
Defines functions sumz.tab obs.summ env.part txa.screen

Documented in env.part obs.summ sumz.tab txa.screen

#' Screening of site by taxa matrix
#' Screens site by taxa matrix for potential minimum occurrence and frequency
#' problems.
#' This function provides a warning for low numbers of observations and data
#' sets with too few observations to make any reasonable interpretation.  It
#' also warns users when 100 percent occurence is detected and how much of the
#' data set meets this criterion, as IndVal based analyses are not ideal for
#' this type of data and we might recommend other techniques (Baker and King
#' 2013). The function also assess whether occurrence frequencies for any taxa
#' fall below 3, and call attention to very small minimum split sizes.
#' @param txa A site by taxon matrix of sampled counts at each sampling
#'   location.
#' @param minSplt The minimum split size used for partitioning.  The default is
#'   to use the argument form the original TITAN function call.
#' @param messaging If \code{TRUE}, provide progress messages.
#' @return A site by taxon matrix of sampled counts at each sampling location.
#' @references Baker, ME and RS King.  2010. A new method for detecting and
#'   interpreting biodiversity and ecological community thresholds.  Methods in
#'   Ecology and Evolution 1(1): 25:37.
#' @references Baker ME and RS King. 2013. Of TITAN and straw men: an appeal for
#'   greater understanding of community data. Freshwater Science 32(2):489-506.
#' @author M. Baker and R. King
txa.screen <- function(txa, minSplt = minSplt, messaging = TRUE) {

  if (messaging) cli_alert_info("Screening taxa...")
  taxa <- data.matrix(txa)
  numUnit <- nrow(txa)
  numSpp <- ncol(txa)
  if (numUnit < 10) cli_abort("Number of observations too small.")
  if (numUnit < 20) cli_warn("Low number of observations.")

  ocrnc <- colSums(taxa > 0, na.rm = TRUE)
  minTaxa <- min(ocrnc)
  if (max(ocrnc) == numUnit) {
    detected_times <- sum(ocrnc == numUnit)
    pct_of_taxa <- round((detected_times/numSpp) * 100, digits = 1)
    if(messaging) cli_alert(
      "  100% occurrence detected {detected_times} times ({pct_of_taxa}% of taxa),"
    if(messaging) cli_alert("  use of TITAN less than ideal for this data type.")
  if (minTaxa < 3) {
    cli_abort("Minimum taxon occurrence frequency is 3, your data do not meet this criterion")

  if (minSplt < 5) {
    if (minSplt < 3) {
      cli_abort("Minimum split size should be greater than 2, preferably 5 or more; please set minSplt to larger value and try again")
    } else {
      cli_warn("Minimum split size is preferably 5 or more; please double check minSplt settings")

  if(messaging) cli_alert_success("  Taxa frequency screen complete.")

#' Partitions environmental gradient for analysis
#' This function compares the number of records in the environmental vector and
#' the umber of rows in the taxa matrix to ensure they are compatible.  It then
#' uses the rank order of environmental values at each sampling location to
#' determine group membership of all sampling sites at each level of
#' partitioning.
#' @param env A vector of values for each sampling location along the
#'   environmental gradient.
#' @param taxa A site by taxon matrix containing observed counts at each
#'   sampling location.
#' @param minSplt The  minimum split size used in binary partitioning.  The
#'   default is to use the argument from the original TITAN function call.
#' @param messaging message user?
#' @return A list of seven objects: \describe{
#'   \item{env}{an environmental vector}
#'   \item{numUnit}{the number of sample units in env}
#'   \item{numTxa}{the number of distinct taxonomic units in taxa}
#'   \item{numClass}{the number of candidate partitions (numUnit-2*minSplt)}
#'   \item{srtEnv}{a sorted version of the environmental vector}
#'   \item{envcls}{a vector of environmental values used to distinguish
#'   partitions}
#'   \item{eclass}{a matrix of group membership relative to each partition in
#'   envcls}
#'   }
#' @references Baker, ME and RS King.  2010. A new method for detecting and
#'   interpreting biodiversity and ecological community thresholds.  Methods in
#'   Ecology and Evolution 1(1): 25:37.
#' @author M. Baker and R. King
#' @keywords TITAN
env.part <- function(env, taxa, minSplt = minSplt, messaging = TRUE) {
  if(messaging) cli_alert_info("Partitioning along gradient...")
  nUnit <- length(env)
  numUnit <- nrow(taxa)
  if (nUnit != numUnit) cli_abort("Number of sites not equal between env vector and taxa matrix")
  env <- as.matrix(env)
  rankEnv <- rank(env, ties.method = "random")
  srtEnv <- sort(env)
  srtEnv2 <- sort(rankEnv)
  numTxa <- ncol(taxa)
  envcls <- srtEnv[(minSplt):(numUnit - minSplt)]
  numClass <- length(envcls)
  eclass <- matrix(NA, numUnit, numClass)
  for (c in 1:numClass) {
    eclass[, c] <- ((rankEnv > srtEnv2[minSplt + (c - 1)]) * 1) + 1
  list(env, numUnit, numTxa, numClass, srtEnv, envcls, eclass)

