prepare_request <- function(){
uid <- get_user()
# keys <- private_key(uid)
time <- get_timeStamp()
# tokens <- sapply(keys, function(key){
# encrypt_string(time, key = key)
# })
userid = uid,
username = get_username(),
# tokens = tokens,
timeStamp = time
#' Send requests to the server to query the server status or task status
#' @description \describe{
#' \item{\code{request_server}}{sends general request with authentication
#' tokens ready in the request headers}
#' \item{\code{request_task_list}}{get list of tasks of your current user ID
#' (\code{userid}) from the server}
#' }
#' @param protocol,host,port,path server location-related configurations, the
#' 'url' of request will be \code{protocol://host:port/path}
#' @param body a list of request body
#' @param header additional header key-value pairs
#' @param method method of request; choices are \code{'POST'} and \code{'GET'}
#' @param encode serialization method to encode request body
#' @param timeout maximum waiting time in seconds before aborting the request;
#' default is 15. If the server is off or fails to respond before time running
#' out, the request will result in an error.
#' @param task_status task status to filter
#' @return \code{'httr'} response. You can use \code{\link[httr]{content}} to
#' check the response contents.
#' @name restbatch-requests
authtoken <- function(host, port, token){
ans <- .globals$servers[[host]]
if(!is.list(ans)){ return("") }
ans <- ans[[port]]
if(!is.list(ans)){ return("") }
ans <- ans$token
if(!length(ans)){ return("") }
} else {
.globals$servers[[host]] <- dipsaus::list_to_fastmap2(list(), .globals$servers[[host]])
autoclose_server(host = host, port = port, auto_close = FALSE)
.globals$servers[[host]][[port]]$token <- token
#' @rdname restbatch-requests
#' @export
request_server <- function(
path, host = default_host(), port = default_port(), protocol = default_protocol(),
body = list(), header = list(), method = c('POST', 'GET'), encode = 'json', timeout = 15){
stop("Cannot request server within a task function. Are you trying to submit, get server status, collect, within the task function?")
method <- match.arg(method)
conf <- prepare_request()
dipsaus::list_to_fastmap2(header, conf)
conf <- as.list(conf)
names(conf) <- sprintf("restbatch.%s", names(conf))
if(method == 'POST'){
f <- httr::POST
f <- httr::GET
request_url <- sprintf("%s://%s:%.0f/%s", protocol, host, port, path)
# ping_url <- sprintf("%s://%s:%d/%s", protocol, host, port, 'validate/ping')
# get previous answer
token <- authtoken(host = host, port = port)
# get authentication error
res <- f(
url = request_url,
config =, conf),
httr::authenticate(get_user(), token, "basic"),
encode = encode,
body = body
if(res$status_code == 403){
stop("Authentication failed. You don't have access to the server.")
if(res$status_code == 401){
# solve the auth problem
prob <- httr::content(res)
# verify the userid
stopifnot(prob$userid == get_user())
# get question
question <- prob$question
# get the original data
server_time <- stringr::str_sub(question, end = 23)
server_keymd5 <- stringr::str_sub(question, start = 25, end = 56)
question <- stringr::str_sub(question, start = 58)
question <- stringr::str_split_fixed(question, '[ ]+', 3)
avail_md5s <- question[[1]]
question <- question[[2]]
# get my keys
avail_md5s <- unlist(stringr::str_split(avail_md5s, ";"))
my_keys <- private_key(prob$userid)
is_key <- vapply(my_keys, function(key){
md5 <- as.character(key$pubkey$fingerprint)
md5 %in% avail_md5s
if(length(is_key) && !any(is_key)){
stop("There is no single key shared between you and the server.")
# use any key
key_idx <- which(is_key)
if(length(key_idx) == 1){
key <- my_keys[[key_idx]]
} else {
key <- my_keys[[sample(key_idx, 1)]]
key_md5 <- as.character(key$pubkey$fingerprint)
# my key, server key MD5, key used to answer, question itself, and my answer
answer <- paste(server_time, server_keymd5, key_md5,
question, encrypt_string(question, key))
# file request again. If still fails, then let handlers deal with it
res <- f(
url = request_url,
config =, conf),
httr::authenticate(get_user(), answer, "basic"),
encode = encode,
body = body
authtoken(host = host, port = as.integer(port), answer)
}, error = function(e){
e$message <- sprintf("%s\n\n Please make sure you have the access to the server.\n", e$message)
#' @rdname restbatch-requests
#' @export
request_task_list <- function(task_status = 'valid', host = default_host(allow0 = FALSE),
port = default_port(), protocol = default_protocol(), path = 'task/list'){
# url <- sprintf('%s://%s:%d/%s', protocol, host, port, path)
res <- request_server(path = path, host = host,
port = port, protocol = protocol,
body = list(status = task_status), method = 'POST')
content <- httr::content(res)
content <-'rbind', lapply(content, function(item){, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
res <- data.frame(
name = as.character(content$name),
status = as.character(factor(content$status, levels = c(0,1,2,-1), labels = c("init", "running", "finish", "canceled"))),
error = as.logical(content$error),
packed = as.logical(content$packed),
time_added = as.POSIXct(content$time_added, origin="1970-01-01"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
attr(res, 'userid') <- get_user()
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