.adapGridMosaicsZ0_OS <- function( Y, M, GC, bgEst=NA,
min_n_MGC=50, grids_MGC=c(0.01,0.02,0.04,0.10,0.20,0.50),
parallel=parallel, nCore=nCore )
M_u <- GC_u <- a_u <- b_u <- mean0_u <- var0_u <-
u0_u <- u1_u <- u2_u <- n_u <- ty_u <- unitM_u <- c()
Y_freq <- table(Y)
# iteration of adaptive griding
for ( i in 1:length(grids_MGC) )
message( "Info: grid = ", grids_MGC[i] )
if ( i==1 )
# initialization
Y2 <- Y
M2 <- M
GC2 <- GC
} else
# check (M,GC) pair satisfying the condition
# if condition satisfied for (M,GC) pair,
# then keep results and remove (M,GC) pair
# otherwise, retain (M,GC) pair
Y2 <- M2 <- GC2 <- c()
N <- length(par_est2$M_u)
for ( j in 1:N )
if ( par_est2$n_u[j] < min_n_MGC )
Y_sub_j <- par_est2$Y_sub_list[[j]]
nj <- length(Y_sub_j)
Y2 <- c( Y2, Y_sub_j )
M2 <- c( M2, rep( par_est2$M_u[j], nj ) )
GC2 <- c( GC2, rep( par_est2$GC_u[j], nj ) )
} else
M_u <- c( M_u, par_est2$M_u[j] )
GC_u <- c( GC_u, par_est2$GC_u[j] )
a_u <- c( a_u, par_est2$a_u[j] )
b_u <- c( b_u, par_est2$b_u[j] )
mean0_u <- c( mean0_u, par_est2$mean0_u[j] )
var0_u <- c( var0_u, par_est2$var0_u[j] )
n_u <- c( n_u, par_est2$n_u[j] )
u0_u <- c( u0_u, par_est2$u0_u[j] )
u1_u <- c( u1_u, par_est2$u1_u[j] )
u2_u <- c( u2_u, par_est2$u2_u[j] )
ty_u <- c( ty_u, par_est2$ty_u[j] )
unitM_u <- c( unitM_u, grids_MGC[(i-1)] )
# redefine grids
if ( length(M2) > 0 )
unitM <- grids_MGC[i]
M3 <- M2
GC3 <- GC2
for ( j in 1:((1/unitM)-1) )
M2.j <- M2[ M2>=unitM*(j-1) & M2<unitM*j ]
GC2.j <- GC2[ GC2>=unitM*(j-1) & GC2<unitM*j ]
M3[ M2>=unitM*(j-1) & M2<unitM*j ] <- median(M2.j)
GC3[ GC2>=unitM*(j-1) & GC2<unitM*j ] <- median(GC2.j)
M2.j <- M2[ M2>=unitM*((1/unitM)-1) & M2<=unitM*(1/unitM) ]
GC2.j <- GC2[ GC2>=unitM*((1/unitM)-1) & GC2<=unitM*(1/unitM) ]
M3[ M2>=unitM*((1/unitM)-1) & M2<=unitM*(1/unitM) ] <- median(M2.j)
GC3[ GC2>=unitM*((1/unitM)-1) & GC2<=unitM*(1/unitM) ] <- median(GC2.j)
M2 <- M3
GC2 <- GC3
rm( M3, GC3 )
# if there is no more (M,GC) pair, then stop iterations
if ( length(Y2)==0 )
# background fit
par_est2 <- .mosaicsZ0( Y=Y2, bgEst=bgEst, analysisType="OS",
M=M2, GC=GC2, Y_freq=Y_freq,
parallel=parallel, nCore=nCore )
smallN <- which( par_est2$n_u < min_n_MGC )
n.uns <- length(smallN) / length(par_est2$n_u)
#print( paste("percentage of (M,GC) pair with small n:",n.uns) )
#print( "distribution of n:" )
#print( quantile( par_est2$n_u, seq(0,1,0.05) ) )
# if it is the last iteration, keep the remaining
if ( i==length(grids_MGC) )
M_u <- c( M_u, par_est2$M_u )
GC_u <- c( GC_u, par_est2$GC_u )
a_u <- c( a_u, par_est2$a_u )
b_u <- c( b_u, par_est2$b_u )
mean0_u <- c( mean0_u, par_est2$mean0_u )
var0_u <- c( var0_u, par_est2$var0_u )
n_u <- c( n_u, par_est2$n_u )
u0_u <- c( u0_u, par_est2$u0_u )
u1_u <- c( u1_u, par_est2$u1_u )
u2_u <- c( u2_u, par_est2$u2_u )
ty_u <- c( ty_u, par_est2$ty_u )
unitM_u <- c( unitM_u, rep( grids_MGC[i], length(par_est2$M_u) ) )
# return object
par_est_final <- list( M_u = M_u, GC_u = GC_u, a_u = a_u, b_u = b_u,
mean0_u = mean0_u, var0_u = var0_u,
u0_u = u0_u, u1_u = u1_u, u2_u = u2_u, n_u = n_u, ty_u = ty_u,
Y_val = as.numeric(names(table(Y))), Y_freq = table(Y), unitM_u = unitM_u )
return( par_est_final )
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