
# MVB's inSide
#"in.poly" <-function( xy, poly) {
#inSide<-function( poly, x,y) {
#  xy<-cbind(x,y)
#  poly<-matrix(c(poly$x[-(length(poly$x))],poly$y[-(length(poly$x))]),length(poly$x)-1,2)
#  if( ncol( poly)==2)
#    poly <- poly.for.testing( poly)
#  n <- nrow( xy); np <- nrow( poly); nnp <- rep( n,np)
#  #check1 <- xor( xy[,1]>=rep( poly[,1], nnp), xy[,1]>rep( poly[,3], nnp))
#  #check2 <- rep( poly[,2], nnp) + rep( poly[,4], nnp) * xy[,1] > xy[,2]
#  #a<-as.vector( rowSums( matrix( check1 & check2, n, np)) %% 2 > 0)
#  #check1 <- xor( xy[,1]>rep( poly[,1], nnp), xy[,1]>rep( poly[,3], nnp))
#  #check2 <- rep( poly[,2], nnp) + rep( poly[,4], nnp) * xy[,1] >= xy[,2]
#  #a<-as.vector( rowSums( matrix( check1 & check2, n, np)) %% 2 > 0)
#  #check1 <- xor( xy[,1]>=rep( poly[,1], nnp), xy[,1]>=rep( poly[,3], nnp))
#  #check2 <- rep( poly[,2], nnp) + rep( poly[,4], nnp) * xy[,1] > xy[,2]
#  #b<-as.vector( rowSums( matrix( check1 & check2, n, np)) %% 2 > 0)
#  #a|b
#  check1 <- xor( xy[,1]>=rep( poly[,1], nnp), xy[,1]>rep( poly[,3], nnp))
#  check2 <- rep( poly[,2], nnp) + rep( poly[,4], nnp) * xy[,1] >= xy[,2]
#  a<-as.vector( rowSums( matrix( check1 & check2, n, np)) %% 2 > 0)
#  check1 <- xor( xy[,1]>rep( poly[,1], nnp), xy[,1]>rep( poly[,3], nnp))
#  check2 <- rep( poly[,2], nnp) + rep( poly[,4], nnp) * xy[,1] > xy[,2]
#  b<-as.vector( rowSums( matrix( check1 & check2, n, np)) %% 2 > 0)
#  a|b
in.poly1<-function( poly, x,y){
  if( ncol( poly)==2)
    poly <- poly.for.testing( poly)
  n <- nrow( xy); np <- nrow( poly); nnp <- rep( n,np)
  check1 <- xor( xy[,1]>=rep( poly[,1], nnp), xy[,1]>=rep( poly[,3], nnp))
  check2 <- rep( poly[,2], nnp) + rep( poly[,4], nnp) * xy[,1] > xy[,2]
  as.vector( matrix( check1 & check2, n, np) %*% rep.int( 1, np) %% 2 > 0)

in.poly<-function( poly, x,y){


"poly.for.testing" <-function( xy) {
  if( is.list( xy))
    xy <- as.data.frame(xy)
  if( is.data.frame( xy))
    xy <- as.matrix( xy)
  if( !(is.matrix( xy) || is.data.frame( xy)) || ncol( xy)!=2 || !is.numeric( xy[2,1]) ||
      !is.numeric( xy[1,2]))
stop( "xy must by nX2 numeric matrix or data.frame")

# Columns of poly are start.x, a, end.x, b

# Duplicate points at end of polygons. No problem if done already,
# as will be dropped in last line.
  na.rows <- c( 0, index( is.na( xy[,1])), nrow( xy)+1)
  xy <- rbind( xy, xy[1,])
  xy[ na.rows[-1],] <- xy[ na.rows[ -length( na.rows)]+1,]
  poly <- matrix( c( xy, xy[ c( 2:nrow( xy), 1), ]), ncol=4)

  poly[,4] <- (poly[,4]-poly[,2])/(poly[,3]-poly[,1])
  poly[,2] <- poly[,2] - poly[,1]*poly[,4]
  poly <- poly[ -na.rows[-1],]
  poly[ poly[,1] != poly[,3], ]

"index" <-
function (lvector)
seq_along( lvector)[lvector]
dill/dillhandy documentation built on May 15, 2019, 8:29 a.m.