
Defines functions esp_get_grid_BDN_ccaa esp_get_grid_BDN

Documented in esp_get_grid_BDN esp_get_grid_BDN_ccaa

#' Get [`sf`][sf::st_sf] `POLYGON` with the national geographic grids from BDN
#' @description
#' Loads a [`sf`][sf::st_sf] `POLYGON` with the geographic grids of Spain as
#' provided on the Banco de Datos de la Naturaleza (Nature Data Bank), by the
#' Ministry of Environment (MITECO):
#'   - [esp_get_grid_BDN()] extracts country-wide grids with resolutions
#'     5x5 or 10x10 kms.
#'   - [esp_get_grid_BDN_ccaa()] extracts grids by Autonomous Community with
#'     resolution 1x1 km.
#' @family grids
#' @return A [`sf`][sf::st_sf] `POLYGON`.
#' @source
#' BDN data via a custom CDN (see
#' <https://github.com/rOpenSpain/mapSpain/tree/sianedata/MTN>).
#' See original metadata and source on
#' <https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/biodiversidad/servicios/banco-datos-naturaleza/informacion-disponible/bdn-cart-aux-descargas-ccaa.html>
#' @export
#' @param resolution Resolution of the grid in kms. Could be `5` or `10`.
#' @param type The scope of the grid. It could be mainland Spain (`"main"`) or
#'   the Canary Islands (`"canary"`).
#' @inheritParams esp_get_nuts
#' @inheritSection esp_get_nuts About caching
#' @examplesIf esp_check_access()
#' \donttest{
#' grid <- esp_get_grid_BDN(resolution = "10", type = "main")
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(grid) +
#'   geom_sf() +
#'   theme_light() +
#'   labs(title = "BDN Grid for Spain")
#' }
esp_get_grid_BDN <- function(resolution = 10, type = "main",
                             update_cache = FALSE, cache_dir = NULL,
                             verbose = FALSE) {
  # Check grid
  res <- as.numeric(resolution)

  if (!res %in% c(5, 10)) {
    stop("resolution should be one of 5, 10")

  if (!type %in% c("main", "canary")) {
    stop("type should be one of 'main', 'canary'")

  # Url
  api_entry <- paste0(

  # Filename
  if (res == 10) {
    filename <- switch(type,
      "main" = "Malla10x10_Ter_p.gpkg",
  } else {
    filename <- switch(type,
      "main" = "Malla_5x5_tierra_p.gpkg",
  result <- esp_hlp_dwnload_sianedata(
    api_entry = api_entry,
    filename = filename,
    cache_dir = cache_dir,
    verbose = verbose,
    update_cache = update_cache,
    cache = TRUE


#' @rdname esp_get_grid_BDN
#' @export
#' @param ccaa A vector of names and/or codes for autonomous communities.
#'   See **Details** on [esp_get_ccaa()].
#' @seealso [esp_get_ccaa()]

esp_get_grid_BDN_ccaa <- function(ccaa, update_cache = FALSE, cache_dir = NULL,
                                  verbose = FALSE) {
  # Get region id

  ccaa <- ccaa[!is.na(ccaa)]

  region <- ccaa
  if (is.null(region)) {
    stop("ccaa can't be null")
  } else {
    nuts_id <- esp_hlp_all2ccaa(region)

    nuts_id <- unique(nuts_id)

  # Check if it is a valid NUTS, if not throws an error

  data <- mapSpain::esp_codelist

  if (!nuts_id %in% data$nuts2.code) stop(ccaa, " is not a CCAA")

  # Switch name. The ids are the same than the NUTS code removing the "ES" part
  id <- gsub("ES", "", nuts_id)

  api_entry <- paste0(
  filename <- paste0("malla1x1_", id, ".gpkg")

  result <- esp_hlp_dwnload_sianedata(
    api_entry = api_entry,
    filename = filename,
    cache_dir = cache_dir,
    verbose = verbose,
    update_cache = update_cache,
    cache = TRUE

dieghernan/mapSpain documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 8:44 p.m.