
Defines functions which.equal not_NA row_scale is_within pscl scale_01 colDiff plus_minus pm do_if not_NA not_null m_sd sapply_ii row_apply_ii NOOP F_NOOP print_summary cbind_list rbind_list trimmed.mse trimmed.mean trim se mat_m_se m_se

Documented in cbind_list do_if F_NOOP is_within mat_m_se m_sd m_se NOOP not_NA not_null plus_minus pm print_summary pscl rbind_list row_apply_ii row_scale sapply_ii scale_01 trim trimmed.mean trimmed.mse which.equal

# # # calcluation helpers

#' @title Function To Return Mean And Standard Error
#' (stable)
#' @rdname mean-se
#' @param x data
#' @export
m_se <- function(x) {
  if(length(x) == 1) return(c('mean' = x, 'se'=0))

  c('mean'=mean(x), 'se'=se(x))

#' @rdname mean-se
#' @param m matrix data
#' @param DIM margin, 1 for row, 2 for column. See \link{apply}
#' @export
mat_m_se <- function(m, DIM=2) apply(m, DIM, m_se)

se <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE) {
  n <- sum(not_NA(x))

  re <- if(n < 2) {
  } else {
    stats::sd(x, na.rm=na.rm) / sqrt(n)

  if(is.na(re)) {
    re <- 0



# We're getting some extreme values (way beyond 6SD) so let's trim them out

#' @title Trim Data By Standard Error
#' (stable)
#' @param x data to be trimmed
#' @param cutoff default is 6, then x is clipped +-6 times sd
#' @export
trim <- function(x, cutoff=6) {
  xmed <- median(x)
  z <- abs(x - xmed) / mad(x, center=xmed)
  x[z <= cutoff]

#' @title Mean Of Data After Trimmed
#' (questioning)
#' @param x,cutoff passed to \link{trim}
#' @export
trimmed.mean <- function(x, cutoff=4) {
  mean(trim(x, cutoff))

#' @title Sd Of Data After Trimmed
#' (questioning)
#' @param x,cutoff passed to \link{trim}
#' @export
trimmed.mse <- function(x, cutoff=4) {

#' @title Make rbind magrittr compatible
#' (stable)
#' @param ll the list to bind, each element will be a row
#' @export
rbind_list <- function(ll) do.call(rbind, ll)

#' @title Make cbind magrittr compatible
#' (stable)
#' @param ll the list to bind, each element will be a column
#' @export
cbind_list <- function(ll) do.call(cbind, ll)

#' Print summary and return original input
#' @param x object to print summary
#' @param FUN function to print on
#' @param ... additional parameters passing to \code{FUN}
#' @description output of a function, but return its input to allow chaining
#' @export
print_summary <- function(x, FUN=summary, ...) {
  x %>% FUN(...) %>% print

#' Apply function to input but returns input itself
#' @param x input
#' @param FUN function to apply on \code{x}
#' @param ... additional parameters passing to \code{FUN}
#' @description  Execute the function (usually for its side effect) then return (invisibly) the input to the function
#' @export
F_NOOP <- function(x, FUN, ...) {
  FUN(x, ...)

#' Apply expression but returns something else
#' @param x object to return
#' @param expr expression to run
#' @description  Evaluate an expression, but then return the input
#' @export
NOOP <- function(x, expr=NULL) {
  eval(expr); invisible(x)

#' Apply function along the first dimension
#' @param mat matrix or array
#' @param FUN_ function to apply to each row
#' @param ... additional parameters passing to \code{FUN_}
#' @description row applier with an additional index variable, ii
#' @export
row_apply_ii <- function(mat, FUN_, ...) {
  ii <- 0
  apply(mat, 1, function(...) {
    ii <<- ii + 1
    FUN_(..., ii=ii)

#' Apply each elements with index as inputs
#' @param X vector or list
#' @param FUN_ function to apply on \code{X}
#' @param simplify,USE.NAMES,... passed to \code{sapply}
#' @description sapply with an additional index variable, ii
#' @export
sapply_ii <- function(X, FUN_, simplify=TRUE, USE.NAMES=TRUE, ...) {
  ii <- 0
  sapply(X, function(...) {
    ii <<- ii + 1
    FUN_(..., ii=ii)
  }, simplify = simplify, USE.NAMES = USE.NAMES)

#' @title Function To Return Mean And Standard Deviation (Na Ignored by default)
#' (stable)
#' @rdname mean-sd
#' @param x data
#' @param na.rm remove NAs?
#' @export
m_sd <- function(x, na.rm=TRUE) c('mean'=mean(x,na.rm=na.rm), 'sd'=sd(x,na.rm=na.rm))

#' @title Return True If Not Null
#' (stable)
#' @param x data
#' @export
not_null <- function(x) !is.null(x)

#' @title Return True If Not Na
#' (stable)
#' @param x data
#' @export
not_NA = function(x) !is.na(x)

#' @title Clauses With Side Effects (Plotting Etc)
#' (questioning)
#' @param boolean_expression expression that returns true or false
#' @param if_clause if true, do if_clause
#' @param else_clause if false, do else_clause
#' @export
do_if <- function(boolean_expression, if_clause, else_clause=NULL) {
    return (if_clause)

  return (else_clause)

#' @title Easy Way To Get +/- From A Long Vector
#' (deprecated)
#' @param x data
#' @param d plus minus value(s)
#' @export
pm <- function(x,d)c(x-d,x+d)

#' @title Easy Way To Get +/- From A Long Vector
#' @param x data
#' @param d plus minus value(s)
#' @export
plus_minus <- function(x,d) {
  if(missing(d) & is.matrix(x)) {
    d <- x[,2]
    x <- x[,1]

# needed to simplify long expressions
colDiff <- function(m, ord=1:2) m[,ord[1]] - m[,ord[2]]

#' @title 0-1 Scale The Data So We Can Manage The Plot Ranges Easily
#' (stable)
#' @param x data to be rescaled
#' @export
scale_01 <- function(x) {
  m = min(x)
  s = diff(range(x))
  re = (x-m) / s
  attr(re, 'scale:min') = m
  attr(re, 'scale:range') = s

#' @title Enforce Sum To 1, Ignoring Na In The Sum, But Keeping Them In The Output
#' (questioning)
#' @param x data
#' @export
pscl <- function(x) x /sum(x, na.rm=TRUE)

#' @title Check if a is within the range of b
#' (stable)
#' @param a element to check (numeric)
#' @param b vector of numbers
#' @rdname is_within
#' @export
is_within <- function(a, b){
  (a >= min(b)) & (a <= max(b))

#' @rdname is_within
#' @export
`%within%` <- is_within

#' helper to do row scaling
#' @param mat a matrix
#' @export
row_scale <- function(mat) apply(mat, 1, pscl)

#' make it easier to say not is.na in a pipe'd context
#' @export
not_NA = function(x) !is.na(x)

#' like which.min, but for equality
#' useful when an expression for x or y is long
#' @param x,y vectors to compare
#' @export
which.equal = function(x,y) which(x==y)
dipterix/rutabaga documentation built on June 25, 2022, 2:38 p.m.