
Defines functions form_commentsCount form_comments form_entriesFromCSV form_entriesCount form_entries form_info

Documented in form_comments form_commentsCount form_entries form_entriesCount form_entriesFromCSV form_info

#' @title Return details about the forms you have permission to access.
#' @description Creates a list of all forms belonging to a user and
#' dynamically generate a form embed snippet to use in your application.
#' @param formIdentifier - this will give you information about just one form. A request without
#' the \code{formIdentifier} will return all forms.
#' @param includeTodayCount - if set to true, includes the number of entries received today.
#' If you add the \code{includeTodayCount} parameter, the value will be returned in the form's \code{EntryCountToday} property
#' @inheritParams user_info
#' @seealso \url{http://help.wufoo.com/articles/en_US/SurveyMonkeyArticleType/The-Forms-API}
#' @return \url{https://wufoo.github.io/docs/#all-forms}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' form_info()
#' }
#' @export
form_info <- function(wufoo_name = auth_name(NULL), formIdentifier = NULL, includeTodayCount = "false",
                      showRequestURL = FALSE, debugConnection = 0L, domain = "wufoo.com") {
  if (is.null(formIdentifier)) {
    form_url <- paste0("https://", wufoo_name, ".", domain, "/api/v3/forms.json")
    query <- list(includeTodayCount = includeTodayCount)
  } else {
    form_url <- paste0("https://", wufoo_name, ".", domain, "/api/v3/forms/", formIdentifier, ".json")
    query <- list(includeTodayCount = includeTodayCount)

  executedFormGetRst <- doRequest(form_url, query, showURL = showRequestURL, debugConnection = debugConnection)
  df_forms <- executedFormGetRst$Forms


#' Return responses of your form
#' @seealso \url{http://help.wufoo.com/articles/en_US/SurveyMonkeyArticleType/The-Entries-GET-API}
#' @inheritParams form_info
#' @inheritParams user_info
#' @param systemFields - return system fields. Default: true
#' @param formIdentifier - must be replaced with your form's URL or hash.
#' @param columnNames - How should be column names be called. Either "Field1", "Field2"
#' etc. or "First Name", "Last Name" (tries to make best guess). Default to the second option.
#' @param sortID - sort on a single ID, as retrieved from the \code{\link{fields_info}}.
#' @param sortDirection - choose to sort your entries ASC (lowest to highest) or DESC (highest to lowest).
#' @param pageStart - the page number you'd like to start from.  Defaults to 0.
#' @param pageSize - the number of entries returned in your page. Defaults to 25; Max = 100.
#' @description If you have 5 submissions to your form, you'll have 5 elements (rows) in the return.
#' This request returns the entries that have been submitted to a specific form.
#' This is the equivalent of viewing your stored entries in the Entry Manager in Wufoo.
#' @return \url{https://wufoo.github.io/docs/#form-entries}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' form_entries(formIdentifier = "z5kqx7h1gtvg4g")
#' form_entries(formIdentifier = "z5kqx7h1gtvg4g", systemFields = "false", showRequestURL = TRUE)
#' }
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
form_entries <- function(wufoo_name = auth_name(NULL), formIdentifier = NULL, systemFields = "true",
                         sortID = NULL, sortDirection = NULL, columnNames = FALSE, showRequestURL = FALSE,
                         debugConnection = 0L, domain = "wufoo.com", pageStart = 0, pageSize = 25) {
  entries_url <- paste0("https://", wufoo_name, ".", domain, "/api/v3/forms/", formIdentifier, "/entries.json")

  query <- list(
    system = systemFields, sort = sortID,
    sortDirection = sortDirection, pageStart = pageStart, pageSize = pageSize

  executedEntriesGetRst <- doRequest(entries_url, query, showURL = showRequestURL, debugConnection = debugConnection)

  df_entries <- executedEntriesGetRst$Entries

  # Make column names more understandable; use names of fields and apply them to the data frame
  if (identical(columnNames, FALSE)) {
    df_entries2 <- data.frame(t(df_entries))
    df_entries2$colNames <- rownames(df_entries2)

    fjoined <- fields_info(formIdentifier = formIdentifier)

