Man pages for douglasgscofield/readGenalex
Read, Write, Manipulate and Convert GenAlEx-Format Genotype Files

addLocusAdd genotype data to an object of class genalex class genalex to data frame
as.genalexConvert object to class genalex
as.geneticsConvert class genalex object to data frame encoding loci...
as.loci.genalexConvert class genalex object to data frame of class loci from...
cbind.genalexCombine loci from class genalex data sets
checkNullAllelesCheck for potential null (non-amplifying) alleles
dropLocusRemove specified loci from data frame of class genalex
extraReturn or set the extra data columns of an object of class...
genalexCreate new object of class genalex from constituent data
getLocusReturn genotype data for specified loci
getLocusColumnsDetermine numeric column positions occupied by named loci
getPopulationReturn genotypes for specified populations
is.genalexCheck to see if an object is of class genalex
joinGenotypesJoin genotypes encoded as separate alleles into single...
ploidyReturn ploidy for object of class genalex
printGenotypePrint selected genotypes
Qagr_adult_genotypesCoast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) adult microsatellite...
Qagr_pericarp_genotypesCoast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) pericarp microsatellite...
rbind.genalexCombine class genalex data sets by adding rows
readGenalexRead GenAlEx-format genotypes file
readGenalex-deprecatedDeprecated functions in the readGenalex package
readGenalexExcelRead GenAlEx-format genotypes from an Excel worksheet
readGenalex-packageRead, manipulate, write and convert GenAlEx-format genotype...
reducePloidyReduce the ploidy of an object of class genalex
reorderLociReorder class genalex genotype columns
replaceLocusReplace genotype data in data frame of class genalex
splitGenotypesSplit genotypes encoded like class genotype into separate...
summary.genalexSummarise contents of class genalex data frame
writeGenalexWrite GenAlEx-format genotypes to a text file
writeGenalexExcelWrite GenAlEx-format genotypes to an Excel worksheet
writeGenepopWrite GenAlEx-format genotypes to a text file in Genepop...
douglasgscofield/readGenalex documentation built on May 15, 2019, 10:43 a.m.