#' Summarizes results from TITAN's analaysis of observed data
#' This function populates the first seven columns of the 'sppmax' output table
#' with results summarized for each taxon from the output of 'getivz'.
#' The items summarized for each taxon include (1) the env value at the IndVal
#' maximum, (2) the env value at the z-score maximum, (3) the taxon's occurrence
#' frequency, (4) group membership (decreaser or increaser), (5) the observed
#' IndVal score, (6) the probability that the taxon's IndVal score could be
#' generated by random chance, (7) the z score. As the values 3-7 are computed
#' for every taxon at each candidate change point, values for the table are
#' determined by the maximum (IndVal or z score) indicated by the value of
#' 'imax'.  For further detail regarding the advantages and disadvantages of
#' using imax=T or imax=F, see Baker and King (2013).
#' @param ivzScores The product of the 'getivz' function.  A data matrix
#'   comprised of four submatrices including group membership, z scores,
#'   IndVals, and p values.
#' @param taxa A site by taxon matrix with counts observed at each sampling
#'   location.
#' @param srtEnv A sorted version of the environmental gradient.
#' @param minSplt The minimum split size used to determine partitions along the
#'   environmental gradient.  The defualt is to use the argument from the
#'   original TITAN function call.
#' @param imax A logical indicating whether taxon-specific change points should
#'   be determined using IndVal maxima or z-score maxima (as in TITAN v1.0).
#' @return The function output consists of a list of three objects: \describe{
#'   \item{obs1}{a logical indicating decreasing taxa}
#'   \item{obs2}{a logical indicating increasing taxa}
#'   \item{sppmax}{a partially completed summary output table for all taxa}
#'   }
#' @references Baker, ME and RS King.  2010. A new method for detecting and
#'   interpreting biodiversity and ecological community thresholds.  Methods in
#'   Ecology and Evolution 1(1): 25:37.
#' @references Baker ME and RS King. 2013. Of TITAN and straw men: an appeal for
#'   greater understanding of community data. Freshwater Science 32(2):489-506.
#' @author M. Baker and R. King
#' @seealso [getivz()], [titan()]
#' @keywords TITAN
obs.summ <- function(ivzScores, taxa, srtEnv, minSplt = minSplt, imax = imax) {

  ## Prep output table sppmax
  numTxa = ncol(taxa)
  sppmax <- matrix(NA, numTxa, 16)
  rownames(sppmax) <- colnames(taxa)
  colnames(sppmax) <- c("ienv.cp", "zenv.cp", "freq", "maxgrp",
                        "IndVal", "obsiv.prob", "zscore", "5%", "10%", "50%", "90%",
                        "95%", "purity", "reliability", "z.median", "filter")

  cli_alert_info("Summarizing observed results...")
  ## Obtain env values at IndVal, z-score maxima
  max.ival <- apply(ivzScores[((numTxa * 2) + 1):(numTxa * 3),], 1, which.max)
  max.zval <- apply(ivzScores[(numTxa + 1):(numTxa * 2), ], 1,which.max)

  ## Store direction of observed IndVals
  obs1 <- rep(NA, numTxa)
  obs2 <- rep(NA, numTxa)
  sppmax[, 16] = 0

  ## Write imax, zmax, freq, maxgrp, IndVal, iv.prob, zscores to
  ## table
  for (i in 1:numTxa) {
    sppmax[i, 1] <- (srtEnv[minSplt + (max.ival[i] - 1)] +
                       srtEnv[minSplt + max.ival[i]])/2
    sppmax[i, 2] <- (srtEnv[minSplt + (max.zval[i] - 1)] +
                       srtEnv[minSplt + max.zval[i]])/2
    sppmax[i, 3] <- sum(taxa[, i] > 0, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (imax == FALSE) {
      if (i == 1) {
        cli_alert_info("Estimating taxa change points using z-score maxima...")
      sppmax[i, 4] <- ivzScores[i, max.zval[i]]
      sppmax[i, 5] <- ivzScores[((numTxa * 2) + i), max.zval[i]]
      sppmax[i, 6] <- ivzScores[((numTxa * 3) + i), max.zval[i]]
      sppmax[i, 7] <- ivzScores[((numTxa * 1) + i), max.zval[i]]
      sppmax[, 7] <- round(sppmax[, 7], 2)
      sppmax[, 5] <- round(sppmax[, 5], 2)
      obs1[i] <- ivzScores[i, max.zval[i]] == 1
      obs2[i] <- ivzScores[i, max.zval[i]] == 2
    } else {
      if (i == 1) {
        cli_alert_info("Estimating taxa change points using raw IndVal maxima...")
      sppmax[i, 4] <- ivzScores[i, max.ival[i]]
      sppmax[i, 5] <- ivzScores[((numTxa * 2) + i), max.ival[i]]
      sppmax[i, 6] <- ivzScores[((numTxa * 3) + i), max.ival[i]]
      sppmax[i, 7] <- ivzScores[((numTxa * 1) + i), max.ival[i]]
      sppmax[, 7] <- round(sppmax[, 7], 2)
      sppmax[, 5] <- round(sppmax[, 5], 2)
      obs1[i] <- ivzScores[i, max.ival[i]] == 1
      obs2[i] <- ivzScores[i, max.ival[i]] == 2
  list(obs1, obs2, sppmax)

