
Defines functions prevalence_predictor_mgcv

Documented in prevalence_predictor_mgcv

#' Function to predict prevalence excedance probabilities at spatial locations. Currently only support binomial data.
#' @name prevalence_predictor_mgcv
#' @param point_data Required. An sf object of points containing at least `n_trials`, `n_positive` fields
#' @param layer_names Optional names of column corresponding covariates to use. Choose from 'Layer names' as 
#' outlined [here](https://github.com/disarm-platform/fn-covariate-extractor/blob/master/SPECS.md). If none provided
#' then spatial only model assumed.
#' @param additional_covariates Optional vector of column names of `point_data` referencing additional covariates to 
#' include in the model. Defulats to NULL
#' @param covariate_extractor_url The function currently makes use of the temporary DiSARM API function `fn-covariate-extractor` 
#' to extract values of `layer_names` at locations specified in `point_data`. If this algorithm is hosted 
#' somewhere other than the DiSARM API, include the URL here. 
#' @param exceedance_threshold Required. The prevalence threshold for which exceedance probabilities are required
#' @param v The number of folds to use in the machine learning step. Defaults to 10. 
#' @param batch_size The number of adaptively selected locations required. Defaults to NULL. 
#' @param uncertainty_fieldname If `batch_size` is specified (>0), adaptive sampling is performed. To sample
#' in order to minimize classification uncertainty choose 'exceedance_probability'. To sample in order to minimize prediction
#' error choose 'prevalence_bci_width'.
#' @import geojsonio httr sf sp mgcv RANN
#' @export

prevalence_predictor_mgcv <- function(point_data, layer_names=NULL, v=10, exceedance_threshold,
                                      batch_size=NULL, uncertainty_fieldname, additional_covariates=NULL,
                                      covariate_extractor_url = "https://faas.srv.disarm.io/function/fn-covariate-extractor",
                                      seed = 1981) {

    # Run some checks
    if(!(uncertainty_fieldname %in% c("exceedance_probability", "prevalence_bci_width"))){
      stop("'uncertainty_fieldname' must be either 'exceedance_probability' or 'prevalence_bci_width'")

    if(!is.null(additional_covariates) | !is.null(layer_names)){

            # Send to covariate_extractor
            cov_ext_input_data_list <- list(points = geojson_list(point_data),
                                            layer_names = layer_names)
            status <- 0
            while(status != 200){
              response <-
                  url = covariate_extractor_url,
                  body = as.json(cov_ext_input_data_list),
            # Get contents of the response
            response_content <- content(response)
            points_sf <- st_read(as.json(response_content$result), quiet = TRUE)
            points_sf$n_trials <- as.numeric(as.character(points_sf$n_trials))
            points_sf$n_positive <- as.numeric(as.character(points_sf$n_positive))
        # Pass into cv-ml
        response_content <- cv_ml(points_sf, layer_names = c(layer_names, additional_covariates),
        # Now fit GAM model to cv predictions
        mod_data_sf <- response_content$points
        mod_data <- as.data.frame(response_content$points)
        mod_data <- cbind(mod_data, st_coordinates(mod_data_sf))
        mod_data$n_neg <- mod_data$n_trials - mod_data$n_positive
        train_data <- mod_data[!is.na(mod_data$n_trials),]
        #pred_data <- mod_data[is.na(mod_data$n_trials),]
        # Choose k
        k <- floor(nrow(train_data)*0.9)
        if(k > 200){
          k <- 200
        opt_range <- optimal_range(y = "cbind(n_positive, n_neg)", 
                      x = "cv_predictions",
                      coords_cols = c("X", "Y"),
                      min_dist  = min(diff(range(train_data$X)), diff(range(train_data$Y)))/100, 
                      max_dist = max(min(diff(range(train_data$X)), diff(range(train_data$Y))))/2, 
                      length.out = 10, 
                      model_data = train_data, 
        gam_mod <- gam(cbind(n_positive, n_neg) ~ cv_predictions +
                         s(X, Y, bs="gp", k=k, m=c(3, opt_range$best_m)),
                       data = train_data,
      # Choose k
      mod_data <- as.data.frame(point_data)
      mod_data <- cbind(mod_data, st_coordinates(point_data))
      mod_data$n_neg <- mod_data$n_trials - mod_data$n_positive
      train_data <- mod_data[!is.na(mod_data$n_trials),]
      #pred_data <- mod_data[is.na(mod_data$n_trials),]
      k <- floor(nrow(train_data)*0.9)
      if(k > 200){
        k <- 200

