
Defines functions prepare_path clean_path_remote clean_path_local dide_temp dide_home path_conan_bootstrap path_library path_worker_logs path_logs path_batch file_path remote_path unix_path windows_path clean_path print.path_mapping as.character.path_mapping path_mapping

Documented in path_mapping

##' Describe a path mapping for use when setting up jobs on the cluster.
##' @title Describe a path mapping
##' @param name Name of this map.  Can be anything at all, and is used
##'   for information purposes only.
##' @param path_local The point where the drive is attached locally.
##'   On Windows this will be something like "Q:/", on Mac something
##'   like "/Volumes/mountname", and on Linux it could be anything at
##'   all, depending on what you used when you mounted it (or what is
##'   written in `/etc/fstab`)
##' @param path_remote The network path for this drive.  It
##'   will look something like `\\\\fi--didef3.dide.ic.ac.uk\\tmp\\`.
##'   Unfortunately backslashes are really hard to get right here and
##'   you will need to use twice as many as you expect (so *four*
##'   backslashes at the beginning and then two for each separator).
##'   If this makes you feel bad know that you are not alone:
##'   https://xkcd.com/1638 -- alternatively you may use forward
##'   slashes in place of backslashes (e.g. `//fi--didef3.dide.ic.ac.uk/tmp`)
##' @param drive_remote The place to mount the drive on the cluster.
##'   We're probably going to mount things at Q: and T: already so
##'   don't use those.  And things like C: are likely to be used.
##'   Perhaps there are some guidelines for this somewhere?
##' @export
##' @author Rich FitzJohn
path_mapping <- function(name, path_local, path_remote, drive_remote) {

  if (!grepl("^[A-Za-z]:$", drive_remote)) {
    stop("drive_remote must be of the form 'X:'")

  if (grepl("^[A-Za-z]:$", path_local)) {
    path_local <- paste0(path_local, "/")

  path_remote <- clean_path_remote(path_remote)
  if (!grepl("^\\\\\\\\(.*)$", path_remote)) {
    stop("path_remote must be a network path, starting with // or \\\\\\\\")

  if (!file.exists(path_local)) {
    stop("Local mount point does not exist: ", path_local)

  ret <- list(
    name = name,
    path_remote = path_remote,
    path_local = clean_path_local(path_local),
    drive_remote = drive_remote)
  class(ret) <- "path_mapping"


##' @export
as.character.path_mapping <- function(x, ...) {
  if (is.null(x$rel)) {
    sprintf("(local) %s => %s => %s (remote)",
            x$path_local, x$path_remote, x$drive_remote)
  } else {
    sprintf("[rel: %s] (local) %s => %s => %s (remote)",
            x$rel, x$path_local, x$path_remote, x$drive_remote)

##' @export
print.path_mapping <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(paste0("<path mapping>: ", as.character(x), "\n"))

clean_path <- function(x) {
  sub("/+$", "", gsub("\\", "/", x, fixed = TRUE))

windows_path <- function(x) {
  gsub("/", "\\", x, fixed = TRUE)

unix_path <- function(x) {
  gsub("\\", "/", x, fixed = TRUE)

remote_path <- function(x, shares) {
  x <- prepare_path(x, shares)
  windows_path(file.path(x$path_remote, x$rel, fsep = "/"))

file_path <- function(...) {
  paths <- list(...)
  paths <- paths[!vapply(paths, is.null, logical(1))]
  do.call("file.path", paths, quote = TRUE)

path_batch <- function(root, id = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(id)) {
    id <- paste0(id, ".bat")
  file_path(root, "batch", id)

path_logs <- function(root, id = NULL) {
  file_path(root, "logs", id)

path_worker_logs <- function(root, id = NULL) {
  file_path(root, "workers", id)

path_library <- function(root, r_version) {
  version_str <- as.character(r_version[1, 1:2])
  file_path(root, "lib", "windows", version_str)

path_conan_bootstrap <- function(root, r_version) {
  version_str <- as.character(r_version[1, 1:2])
  file.path(root, "conan", "bootstrap", version_str)

dide_home <- function(username) {
  file.path("\\\\fi--san03.dide.ic.ac.uk\\homes", username, fsep = "\\")

dide_temp <- function(path) {
  file.path("\\\\fi--didef3.dide.ic.ac.uk\\tmp", windows_path(path),
            fsep = "\\")

clean_path_local <- function(path) {
  clean_path(normalizePath(path, mustWork = TRUE))

clean_path_remote <- function(path) {
  ## Make FQDN
  bits <- strsplit(clean_path(path), "/")[[1]]

  # Catch varieties of wpia-hn, as we need to add .hpc in domain

  if (bits[3] %in% c("wpia-hn", "wpia-hn.dide.ic.ac.uk", "wpia-hn.dide.local")) {
    bits[3] <- "wpia-hn.hpc"

  ## This contains... empty, empty, server-name, share, dir ...
  ## So server_name should always be index 3.
  ## Remove .dide.local if we find it.

  if (grepl(".dide.local", bits[3], ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    bits[3] <- sub(".dide.local", "", bits[3], ignore.case = TRUE)

  ## Add .dide.ic.ac.uk if it's not there.
  if (!grepl(".dide.ic.ac.uk", bits[3], ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    bits[3] <- paste0(bits[3], ".dide.ic.ac.uk")

  ## re_assemble
  paste0(bits, collapse = "\\")

prepare_path <- function(path, mappings, error = TRUE) {
  if (!file.exists(path)) {
    stop("path does not exist: ", path)
  path <- clean_path(normalizePath(path, mustWork = TRUE))
  ## NOTE: The following TODO's date from 2015-16
  ## TODO: currently assume that mappings does not end in a trailing slash.
  ## TODO: not sure about slash direction disagreements.
  ## TODO: 'rel' is not relative to *our* working directory
  for (m in mappings) {
    if (string_starts_with(tolower(path), tolower(m$path_local))) {
      m$rel <- substr(path, nchar(m$path_local) + 2L, nchar(path))
  if (error) {
    stop("did not find network mapping for path ", path)
  } else {
dide-tools/didehpc documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 9:27 a.m.