#' Summarizes the results of the community-level sum(z) analysis
#' This function populates the sumz.cp table using the resuls from function
#' 'ivzsums' and, if 'boot'=TRUE, calls 'ivsums.f' to compute ivz sums filtered
#' by pure and reliable taxa.
#' The function locates the env values of sum(z) maxima, then if 'boot'=TRUE,
#' locates the the env value of the filtered sum(z) and provides bootstrap
#' quantiles of both filtered and unfiltered distributions.
#' @param ivzScores The product of the 'getivz' function.  A data matrix
#'   comprised of four submatrices including group membership, z scores,
#'   IndVals, and p values.
#' @param ivz The product of the 'ivzsums' function.  A data matrix comprised of
#'   two parallel vectors of sum(z-) and sum(z+) scores.
#' @param srtEnv A sorted version of the environmental gradient.
#' @param sppmax The taxon-specific summary output table from TITAN, passed to
#'   'ivzsums.f'.
#' @param maxSumz A vector of sum(z) maxima across bootstrap replicates.
#' @param maxFsumz A vector of sum(z) maxima filtered by pure and reliable taxa
#'   across bootstrap replicates.
#' @param minSplt The minimum split size used to partition the environmental
#'   gradient.  The default is to use the argument specified by the original
#'   TITAN function call.
#' @param boot A logical indicating whether the bootstrap procedure should be
#'   implemented.  The default is to use the argument specified by the original
#'   TITAN function call.
#' @return A list with two objects:
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{sumz.cp}{A second summary output table from TITAN to accompany
#'   'sppmax'.}
#'   \item{ivz.f}{The product of the 'ivzsums.f' function.  A data matrix
#'   comprised of two parallel vectors of filtered sum(z-) and sum(z+) scores.}
#'   }
#' @references Baker, ME and RS King.  2010. A new method for detecting and
#'   interpreting biodiversity and ecological community thresholds.  Methods in
#'   Ecology and Evolution 1(1): 25:37.
#' @references King, RS and ME Baker  2010. Considerations for identifying and
#'   interpreting ecological community thresholds. Journal of the North American
#'   Benthological Association 29(3):998-1008.
#' @author M. Baker and R. King
#' @seealso [ivzsums()], [ivzsums.f()], [getivz()], [titan()]
#' @keywords TITAN sum(z)
sumz.tab <- function(ivzScores, ivz, srtEnv, sppmax, maxSumz = maxSumz,
                     maxFsumz = maxFsumz, minSplt = minSplt, boot = boot) {
  sumz.cp <- matrix(NA, 4, 6)
  colnames(sumz.cp) <- c("cp", "0.05", "0.10", "0.50", "0.90",
  rownames(sumz.cp) <- c("sumz-", "sumz+", "fsumz-", "fsumz+")
  sumz.cp[1, 1] <- (srtEnv[minSplt + (which.max(ivz[, 1]) - 1)] +
                      srtEnv[minSplt + which.max(ivz[, 1])])/2
  sumz.cp[2, 1] <- (srtEnv[minSplt + (which.max(ivz[, 2]) - 1)] +
                      srtEnv[minSplt + which.max(ivz[, 2])])/2
  ivz.f <- 0
  if (boot) {
    ivz.f <- ivzsums.f(ivzScores, sppmax)
    if (!is.na(sum(ivz.f[, 1]))) {
      sumz.cp[3, 1] <- (srtEnv[minSplt + (which.max(ivz.f[,
                                                          1]) - 1)] + srtEnv[minSplt + which.max(ivz.f[,
    if (!is.na(sum(ivz.f[, 2]))) {
      sumz.cp[4, 1] <- (srtEnv[minSplt + (which.max(ivz.f[,
                                                          2]) - 1)] + srtEnv[minSplt + which.max(ivz.f[,
    sumz.cp[1, 2:6] <- quantile(maxSumz[, 1], probs = c(0.05,
                                                        0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE)
    sumz.cp[2, 2:6] <- quantile(maxSumz[, 2], probs = c(0.05,
                                                        0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE)
    sumz.cp[3, 2:6] <- quantile(maxFsumz[, 1], probs = c(0.05,
                                                         0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE)
    sumz.cp[4, 2:6] <- quantile(maxFsumz[, 2], probs = c(0.05,
                                                         0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95), na.rm = TRUE)
  sumzTabList <- list(sumz.cp, ivz.f)
dkahle/TITAN2 documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 2:49 p.m.