Man pages for dkaschek/dMod
Dynamic Modeling and Parameter Estimation in ODE Models

addReactionAdd reaction to reaction table
appendObjAppend an objective function to a basic dMod.frame
appendParframesMake a column "parframes" out of "fits" to a Data Frame equation list into a data frame
as.eqnvecCoerce to an equation vector
as.eventlistCoerce to eventlist
as.objlistGenerate objective list from numeric vector
as.parframeCoerce object to a parameter frame
as.parvec.parframeSelect a parameter vector from a parameter frame.
attrsSelect attributes.
blockdiagSymbEmbed two matrices into one blockdiagonal matrix
check_and_sanitize_predictionRun some checks on the prediction in normL2_indiv
checkout_hypothesisLoad one row of a dMod.frame into the .GlobalEnv
combineCombine several data.frames by rowbind
compareCompare two objects and return differences
compileCompile one or more prdfn, obsfn or parfn objects
confint.parframeProfile uncertainty extraction
conservedQuantitiesDetermine conserved quantites by finding the kernel of the...
constraintExp2Compute a differentiable box prior
constraintL2Soft L2 constraint on parameters
controlsList, get and set controls for different functions
coordTransformCoordinate transformation for data frames
covariatesAccess the covariates in the data
createExampleOpen a unit test template.
datalistGenerate a datalist object
datapointL2L2 objective function for validation data point
datapointL2_indivDatapointL2 without access to stored predictions
defineDefine parameter transformations by 'define()', 'branch()'...
detectFreeCoresDetect number of free cores (on UNIX)
distributed_computingRun an any R function on a remote HPC system with SLURM
dMod.frameGenerate a dMod.frame
dotSymbolic time derivative of equation vector given an equation...
eqnlistGenerate eqnlist object
eqnvecGenerate equation vector object
exmpextrExtract an example from a unit test file.
expand.grid.altAlternative version of expand.grid
extractExamplesExtract example from unit tests.
fitErrorModelFit an error model using maximum likelihood estimation
forcingsSymbReturn some useful forcing functions as strings
format.eqnvecEncode equation vector in format with sufficient spaces
funC0Evaluation of algebraic expressions defined by characters
getCoefficientsGet coefficients from a character
getConditionsExtract the conditions of an object
getDerivsExtract the derivatives of an object
getElementsGet Symbols and Numeric constants from a character
getEquationsExtract the equations of an object
getEstGridParameterMappingGet Parameter mappings outer.estgrid - inner.estgrid
getFluxesGenerate list of fluxes from equation list
getLocalDLLsDetermine loaded DLLs available in working directory
getObservablesExtract the observables of an object
getParametersExtract the parameters of an object
getParametersToEstimateDetermine which parameters need sensitivities
getParGridsGet est.grid and fixed.grid
getReactionsGenerate a table of reactions (data.frame) from an equation...
getStepIndicesGet the indices of the n largest (not necessarily best) steps...
getStepsGet the rows of the n largest steps of a parframe
ggopenOpen last plot in external pdf viewer
grapes-.-times-grapesMultiplication of objective functions with scalars
gridlistCollect grids in list
IdAn identity function which vanishes upon concatenation of fns
import_sbmlImport an SMBL model
indiv_addGlobalParsToGridlistAdd single-valued parameters to the pargrids
indiv_addLocalParsToGridListAdd individualized parameters to grids
init_empty_objlistCreate an objlist with zeros as entries
installJuliaForSteadyStatesInstall the julia setup
jakstatTime-course data for the JAK-STAT cell signaling pathway
lbindBind named list of data.frames into one data.frame
loadDLLLoad shared object for a dMod object
load.parlistConstruct fitlist from temporary files.
long2wideTranslate long to wide format (inverse of wide2long.matrix)
lsdModPrint list of dMod objects in .GlobalEnv
make_parsExtract pars, fixed and parnames from grids for a given...
match.fnargsdMod match function arguments
mnameGet modelname from single object (used internally)
modelnameGet and set modelname
msParframeReproducibly construct "random" parframes
mstrustNon-Linear Optimization, multi start
mutatedMod.frameA version of dplyr::mutate
nllCompute the negative log-likelihood
nll_ALOQNon-linear log likelihood for the ALOQ part of the data
nll_BLOQNon-linear log likelihood for the BLOQ part of the data
normL2L2 norm between data and model prediction
normL2_indivFast normL2
nullZFind integer-null space of matrix A
objframeObjective frame
objlistGenerate objective list
objtimesGet vector of logarithmically spaced time points
obsfnObservation function
odemodelGenerate the model objects for use in Xs (models with...
