Man pages for dgrtwo/GSEAMA
Gene set enrichment analysis made awesome

assign_genes_to_pathsAssign Genes to Paths
CompareTopColumnsCreate a graph comparing the top n columns (in terms of...
CompareTopSetsCreate a graph comparing the top n columns (in terms of...
CompareYCreate a violin plot, boxplot or histogram looking at the...
ExtractGenesReturn all genes, along with the saved metric in each of the...
find_minimal_rooted_treeFind Minimal Rooted Tree
GenerateNetworkCreate an igraph from a GeneMatrix representing GO terms
GenerateTreemapGenerate Treemap
get_ancestry_matrixBuild an offspring matrix of GO terms
GetEdgesTableCreate a data frame of edges from a GO term matrix
GetGORelativesGet all GO IDs in all_IDs that are ancestors/descendants of...
GOMembershipMatrixConstruct a new gene set membership matrix
mean_differenceCompute mean differences between "in a set" and "not in a...
PlotNetworkPlot a network from an igraph representation
sparse_castCreate a sparse matrix from row names, column names, and...
sparse_cast_Standard-evaluation version of sparse_cast
TestAssociationTest association of a per-gene attribute with each column in...
ThresholdSetsReturn a vector of genes that pass a threshold for includions
trim_ellipsesTrim the length of a character vector, adding ellipses to...
vectorized_t_testPerform a Student's T-test comparing a metric to each column...
vectorized_wilcoxon_testPerform a Wilcoxon rank-sum test comparing a metric to each...
dgrtwo/GSEAMA documentation built on May 15, 2019, 7:22 a.m.