
#' @name gibbonsecr-covariates
#' @title Model covariates
#' @description
#' Covariates can be used when constructing formulas for the various model
#' parameters using the \code{model} argument in the
#' \link[gibbonsecr]{gfit} function. However, some parameters can only
#' be modelled with certain types of covariates.
#' Covariates can be divided into the following types, according to the level at
#' which they vary:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\strong{array-level}}{These are consistent within arrays. All
#'  listening posts and sampling occasions for a given array will have the same
#'  value for an array-level covariate, but values vary between arrays. For
#'  example, \emph{season} is likely to be an array-level covariate, since it is
#'  highly unlikely that consecutive sampling occasions at a given array will
#'  overlap with more than one season.}
#'  \item{\strong{trap-level}}{These are consistent within listening posts for a
#'  given array. All sampling occasions for a given listening post will have the
#'  same value for a trap-level covariate. For example, \emph{habitat} and
#'  \emph{elevation} are likely to be trap-level covariates since they may vary
#'  between listening posts but will be consistent across occasions.)}
#'  \item{\strong{occasion-level}}{These are consistent within sampling
#'  occasions for a given array. All listening posts in an array will have the
#'  same value for an occasion-level covariate. For example, \emph{weather} is
#'  likely to be an occasion-level covariate since it will probably be the same
#'  for all listening posts for a given occasion at a given array but may
#'  vary between occasions.}
#'  \item{\strong{trap-occasion-level}}{These can vary between listening posts
#'  and between sampling occasions. For example, \emph{observer} might be
#'  a trap-occasion-level covariate since observers will (always) vary between
#'  listening posts for a given occasion at a given array, and they may also
#'  vary between occasions for a given listening post at a given array.}
#'  \item{\strong{mask-level}}{These are spatial covariates and can vary across
#'  mask points. Mask-level covariates from GIS polygon and point files can be
#'  imported and attached to mask objects using the
#'  \link[gibbonsecr]{import_shp} and \link[gibbonsecr]{add_covariates}
#'  functions.}
#' }
#' The table below shows which covariates can be used to model which parameters.
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'  \strong{Parameter} \tab \strong{Covariate level} \cr
#'  \code{D}           \tab array, mask \cr
#'  \code{g0}          \tab array, trap, occasion, trap-occasion \cr
#'  \code{sigma}       \tab array, trap, occasion, trap-occasion \cr
#'  \code{z}           \tab array, trap, occasion, trap-occasion \cr
#'  \code{bearings}    \tab array, trap, occasion, trap-occasion \cr
#'  \code{distances}   \tab array, trap, occasion, trap-occasion \cr
#'  \code{pcall}       \tab array, occasion \cr
#' }
#' @seealso \link[gibbonsecr]{gfit},  \link[gibbonsecr]{import_data},
#'   \link[gibbonsecr]{import_shp}

dkidney/gibbonsecr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 9:11 a.m.