
#' Monte-Carlo simulation
#' Performs a Monte-Carlo simulation with parameters sampled from a uniform
#' distribution using a latin hypercube method.
#' @param fn Function of interest. It must accept as its first argument
#'   a named numeric vector of parameters. It must return a named numeric vector
#'   (which can be of length 1).
#' @param p Data frame specifying ranges and defaults for the varied parameters.
#'   There must be four columns: 'name', 'default', 'min', and 'max'.
#' @param nRuns Desired number of parameter samples. The total number of
#'   evaluations of \code{fn} is \code{nRuns} + 1.
#' @param silent If \code{TRUE}, diagnostic messages are suppressed.
#' @param parallel If \code{TRUE}, parameter sets are processed in parallel if
#'   supported by the machine. The number of threads is controlled automatically
#'   (by calling \code{registerDoParallel()} with no arguments).
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to function \code{fn}.
#' @return A list of 3 elements. Elements \code{p} and \code{out} are matrices
#'   with \code{nRuns} + 1 rows. \code{p} holds the tested parameter values
#'   with column names taken from the 'name' field of \code{ranges}.
#'   \code{out} holds the return values of \code{fn}. Each row in \code{out}
#'   corresponds to the same row of \code{p}. In the common case where \code{fn}
#'   returns a scalar result, \code{out} contains just a single column.
#'   The first row in both data frames corresponds to the default parameter set.
#'   The third list element, \code{cpu} is a vector of length \code{nRuns} + 1,
#'   holding the times spent on the evaluation of \code{fn}.
#' @note If \code{fn} generated an error (or a warning) when called with a
#'   parameter set, the corresponding row in the result matrix \code{out}.
#'   is set to \code{NA}. The same is true for the corresponding element of
#'   the returned vector \code{cpu}.
#' @author David Kneis \email{david.kneis@@tu-dresden.de}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Analysis of the residuals' sum of squares for a linear model
#' obs= data.frame(x=c(1,2), y=c(1,2))
#' model= function(p, x) { p["slope"] * x + p["intercept"] }
#' objfun= function(p, obs) { c(sse= sum((obs$y - model(p, obs$x))^2)) }
#' p= data.frame(
#'   name=c("slope","intercept"),
#'   default= c(1, 0),
#'   min= c(0.5, -1),
#'   max= c(2, 1)
#' )
#' x= mcs(fn=objfun, p=p, obs=obs)
#' layout(matrix(1:2, ncol=2))
#' plot(x$p[,"slope"], x$out[,"sse"], xlab="slope", ylab="SSE")
#' plot(x$p[,"intercept"], x$out[,"sse"], xlab="intercept", ylab="SSE")
#' layout(matrix(1))

mcs= function(fn, p, nRuns=10, silent=TRUE, parallel=FALSE, ...) {

  # Check inputs
  if (!is.function(fn))
    stop(paste0("'fn' must be a function"))
  if (!is.data.frame(p))
    stop("'p' must be a data frame")
  required= c("name","default","min","max")
  if (is.null(names(p)) || (!all(required %in% colnames(p))))
    stop(paste0("missing column names in data frame 'p',",
      " expecting '",paste(required,collapse="', '"),"'"))
  bad= which(p$max < p$min)
  if (length(bad) > 0)
    stop("ranges not reasonable for parameter(s) '",
      paste(names(p)[bad], collapse="', '"),"'")
  # Sample parameters
  if (!silent)
    print("creating sample")
  prand= lhs::improvedLHS(n=nRuns, k=nrow(p))
  colnames(prand)= p$name
  for (i in 1:nrow(p)) {
    prand[,i]= p[i,"min"] + prand[,i] * (p[i,"max"] - p[i,"min"])

  # Simulation with defaults to initialize result table
  if (!silent)
    print(paste0("initial run with defaults"))
  t0= Sys.time()
  def= fn(setNames(p$default,p$name),...)
  if (!is.numeric(def) || is.null(names(def)) || (any(names(def) == "")))
    stop("'fn' does not return a named numeric vector")
  t1= Sys.time()
  cpu= as.numeric(difftime(t1, t0, units="secs"))

  readableTimeSpan= function (seconds) {
    h= seconds %/% 3600
    m= (seconds - h*3600) %/% 60
    s= round(seconds - h*3600 - m*60)
    return(paste0(h," hrs ",m," min ",s," sec"))

  if (parallel)

  # Function to process a single set
  f= function(i) {
    if (!silent) {
      elapsed= as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), t0, units="secs"))
      remain= elapsed / i * (nrow(prand) + 1) - elapsed
      print(paste0("set ",i," of ",nrow(prand),"; about ",
        readableTimeSpan(remain)," remain"))
    res= rep(NA, length(def) + 1)
      t0= Sys.time()
      tmp= fn(setNames(prand[i,],colnames(prand)),...)
      t1= Sys.time()
      res= c(tmp, as.numeric(difftime(t1, t0, units="secs")))
    }, error= function(e) {
      if (!silent)
    }, warning= function(w) {
      if (!silent)

  # Process all sets
  if (parallel) {
    tmp= foreach::foreach(i=1:nRuns, .combine=c) %dopar% f(i)
  } else {
    tmp= foreach::foreach(i=1:nRuns, .combine=c) %do% f(i)
  # Collect results
  tmp= c(c(def, cpu), tmp)                            # add default set
  tmp= matrix(tmp, nrow=nRuns+1, byrow=TRUE)          # transform
  out= matrix(tmp[,1:(ncol(tmp)-1)], nrow=nrow(tmp))  # need to use matrix here (to handle single column case)
  colnames(out)= names(def)
  cpu= tmp[, ncol(tmp)]

  # Add default parameters to table of parameters
  prand= rbind(p$default, prand)

  # Return tested parameter values and function results
  return(list(p=prand, out=out, cpu=cpu))


# obs= data.frame(x=c(1,2), y=c(1,2))
# model= function(p, x) { p["slope"] * x + p["intercept"] }
# objfun= function(p, obs) { c(sse= sum((obs$y - model(p, obs$x))^2)) }
# p= data.frame(
#   name=c("slope","intercept"),
#   default= c(1, 0),
#   min= c(0.5, -1),
#   max= c(2, 1)
# )
# x= mcs(fn=objfun, p=p, obs=obs, parallel=TRUE)
# layout(matrix(1:2, ncol=2))
# plot(x$p[,"slope"], x$out[,"sse"], xlab="slope", ylab="SSE")
# plot(x$p[,"intercept"], x$out[,"sse"], xlab="intercept", ylab="SSE")
# layout(matrix(1))
dkneis/mcu documentation built on May 15, 2019, 9:12 a.m.