
#' Prints a LaTeX table with numeric columns aligned on their decimal points.
#' This function wraps the \code{\link[xtable]{xtable}} and \code{\link[xtable]{print.xtable}}
#' functions in the \code{xtable} package so that numeric columns are aligned
#' on their decimal place.
#' See \url{http://jason.bryer.org/posts/2013-01-04/xtable_with_aligned_decimals.html}
#' for more information.
#' @author Jason Bryer <jason@@bryer.org>
#' @param x a data frame to create a LaTeX table from.
#' @param cols a numeric vector indicating which columns should be aligned on
#'        decimal points. It defaults to all columns of type numeric.
#' @param colAlignment named character vector where each element name corresponds to a
#         column name and the value is the LaTeX alignment (i.e. l, r, or c).
#' @param tocharFun the function used to convert the numeric vector to a character
#'        vector. This defaults to \code{\link{prettyNum}}, but other possible
#'        options are \code{\link{as.character}}, \code{\link{format}},
#'        \code{\link{formatC}}, or some other custom function.
#' @param ... other parameters passed to \code{tocharFun}, \code{\link[xtable]{xtable}},
#'        and \code{\link[xtable]{print.xtable}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[xtable]{xtable}}
#' @importFrom xtable xtable
#' @import Hmisc
#' @export
xtable.decimal <- function(x,
                           cols = which(lapply(x, class) == 'numeric'),
                           tocharFun = prettyNum,
                           ...) {
  splitCol <- function(x, ...) {
    s <- strsplit(tocharFun(x, ...), split = '.', fixed = TRUE)
    right <-
        s, FUN = function(x) {
          ifelse(length(x) == 2, x[2], '0')
    left <- sapply(
      s, FUN = function(x) {
    data.frame(left = left, right = right, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  cols <- cols[order(cols, decreasing = TRUE)]
  colnames <- names(x)
  for (i in cols) {
    if (i == 1) {
      tmp <- cbind(splitCol(x[,1], ...), x[,2:ncol(x)])
      names(tmp)[1:2] <-
        paste(names(tmp)[1], c('left','right'), sep = '.')
      names(tmp)[3:ncol(x)] <- names(x)[2:ncol(x)]
      x <- tmp
    } else if (i == ncol(x)) {
      tmp <- cbind(x[,1:(ncol(x) - 1)], splitCol(x[,ncol(x)], ...))
      names(tmp)[1:(ncol(tmp) - 2)] <- names(x)[1:(ncol(x) - 1)]
      names(tmp)[(ncol(tmp) - 1):ncol(tmp)] <-
              c('left','right'), sep =
      x <- tmp
    } else {
      tmp <-
        cbind(x[,1:(i - 1)], splitCol(x[,i], ...), x[,(i + 1):ncol(x)])
      names(tmp)[1:(i - 1)] <- names(x)[1:(i - 1)]
      names(tmp)[i:(i + 1)] <-
        paste(names(x)[i], c('left','right'), sep = '.')
      names(tmp)[(i + 2):ncol(tmp)] <- names(x)[(i + 1):ncol(x)]
      x <- tmp
  colnames[cols] <-
    paste('\\multicolumn{2}{c}{', colnames[cols], '}', sep = '')
  colnames <- paste(colnames, collapse = ' & ')
  addtorow <- list()
  addtorow$pos <- list()
  addtorow$pos[[1]] <- c(0)
  addtorow$command <- paste(colnames, ' \\\\ ', sep = '')
  align <- rep('l', ncol(x))
  if (!missing(colAlignment)) {
    for (i in seq_along(colAlignment)) {
      align[names(x) == names(colAlignment)[i]] <- colAlignment[i]
  align[grep('.left$', names(x), perl = TRUE)] <- 'r@{.}'
  align <- c('l', align) #Add an alignment for row names
  xtab <- xtable(x, align = align, ...)
    xtab, add.to.row = addtorow, include.rownames = FALSE, include.colnames =
      FALSE, ...
dmenne/dlatex documentation built on May 15, 2019, 9:32 a.m.