rasterToPolygons(aggregate(elev, fact = 6)),
                    border = "black", first = FALSE)))
p_2 = spplot(elev_2, col.regions = NA, colorkey = FALSE,
             sp.layout = list(
               list("sp.polygons", rasterToPolygons(elev_2), col = gray(0.7),
                    first = FALSE),
               list("sp.polygons", rasterToPolygons(aggregate(elev_2, fact = 6)),
                    border = "black", first = FALSE)))
p_3 = spplot(clip, col.regions = "lightgray", colorkey = FALSE,
             sp.layout = list(
               list("sp.polygons", rasterToPolygons(clip), col = "black",
                    first = FALSE),
               list("sp.polygons", rasterToPolygons(aggregate(clip, fact = 4)),
                    border = "black", lwd = 2, first = FALSE)

# png(filename = "figures/04_mosaic_intersect.png", width = 450, 
#     height = 450)
# plot(arrangeGrob(p_1 + as.layer(p_2, under = TRUE) + as.layer(p_3)))

# doing the same with base plotting
plot(merge(elev, elev_2), col = NA, legend = FALSE, xlim = c(-2, 2),
     ylim = c(-3, 3))
plot(rasterToPolygons(elev), add = TRUE, border = gray(0.7))
plot(extent(elev), add = TRUE)
plot(rasterToPolygons(elev_2), add = TRUE, border = gray(0.7))
plot(extent(elev_2), add = TRUE)
plot(rasterToPolygons(clip), add = TRUE, col = "lightgray")
plot(extent(clip), lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

# 3 FOCAL EXAMPLE------------------------------------------

# in the book chapter we show subsetting, that's why we have to do so here also
r[1, 1] = 0
# create polygons
# moving window
poly_window = 
  rbind(c(-1.5, 0), c(0,0), c(0, 1.5), c(-1.5, 1.5), c(-1.5, 0)) %>%
  list %>%
  st_polygon %>%
  st_sfc %>%
  st_sf(data.frame(id = 1), geometry = ., crs = 4326) %>%
  as(., "Spatial")
# target polygon
poly_target =
  rbind(c(-1, 0.5), c(-0.5, 0.5), c(-0.5, 1), c(-1, 1), c(-1, 0.5)) %>%
  list %>%
  st_polygon %>%
  st_sfc %>%
  st_sf(data.frame(id = 1), geometry = ., crs = 4326) %>%
  as(., "Spatial")

# focal example
# polygonize raster data
polys = raster::rasterToPolygons(r, na.rm = FALSE)
r_focal = focal(r, w = matrix(1, nrow = 3, ncol = 3), fun = min)
# focal sum
poly_focal = rasterToPolygons(r_focal, na.rm = FALSE)

# Visualizing
p_1 = spplot(polys, colorkey = FALSE, col = gray(0.5),
             col.regions = colorRampPalette(c("lightyellow", "salmon1"))(36),
             sp.layout = list(
               list("sp.polygons", poly_window, col = "black", lwd = 4,
                    first = FALSE),
               list("sp.polygons", poly_target, col = "gold", lwd = 4, 
                    first = FALSE),
               list("sp.text", xyFromCell(r, 1:ncell(r)), values(r)) 

p_2 = spplot(poly_focal, colorkey = FALSE, col = gray(0.5),
             col.regions = colorRampPalette(c("lightyellow", "salmon1"))(36),
             sp.layout = list(
               list("sp.polygons", poly_target, col = "gold", lwd = 4, 
                    first = FALSE),
               list("sp.text", xyFromCell(r_focal, 1:ncell(r_focal)),

png(filename = "figures/03_focal_example.png", width = 950, height = 555)
plot(arrangeGrob(p_1, p_2, ncol = 2))
grid.polyline(x = c(0.255, 0.59), y = c(0.685, 0.685), 
              arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.2, "inches")), 
              gp = gpar(lwd = 2))
dgl5gw/geocompr documentation built on May 18, 2019, 8:11 p.m.