
#' @title Relabels a wide data2d data.table
#' @description
#' Relabels the columns of a wide data2d data.table (as generated by
#' the selectTable function in ccdata). Because this uses the
#' data.table::setnames function then the name changes happen 'in place'
#' and nothing is returned
#' @import data.table
#' @param dt data.table to be relabelled
#' @param dict defaults to ITEM_REF
#' @param label.in name for the item to be translated
#' @param label.out name of the item to be used for the new column name
#' @return 0 (if the function completes)
#' @examples
#' # use the ITEM_REF dictionary (not run)
#' # relabel_cols(tdt, "dataItem", "shortName")
#' # use a custom dictionary (not run)
#' # relabel_cols(tdt, "dataItem", "shortName", dict=analysis.dict)

# Helper function
dict_translate <- function(dict, value.a, label.in, label.out) {
    # Given a list of lists with subitems named label.in and label.out
    # then return the value in label.out given value in label.in
    # Look up the index
    i <- match(value.a, purrr::map_chr(dict, label.in))
    # Use the index to return the value for the sublist element named label.out
    value.b <- (dict[i][[1]][[label.out]])
    # Return NA instead of NULL else cannot be assigned to a vector
    if (is.null(value.b)) {
    } else {

#' @export
relabel_cols <- function(dt, label.in, label.out, dict=NULL) {
    # If no dictionary passed then use ITEM_REF.yaml
    if (is.null(dict)) {
        # Checks the ccdata package has loaded the ccdata.env
        # This will be used to relabel the columns
        # If using ITEM_REF.yaml then only the following labels are valid
        # label.in <- "dataItem"
        # label.out <- "NHICcode"
        stopifnot(all(c(label.in, label.out) %in% c("dataItem", "NHICcode", "shortName")))
        dict <- ccdata.env$ITEM_REF
    else {
        # Make sure dictionary is a list
        # - [ ] TODO(2016-05-12): check that label.in and label.out are items in sublists

    # Depends on data.table setnames function
    stopifnot("data.table" %in% class(dt))

    # Loop through names
    names.old <- names(dt)
    # check column names are unique and stop if not
    stopifnot(length(unique(names.old)) == length(names.old))
    # print(names.old)
    names.new <- vector(mode="character")
    # print(names.new)

    for (i in 1:length(names.old)) {
        # now get NHIC code from ccdata.env$ITEM_REF
        # print(dict_translate(dict, names.old[i], label.in, label.out))
        names.new[i] <- (dict_translate(dict, names.old[i], label.in, label.out))
        # update name if found
        if (!is.na(names.new[i])) {
            writeLines(paste0("... Translating: ", names.old[i], " to: ", names.new[i]))
            setnames(dt, names.old[i], names.new[i])
        } else {
            writeLines(paste0("NOT translating: ", names.old[i]))

    # print(data.table(names.old = names.old, names.new = names.new))
    # print(names(dt))
    # - [ ] NOTE(2016-05-12): nothing to return because setnames operates on the data.table passed?
docsteveharris/ccfun documentation built on May 15, 2019, 9:42 a.m.