    # Merge two datasets and later replace names of `df_entries` with those in `df_mergedColNames`
    df_mergedColNames <- left_join(df_entries2, fjoined, by = c("colNames" = "ID"))

    colnames(df_entries) <- ifelse(!is.na(df_mergedColNames$Title), df_mergedColNames$Title,

  df_entries[df_entries == ""] <- NA


#' Return number of responses to your form
#' @seealso \url{http://help.wufoo.com/articles/en_US/SurveyMonkeyArticleType/The-Entries-GET-API#entrycount}
#' @inheritParams form_info
#' @inheritParams user_info
#' @inheritParams form_entries
#' @return \url{https://wufoo.github.io/docs/#form-entries-count}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' form_entriesCount(formIdentifier = "z5kqx7h1gtvg4g", showRequestURL = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
form_entriesCount <- function(wufoo_name = auth_name(NULL), formIdentifier = NULL, showRequestURL = FALSE,
                              debugConnection = 0L, domain = "wufoo.com") {
  entriesCount_url <- paste0("https://", wufoo_name, ".", domain, "/api/v3/forms/", formIdentifier, "/entries/count.json")

  executedEntriesCountGetRst <- doRequest(entriesCount_url, showURL = showRequestURL, debugConnection = debugConnection)


#' Return responses of your form, from CSV format
#' @description This function imports your report csv file as a data frame from the report csv export url (example url below).
#' The report must be public and not protected. To verify your CSV url,
#' open the browser, select your report, then "Export" in "Commas (.csv)".
#' Please note that the name of your report will be in lowercase with spaces replaced with hyphens.
#' For example, the report titled "My Example Report" will be "my-example-report" in the URL as shown below.
#' E.g. \code{https://YourName.wufoo.com/export/reports/manager/NameOfYourReport.csv}
#' @inheritParams report_info
#' @inheritParams user_info
#' @inheritParams form_entries
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' options(Wufoo_Name = "johnmalc", Wufoo_API = "S6VI-I8UA-BY11-TDHO")
#' df_csv <- form_entriesFromCSV(reportName = "untitled-report", showRequestURL = F)
#' View(df_csv)
#' }
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export
form_entriesFromCSV <- function(wufoo_name = auth_name(NULL), reportName = NULL, showRequestURL = FALSE,
                                debugConnection = 0L, domain = "wufoo.com") {
  entriesFromCSV_url <- paste0("https://", wufoo_name, ".", domain, "/export/report/manager/", reportName, ".csv")

  executedEntriesFromCSVGetRst <- doRequest(entriesFromCSV_url, showURL = showRequestURL, debugConnection = debugConnection)

  df_csv <- read.csv(text = executedEntriesFromCSVGetRst, stringsAsFactors = F, header = T, na.strings = c("NA", ""))


#' Returns any comments made on this form's entries in the Entry Manager
#' @seealso \url{https://help.wufoo.com/articles/en_US/SurveyMonkeyArticleType/Entry-Manager}
#' @return \url{https://wufoo.github.io/docs/#form-comments}
#' @param entryId - If set to a number, will only return comments for the specific entry
#' @param pageStart - The comment that the request will start from
#' @param pageSize - The number of comments returned in the request (Maximum of 100)
#' @inheritParams form_info
#' @export
form_comments <- function(wufoo_name = auth_name(NULL), formIdentifier = NULL, entryId = NULL,
                          showRequestURL = FALSE, pageStart = 0, pageSize = 100,
                          debugConnection = 0L, domain = "wufoo.com") {
  comments_url <- paste0("https://", wufoo_name, ".", domain, "/api/v3/forms/", formIdentifier, "/comments.json")
  query <- list(entryId = entryId, pageStart = pageStart, pageSize = pageSize)

  executedFormCommentsGetRst <- doRequest(comments_url, query, showURL = showRequestURL, debugConnection = debugConnection)

  if (length(executedFormCommentsGetRst$Comments) == 0) {
    warning("For this form, there are no comments")
  } else {
    df_forms <- executedFormCommentsGetRst$Comments

#' Returns a count of all comments made on this form's entries
#' @seealso \url{https://help.wufoo.com/articles/en_US/SurveyMonkeyArticleType/Entry-Manager}
#' @return \url{https://wufoo.github.io/docs/#comments-count}
#' @inheritParams form_comments
#' @export
form_commentsCount <- function(wufoo_name = auth_name(NULL), formIdentifier = NULL,
                               showRequestURL = FALSE, debugConnection = 0L, domain = "wufoo.com") {
  comments_count_url <- paste0("https://", wufoo_name, ".", domain, "/api/v3/forms/", formIdentifier, "/comments/count.json")

  executedFormCommentsCountGetRst <- doRequest(comments_count_url, showURL = showRequestURL, debugConnection = debugConnection)

dmpe/WufooR documentation built on April 17, 2020, 2:12 a.m.