
#' Determine the probability of type I error of a test with given sample size
#' Determine the probability of type I error of a test with given sample size
#' @param n the sample size (this is the t parameter in the poisson case)
#' @param a1 alpha, the hyperparameter of the prior distribution
#' @param b1 beta, the hyperparameter of the prior distribution
#' @param a2 alpha, the hyperparameter of the prior distribution
#' @param b2 beta, the hyperparameter of the prior distribution
#' @param a alpha, the hyperparameter of the prior distribution under the null
#' @param b beta, the hyperparameter of the prior distribution under the null
#' @param pi0 the prior probability of the null hypothesis
#' @param pi1 the prior probability of the alternative hypothesis
#' @param c relative loss constant (loss due to type II error divided by loss due to type I error)
#' @param family "binomial" or "poisson", depending on test
#' @seealso \code{\link{sampleAlphaBinomial}}, \code{\link{sampleAlphaPoisson}}, \code{\link{findSize}}
#' @export sampleAlpha
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # generate samples of size 30
#' N <- 10000#00
#' n <- 30
#' a1 <- 3; b1 <- 7
#' a2 <- 7; b2 <- 3
#' plotBeta(c(a1, a2), c(b1, b2))
#' pi <- .3
#' pi <- rbeta(N, a1, b1)
#' data <- data.frame(
#'   x1 = rbinom(N, n, pi),
#'   x2 = rbinom(N, n, pi)  
#' )
#' test <- function(x) bayesBinomTest(x, n, a1, b1, a2, b2)$reject
#' mean( apply(data, 1, test) ) # .061832 at 1E6
#' sampleAlpha_ryan("binomial", n, 1, a1, b1) # .0204
#' sampleAlpha(n, a1, b1, a2, b2) 
#' bayesRates:::sampleAlphaPoissonCpp(n, a1, b1, a2, b2, a1, b1, .5, .5, 1)
#' # note that the significance depends on all parameters
#' a1 <- 3; b1 <- 7
#' a2 <- 90; b2 <- 10
#' plotBeta(c(a1, a2), c(b1, b2))
#' f <- function(x) bayesBinomTest(x, n, a1, b1, a2, b2)$reject
#' f(c(11, 8))
#' mean( apply(data, 1, f) )
#' sampleAlpha(n, a1, b1, a2, b2) 
#' if(FALSE){
#' sim_alpha <- function(pi, N = 5E4, n = 30){
#'   data <- data.frame(
#'     x1 = rbinom(N, n, pi),
#'     x2 = rbinom(N, n, pi)  
#'   )
#'   a1 <- 3; b1 <- 7
#'   a2 <- 7; b2 <- 3
#'   f <- function(x) bayes_binom_test(x, n, a1, b1, a2, b2)$reject
#'   mean( apply(data, 1, f) )
#' }
#' sim_alpha(.3)
#' s <- seq(.01, .99, length.out = 250)
#' t1 <- sapply(as.list(s), function(x){
#'   message(".", appendLF = F)
#'   sim_alpha(x)
#' })
#' qplot(s, t1, geom = "line") +
#'   labs(x = expression(paste(pi, " = ", pi[1], " = ", pi[2])), y = expression(alpha)) +
#'   coord_equal()
#' sim_alpha_classic <- function(pi, N = 5E3, n = 30){
#'   data <- data.frame(
#'     x1 = rbinom(N, n, pi),
#'     x2 = rbinom(N, n, pi)  
#'   )
#'   f <- function(x) prop.test(x, c(n, n))$p.value < .05
#'   mean( apply(data, 1, f) )
#' }
#' sim_alpha_classic(.3)  
#' s <- seq(.01, .99, length.out = 25)
#' t1 <- sapply(as.list(s), function(x){
#'   message(".", appendLF = F)
#'   sim_alpha_classic(x)
#' })
#' qplot(s, t1, geom = "line") +
#'   labs(x = expression(paste(pi, " = ", pi[1], " = ", pi[2])), y = expression(alpha))
#' }
#' }
sampleAlpha <- function(n, a1, b1, a2, b2, 
  a = a1, b = b1, pi0 = .5, pi1 = 1 - pi0, c = 1,
  family = c("binomial", "poisson"))

  # check arguments
  stop2 <- function(x) stop(x, call. = FALSE)
  if(missing(n)) stop2("the sample size n must be specified.  see ?sampleAlpha.")
  if(missing(a1)) stop2("the hyperparameter a1 must be specified.  see ?samplePower.")  
  if(missing(b1)) stop2("the hyperparameter b1 must be specified.  see ?samplePower.")  
  if(missing(a2)) stop2("the hyperparameter a2 must be specified.  see ?samplePower.")  
  if(missing(b2)) stop2("the hyperparameter b2 must be specified.  see ?samplePower.")        
  family <- match.arg(family)
  stopifnot( pi0 >= 0 )
  stopifnot( pi1 >= 0 )  
  stopifnot( pi0 + pi1 == 1 )

