

## Ozone formation and decay, modified by external forcings

forcData$value <- forcData$value + 1

# O2 + O <-> O3
f <- c(
  O3 = " (build_O3 + u_build) * O2 * O - (decay_O3 + u_degrade) * O3",
  O2 = "-(build_O3 + u_build) * O2 * O + (decay_O3 + u_degrade) * O3",
  O  = "-(build_O3 + u_build) * O2 * O + (decay_O3 + u_degrade) * O3"

# Generate ODE function
forcings <- c("u_build", "u_degrade")
func <- funC(f, forcings = forcings, modelname = "test", 
             fcontrol = "nospline", nGridpoints = 10)

# Initialize times, states, parameters and forcings
times <- seq(0, 8, by = .1)
yini <- c(O3 = 0, O2 = 3, O = 2)
pars <- c(build_O3 = 1/6, decay_O3 = 1)

forc <- setForcings(func, forcData)

# Solve ODE
out <- odeC(y = yini, times = times, func = func, parms = pars, 
            forcings = forc)

# Plot solution

t1 <- unique(forcData[,2])
M1 <- matrix(forcData[,3], ncol=2)
t2 <- out[,1]
M2 <- out[,2:4]
M3 <- out[,5:6]

matplot(t1, M1, type="l", lty=1, col=1:2, xlab="time", ylab="value", 
	main="forcings", ylim=c(0, 4))
matplot(t2, M3, type="l", lty=2, col=1:2, xlab="time", ylab="value", 
	main="forcings", add=TRUE)

legend("topleft", legend = c("u_build", "u_degrade"), lty=1, col=1:2)
matplot(t2, M2, type="l", lty=1, col=1:3, xlab="time", ylab="value", 
legend("topright", legend = c("O3", "O2", "O"), lty=1, col=1:3)

## Ozone formation and decay, modified by events

f <- c(
  O3 = " (build_O3 + u_build) * O2 * O - 
         (decay_O3 + u_degrade) * O3",
  O2 = "-(build_O3 + u_build) * O2 * O + 
         (decay_O3 + u_degrade) * O3",
  O  = "-(build_O3 + u_build) * O2 * O + 
         (decay_O3 + u_degrade) * O3",
  u_build = "0",    # piecewise constant
  u_degrade = "0"   # piecewise constant

# Define parametric events <- data.frame(
  var = c("u_degrade", "u_degrade", "u_build"),
  time = c("t_on", "t_off", "2"),
  value = c("plus", "minus", "2"),
  method = "replace"

# Declar parameteric events when generating funC object
func <- funC(f, forcings = NULL, events =, modelname = "test", 
             fcontrol = "nospline", nGridpoints = -1)

# Set Parameters
yini <- c(O3 = 0, O2 = 3, O = 2, u_build = 1, u_degrade = 1)
times <- seq(0, 8, by = .1)
pars <- c(build_O3 = 1/6, decay_O3 = 1, t_on = exp(rnorm(1, 0)), t_off = 6, plus = 3, minus = 1)

# Solve ODE with additional fixed-value events
out <- odeC(y = yini, times = times, func = func, parms = pars)

# Plot solution

t2 <- out[,1]
M2 <- out[,2:4]
M3 <- out[,5:6]

matplot(t2, M3, type="l", lty=2, col=1:2, xlab="time", ylab="value", 
legend("topleft", legend = c("u_build", "u_degrade"), lty=1, col=1:2)
matplot(t2, M2, type="l", lty=1, col=1:3, xlab="time", ylab="value", 
legend("topright", legend = c("O3", "O2", "O"), lty=1, col=1:3)

## Ozone formation and decay, modified by events triggered by root

f <- c(
  O3 = " (build_O3 + u_build) * O2 * O - 
         (decay_O3 + u_degrade) * O3",
  O2 = "-(build_O3 + u_build) * O2 * O + 
         (decay_O3 + u_degrade) * O3",
  O  = "-(build_O3 + u_build) * O2 * O + 
         (decay_O3 + u_degrade) * O3",
  u_build = "0",    # piecewise constant
  u_degrade = "0"   # piecewise constant

# Define parametric events <- data.frame(
  var = c("u_degrade", "u_degrade", "u_build", "O3"),
  time = c("t_on", "t_off", "2", "t_thres_O3"),
  value = c("plus", "minus", "2", "0"),
  root = c(NA, NA, NA, "O3 - thres_O3"),
  method = "replace"

# Declar parameteric events when generating funC object
func <- funC(f, forcings = NULL, events =, modelname = "test", 
             fcontrol = "nospline", nGridpoints = -1)

# Set Parameters
yini <- c(O3 = 0, O2 = 3, O = 2, u_build = 1, u_degrade = 1)
times <- seq(0, 8, by = .01)
pars <- c(build_O3 = 1/6, decay_O3 = 1, 
          t_on = exp(rnorm(1, 0)), t_off = 6, plus = 3, minus = 1, 
          thres_O3 = 0.5, t_thres_O3 = 1)

# Solve ODE with additional fixed-value events
out <- odeC(y = yini, times = times, func = func, parms = pars, method = "lsode")

class(out) <- c("deSolve")
# Plot solution

t2 <- out[,1]
M2 <- out[,2:4]
M3 <- out[,5:6]

matplot(t2, M3, type="l", lty=2, col=1:2, xlab="time", ylab="value", 
legend("topleft", legend = c("u_build", "u_degrade"), lty=1, col=1:2)
matplot(t2, M2, type="l", lty=1, col=1:3, xlab="time", ylab="value", 
legend("topright", legend = c("O3", "O2", "O"), lty=1, col=1:3)

dkaschek/cOde documentation built on April 19, 2022, 9:16 a.m.