optimizeOptimize an Objective Function using Various Optimization...
optionsLSODESGet default arguments for integrators
PGenerate a parameter transformation function
parfnParameter transformation function
parframeGenerate a parameter frame
parlistParameter list
parvecParameter vector
PexplParameter transformation
PimplParameter transformation (implicit)
plotArrayPlot an array of trajectories along the profile of a...
plotCombinedPlot a list of model predictions and a list of data points in...
plotDataPlot a list data points
plot.datalistPlot a list data points
plotFluxesPlot Fluxes given a list of flux Equations
plot.parlistPlot a parameter list.
plotParsPlot parameter values for a fitlist
plotPathsProfile likelihood: plot of the parameter paths.
plotPathsMultiProfile likelihood: plot all parameter paths belonging to one...
plotPredictionPlot a list of model predictions
plotProfileProfile likelihood plot
plotProfilesAndPathsProfile likelihood: plot profiles along with their parameter...
plotResidualsPlot residuals for a fitlist
plotValuesPlotting objective values of a collection of fits
plus-.datalistDirect sum of datasets
plus-.fnDirect sum of functions
plus-.objfnDirect sum of objective functions
plus-.objlistAdd two lists element by element
prdfnPrediction function
prdframePrediction frame
prdlistPrediction list
predict.prdfnModel Predictions
predtimesGet a vector of linearly spaced time points for prediction
print0Print object and its "default" attributes only.
print.eqnlistPrint or pander equation list
print.eqnvecPrint equation vector
print.parfnPretty printing parameter transformations
print.parvecPretty printing for a parameter vector
priorL2L2 objective function for prior value
profileProfile-likelihood (PL) computation
profile_pars_per_nodeGenerate parameter list for distributed profile calculation
progressBarProgress bar
python_version_requestCheck if rPython comes with the correct Python version
python_version_rpythonGet the Python version to which rPython is linked
python_version_sysCheck which Python versions are installed on the system
reduceReplicatesReduce replicated measurements to mean and standard deviation
reduceReplicates.characterMethod for files (character) for data frames
renameDerivParsUpdate attr(prediction, "deriv") to correct par.grid.outer...
renameDerivParsInObjlistRename the gradient and hessian of an objlist
repWithNamesNamed repititions
resCompare data and model prediction by computing residuals
resolveRecurrencePlace top elements into bottom elemens
rrefTransform matrix A into reduced row echelon form this...
runbgRun an R expression in the background (only on UNIX)
runbg_bwforRun an R expression on the bwForCluster
runbg_bwfor_slurmRun an R expression on the bwForCluster via sshpass and slurm
runbg_bwfor_sshpassRun an R expression on the bwForCluster via sshpass
runbgInstallRemote install dMod to a ssh-reachable host
saveShinySave the necessary objects for dModtoShiny with the correct...
saveShiny_dMod.frameSaveShiny for dMod.frames
scale_color_dModStandard dMod color palette
scaledependentScale dependent flux sensitivity Analysis
scale_fill_dModStandard dMod color scheme
scaleinvariantScale invariant flux sensitivity Analysis
stat.parlistGather statistics of a fitlist
steadyStatesCalculate analytical steady states.
steadyStateToolJuliaCalculated the steady states of a given model
strelideElide character vector
strpadPad string to desired width
submatrixSubmatrix of a matrix returning ALWAYS a matrix
subset.eqnlistsubset of an equation list
sumDuplicatedParsInDerivSum redundant columns
sumDuplicatedParsInObjlistRemove redundant outer names
summary.eqnvecSummary of an equation vector
symmetryDetectionSearch for symmetries in the loaded model
theme_dModStandard plotting theme of dMod
timepointL2_indivDatapointL2 without env access
times-.fnConcatenation of functions
trustNon-Linear Optimization
unique.parframeExtract those lines of a parameter frame with unique elements...
vcovGet variance-covariance matrix from trust result
wide2longTranslate wide output format (e.g. from ode) into long format wide output format (e.g. from ode) into long format
wide2long.listTranslate wide output format (e.g. from ode) into long format
wide2long.matrixTranslate wide output format (e.g. from ode) into long format
write.eqnlistWrite equation list into a csv file
XdModel prediction function from data.frame
XfModel prediction function for ODE models without...
XsModel prediction function for ODE models.
XtGenerate a prediction function that returns times
YObservation functions.
dkaschek/dMod documentation built on March 1, 2025, 9:04 p.m.