
Defines functions simulate_isd_route simulate_isd_ts simulate_isd

Documented in simulate_isd simulate_isd_route simulate_isd_ts

#' Simulate an ISD for a single year
#' Just using the abundances.
#' @param abundances long dataframe of `id`, `abundance`, and any other identifying columns (such as `year`)
#' @param sd_dat optionally pass table with `id`, `mean_mass`, `mean_sd`
#' @param use_th_pars default FALSE, use Thibault (2010) parameter estiamtes?
#' @param isd_seed optionally specify seed to use
#' @return dataframe with one row per simulated individual, columns `id`, `mass`, `isd_seed`, and any columns in `abundances`
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr select distinct mutate left_join bind_rows
simulate_isd <- function(abundances, sd_dat = NULL, use_th_pars = F, isd_seed = NULL) {

  if(is.null(isd_seed)) {
    isd_seed = sample.int(100000000, size = 1)

  desc_data <- abundances %>%
    dplyr::select(-id, -abundance) %>%
    dplyr::distinct() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(isd_seed = isd_seed)

  abundances <- dplyr::left_join(abundances, sd_dat)

  if(use_th_pars) {

    abundances <- abundances %>%
      dplyr::mutate(mean_sd = mean_sd_th)


  species_sims <- list()


  for(i in 1:nrow(abundances)) {
    if(abundances$abundance[i] > 0 ) {
      species_sims[[i]] <- data.frame(
        id = abundances$id[i],
        mass = rnorm(n = abundances$abundance[i], mean = abundances$mean_mass[i], sd = abundances$mean_sd[i]),
        stringsAsFactors = F)

      while(any(species_sims[[i]]$mass < 0)) {

        negative_sizes <- which(species_sims[[i]]$mass < 0)

        species_sims[[i]]$mass[negative_sizes] <-  rnorm(n = length(negative_sizes), mean = abundances$mean_mass[i], sd = abundances$mean_sd[i])



  simulated_individuals <- dplyr::bind_rows(species_sims) %>%


#' Simulate ISD data for a timeseries
#' For one year or all years.
#' @param dataset list of `abundance`, `covariates`, `metadata`. See `MATSS`.
#' @param sd_dat optional, provide a dataframe with `id`, `mean_mass`, `mean_sd`
#' @param censusyears optional, specify the year to simulate for. If not provided simulates for all years.
#' @param use_th_pars default F, use Thibault (2010) scaling parameters or re-estimated ones?
#' @param isd_seed optionally specify the seed to use when simulating the ISDs. If not provided one will be chosen and returned with output.
#' @return list of `isd`, `covariates`, `metadata`
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter bind_rows
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
simulate_isd_ts <- function(dataset, sd_dat = NULL, censusyears = NULL, use_th_pars = F, isd_seed = NULL) {

  if(is.null(sd_dat)) {
    sd_dat = sd_table

  abundances_long <- dataset$abundance %>%
    dplyr::mutate(year = dataset$covariates$year) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_longer(-year, names_to = "id", values_to = "abundance")

  if(!is.null(censusyears)) {
    abundances_long <- dplyr::filter(abundances_long, year %in% censusyears)

  annual_isds <- list()

  initial_isd_seed = isd_seed

  for(i in 1:length(unique(abundances_long$year))) {

    thisyear_abunds <- dplyr::filter(abundances_long,
                                     year == unique(abundances_long$year)[i])

    if(sum(thisyear_abunds$abundance) == 0) {

      annual_isds[[i]] <- NA
    } else {

      annual_isds[[i]] <- simulate_isd(abundances = thisyear_abunds,
                                       sd_dat = sd_dat,
                                       use_th_pars = use_th_pars,
                                       isd_seed = initial_isd_seed + i)

  annual_isds <- (annual_isds)[ which(!is.na(annual_isds))]
  all_annual_isds <- dplyr::bind_rows(annual_isds) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(isd_seed = initial_isd_seed)

    isd = all_annual_isds,
    covariates = dataset$covariates,
    metadata = dataset$metadata

#' Simulate the ISD for a BBS route
#' Assumes MATSS is installed and working.
#' Uses `MATSS::get_bbs_route_region_data` to pull in a dataset and then simulates the ISD for a given year, or all years, for that dataset. Assumes MATSS is installed and working and `MATSS::prepare_bbs_data` has already run.
#' @param route which route
#' @param region which region
#' @param sd_dat optional, provide dataframe with `id`, `mean_mass`, and `mean_sd`
#' @param censusyears optional, provide a censusyear or years to use. If not provided returns for all years
#' @param use_th_pars default FALSE, whether to use sds estimated with Thibault (2010) parameters. Values are very close.
#' @param isd_seed optional, seed to use when simulating the ISD. If not provided, a seed is randomly chosen and returned with the simulated ISDs.
#' @return list of `isd`, `covariates`, and `metadata`
#' @export
#' @importFrom MATSS get_bbs_route_region_data
simulate_isd_route <- function(route, region, sd_dat = NULL, censusyears = NULL, use_th_pars = F, isd_seed = NULL) {

  routedat <- MATSS::get_bbs_route_region_data(route = route, region = region)

  sim_isd <- simulate_isd_ts(dataset = routedat, sd_dat = sd_dat, censusyears = censusyears, use_th_pars = use_th_pars, isd_seed = isd_seed)


diazrenata/BBSsize documentation built on April 21, 2022, 7:39 p.m.