      opt_range <- optimal_range(y = "cbind(n_positive, n_neg)",
                                 coords_cols = c("X", "Y"),
                                 min_dist  = min(diff(range(train_data$X)), diff(range(train_data$Y)))/100,
                                 max_dist = max(min(diff(range(train_data$X)), diff(range(train_data$Y))))/2,
                                 length.out = 20,
                                 model_data = train_data,

      gam_mod <- gam(cbind(n_positive, n_neg) ~
                       s(X, Y, bs="gp", k=k, m=c(3, opt_range$best_m)),
                     data = train_data,

    # Get posterior metrics
    mod_data$cv_predictions <- mod_data$fitted_predictions
    posterior_metrics <- gam_posterior_metrics(gam_mod,
    # Bind to point_data
    for(i in names(posterior_metrics)){
      point_data[[i]] <- posterior_metrics[[i]]

    # If batch_size is specitfied, then perform adaptive sampling
      if(uncertainty_fieldname == 'exceedance_probability'){
        uncertainty_fieldname = 'exceedance_uncertainty'
      # new_batch_idx <- choose_batch_simple(point_data = point_data, 
      #                     batch_size = batch_size,
      #                     uncertainty_fieldname = uncertainty_fieldname,
      #                     candidate = is.na(point_data$n_trials))
      new_batch_idx <- choose_batch(st_coordinates(point_data),
                   entropy = point_data$entropy,
                   candidate = is.na(point_data$n_positive),
                   rho = 1 / opt_range$best_m,
                   nu = 1.5,
                   batch_size = batch_size)
        # chosen <- FALSE
        # delta <- opt_range$best_m
        # criterion <- ifelse(uncertainty_fieldname=="exceedance_probability",
        #                     "exceedprob", "predvar")
        # if(criterion == "exceedprob"){
        #   excd.prob.col = "exceedance_probability"
        #   pred.var.col = NULL
        # }else{
        #   excd.prob.col = NULL
        #   pred.var.col = "prevalence_bci_width"
        # }
        # # Automatically wind down delta in order to allow batch_size samples to be chosen
        # while(chosen == FALSE){
        #   obj1 <- point_data[is.na(point_data$n_trials),]
        #   obj2 <- point_data[!is.na(point_data$n_trials),]
        #       new_batch <- adaptive_sample_auto(obj1 = obj1,
        #                            obj2 = obj2,
        #                            excd.prob.col = excd.prob.col,
        #                            pred.var.col = pred.var.col,
        #                            batch.size = batch_size,
        #                            delta = delta,
        #                            criterion = criterion,
        #                            poly = NULL,
        #                            plotit = FALSE)
        #       if(nrow(new_batch$sample.locs$added.sample) < batch_size){
        #         delta <- delta*0.9
        #       }else{
        #         chosen <- TRUE
        #       }
        # }
        # # Get indeces of those adaptively selected
        # nearest <- RANN::nn2(st_coordinates(new_batch$sample.locs$added.sample),
        #                            st_coordinates(obj1), k=1)
        # new_batch_idx <- which(nearest$nn.dists==0)
        # Add adaptively selected column
        point_data$adaptively_selected <- FALSE
        point_data$adaptively_selected[new_batch_idx] <- TRUE

disarm-platform/disarm-r-package documentation built on March 4, 2020, 11:13 a.m.