
Defines functions convertDomoDateTime start_execution commitStream replace_ds

Documented in replace_ds

#' Replace a data source from a data.frame
#' @param data_source_id A GUID corresponding to the datasource ID from Domo.
#' @param data A data.frame from which to create a data source.
#' @param ... Additional curl and httr parameters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' DomoR::init(Sys.getenv('DOMO_BASE_URL'), Sys.getenv('DEVELOPER_TOKEN'))
#' df <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(20), nrow=10))
#' DomoR::replace_ds(data_source_id,df)
replace_ds <- function(data_source_id,data,...) {

  # check that required env variables exist
  if(!exists("customer", .domo_env) || !exists("auth.token", .domo_env)) {
    stop("Both a customer instance and token are required, please set with 'DomoR::init('customer', 'token')'")

  domoSchema <- jsonlite::toJSON(list(columns=schema_domo(data_source_id)),auto_unbox = T)
  #print(paste("SCHEMA DOMO",domoSchema))
  dataSchema <- jsonlite::toJSON(list(columns=schema_data(data)))
  #print(paste("SCHEMA DATA",dataSchema))

  stream_id <- lookup_stream(data_source_id)$id


    headers <- httr::add_headers(c(.domo_env$auth.token, .domo_env$user.agent,'Content-Type'='application/json','Accept'='application/json'))

    body <- jsonlite::toJSON(list( # id=stream_id,
                                  schemaDefinition=list(columns=schema_definition(data)$columns)), auto_unbox = T)

    create_result <- httr::PUT(paste0(.domo_env$customer.url, '/api/data/v1/streams/', stream_id),
                                body=body, headers, .domo_env$config)


    warning('schema changed')

  exec_id <- start_execution(stream_id)

  total_rows <- nrow(data)

  CHUNKSZ <- estimate_rows(data)
  start <- 1
  end <- total_rows
  part <- 1
  repeat {
    if (total_rows - end > CHUNKSZ) {
      end <- start + CHUNKSZ
    } else {
      end <- total_rows
    data_frag <- data[start:end,]
    #uploadPart (id, uploadId, part, data_frag)
    systemInfo <- Sys.info()[["sysname"]]
    if(!is.null(systemInfo) & identical("windows", tolower(systemInfo))){
      uploadPart (stream_id, exec_id, part, data_frag)
      uploadPartStr (stream_id, exec_id, part, data_frag)
    part <- part + 1
    start <- end + 1
    if (start >= total_rows)

  result <- commitStream(stream_id, exec_id)

estimate_rows <- function (data, kbytes = 10000) {
  sz <- pryr::object_size(data)
  targetSize <- kbytes * 3 # compression factor
  if (sz / 1000 > targetSize)
    return(floor(nrow(data)*(targetSize) / (sz/1000)))

uploadPartStr <- function (stream_id, exec_id, part, data) {
  FNAME <- tempfile(pattern="domo", fileext=".gz")

  put_url <- paste0(.domo_env$customer.url, "/api/data/v1/streams/", stream_id, "/executions/", exec_id, "/part/", part)

  all.headers <- httr::add_headers(c(.domo_env$auth.token, .domo_env$user.agent,
                                     'Content-Type'='text/csv', 'Content-Encoding'='gzip'))

  z <- gzfile(FNAME, "wb")

  if((Sys.getenv("DOMOR_OUTPUT_ENCODING") == "") | is.null(Sys.getenv("DOMOR_OUTPUT_ENCODING"))){
    write.table(data, file=z, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=',', na='\\N', qmethod="double")
    encoding <- Sys.getenv("DOMOR_OUTPUT_ENCODING")
    print(paste("Encoding used: ", encoding))
    write.table(data, file=z, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=',', na='\\N', qmethod="double", fileEncoding=encoding)


  size <- file.info(FNAME)$size
  b <- readBin(f <- file(FNAME, "rb"), "raw", n=size)

  result <- httr::PUT(put_url, body=b, all.headers, .domo_env$config)
  json_result <- httr::content(result)
  stopifnot(json_result$status == 200)

uploadPart <- function (stream_id, exec_id, part, data) {
  FNAME <- tempfile(pattern="domo", fileext=".gz")
  put_url <- paste0(.domo_env$customer.url, "/api/data/v1/streams/", stream_id, "/executions/", exec_id, "/part/", part)
  all.headers <- httr::add_headers(c(.domo_env$auth.token, .domo_env$user.agent,
                                     'Content-Type'='text/csv', 'Content-Encoding'='gzip'))
  z <- gzfile(FNAME, "wb")
  size <- file.info(FNAME)$size
  b <- readBin(f <- file(FNAME, "rb"), "raw", n=size)
  result <- httr::PUT(put_url, body=b, all.headers, .domo_env$config)
  json_result <- httr::content(result)
  stopifnot(json_result$status == 200)

commitStream <- function(stream_id, exec_id) {
  commit_url <- paste0(.domo_env$customer.url, "/api/data/v1/streams/", stream_id, "/executions/", exec_id, "/commit")
  all.headers <- httr::add_headers(c(.domo_env$auth.token, .domo_env$user.agent, "Content-Type"="application/json"))

  result <- httr::PUT(commit_url, all.headers, .domo_env$config)

delete_ds <- function (id) {
  del_url <- paste0(.domo_env$customer.url, "/api/data/v3/datasources/", id, "?deleteMethod=hard")
  http.headers <- httr::add_headers(c(.domo_env$auth.token, .domo_env$user.agent))
  result <- httr::DELETE(del_url, http.headers, .domo_env$config)

start_execution <- function(stream_id) {
  url <- paste0(.domo_env$customer.url, "/api/data/v1/streams/", stream_id, "/executions")
  http.headers <- httr::add_headers(c(.domo_env$auth.token, .domo_env$user.agent))
  result <- httr::POST(url, http.headers, .domo_env$config)
  x <- httr::content(result)

convertDomoDateTime <- function(v) {

  date_time <- tryCatch({ as.POSIXct(strptime(v,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) }, error = function(err) { NA })
  if (is.na(date_time[1]))
    date_time <- tryCatch({ as.POSIXct(strptime(v,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) }, error = function(err) { NA })
  if (is.na(date_time[1]))
    date_time <- tryCatch({ as.Date(v) }, error = function(err) { NA })

domoinc-r/DomoR documentation built on Aug. 8, 2020, 1:42 p.m.