  # dispatch correct function
  if(family == "binomial"){
    out <- sampleAlphaBinomial(n, a1, b1, a2, b2, a, b, pi0, pi1, c)

  if(family == "poisson"){
    out <- sampleAlphaPoisson(n, a1, b1, a2, b2, a, b, pi0, pi1, c)

  # return

#' Compute the probability of type I error of the binomial proportions test for a given sample size (n) with specified beta priors
#' Compute the probability of type I error of the binomial proportions test for a given sample size (n) with specified beta priors
#' @param n the sample size 
#' @param a1 alpha, the hyperparameter of the prior distribution
#' @param b1 beta, the hyperparameter of the prior distribution
#' @param a2 alpha, the hyperparameter of the prior distribution
#' @param b2 beta, the hyperparameter of the prior distribution
#' @param a alpha, the hyperparameter of the beta distribution under the null
#' @param b beta, the hyperparameter of the beta distribution under the null
#' @param pi0 the prior probability of the null hypothesis
#' @param pi1 the prior probability of the alternative hypothesis
#' @param c relative loss constant (loss due to type II error divided by loss due to type I error)
#' @seealso \code{\link{sampleAlpha}}, \code{\link{findSize}}
#' @export sampleAlphaBinomial
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' a <- 5; b <- 5
#' sampleAlpha(t = 20, a, b)
#' }
sampleAlphaBinomial <- function(n, a1, b1, a2, b2, 
  a = a1, b = b1, pi0 = .5, pi1 = 1 - pi0, c = 1)

  # vectorize for multiple n
  if(is.numeric(n) && length(n) > 1){
    return(sapply(as.list(n), function(x){
      message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
      sampleAlphaBinomial(x, a1, b1, a2, b2, a, b, pi0, pi1, c)
  # enumerate possible outcomes - this gets huge
  df <- expand.grid(y1 = 0:n, y2 = 0:n)
  # test, TRUE when fail to reject
  test <- function(y1, y2){
    lbeta(y1 + y2 + a, 2 * n - y1 - y2 + b) - lbeta(a, b) -
      lbeta(y1 + a1, n - y1 + b1) + lbeta(a1, b1) -
      lbeta(y2 + a2, n - y2 + b2) + lbeta(a2, b2) > log(c * pi1/pi0)
  # and put its probability here between the lines return(exp(... and ...)) 
  value <- function(y1, y2){
  	if(test(y1, y2)){  	
        exp(lchoose(n, y1) + lbeta(y1 + a1, n - y1 + b1) -
          lbeta(a1, b1) + lchoose(n, y2) + lbeta(y2 + a2,
          n - y2 + b2) - lbeta(a2, b2))
    } else {
  # sum the probabilities of each of the rejected y's and return
  1 - sum(apply(df, 1, function(v) value(v[1], v[2])))

#' Compute the probability of type I error of the Poisson rate test for a given sample size (t) with specified gamma priors
#' Compute the probability of type I error of the Poisson rate test for a given sample size (t) with specified gamma priors
#' @param t the sample size
#' @param a1 alpha, the hyperparameter of the gamma distribution of the first poisson rate
#' @param b1 beta, the hyperparameter of the gamma distribution of the first poisson rate
#' @param a2 alpha, the hyperparameter of the gamma distribution of the second poisson rate
#' @param b2 beta, the hyperparameter of the gamma distribution of the second poisson rate 
#' @param a alpha, the hyperparameter of the gamma distribution under the null
#' @param b beta, the hyperparameter of the gamma distribution under the null
#' @param pi0 the prior probability of the null hypothesis
#' @param pi1 the prior probability of the alternative hypothesis
#' @param c relative loss constant (loss due to type II error divided by loss due to type I error)
#' @seealso \code{\link{sampleAlpha}}, \code{\link{findSize}}
#' @export sampleAlphaPoisson
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' 1+1
#' }
sampleAlphaPoisson <- function(t, a1, b1, a2, b2, 
  a = a1, b = b1, pi0 = .5, pi1 = 1 - pi0, c = 1)

  # vectorize for multiple t
  if(is.numeric(t) && length(t) > 1){
    return(sapply(as.list(t), function(x){
      message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
      sampleAlphaPoisson(x, a1, b1, a2, b2, a, b, pi0, pi1, c)
  # Rcpp
  sampleAlphaPoissonCpp(t, a1, b1, a2, b2, a, b, pi0, pi1, c)  
dkahle/bayesRates documentation built on May 15, 2019, 9:07 a.m.