
Defines functions unimport .sidiap.import file_choose .cat.import .dots_f

Documented in file_choose unimport

.dots_f <- function(l, args) {
  y <- names(l)
  funs <- lapply(y, function(y) paste0(y,"::",l[[y]])) %>% unlist
  params <- lapply(funs,
                   function(x) eval(parse(text = x)) %>% formals %>% names) %>% unlist
  params <- unique(params)
  args[names(args) %in% params]

.cat.import <- function(file, ...){
  type = stringr::str_extract(file,'[^.]*$')
  if (grepl("xlsx|xls",type)) {
    l <- .dots_f(list(readxl="read_excel"), list(...))
    if (is.null(l$sheet)) l$sheet = 1
    l = c(list(file),l)
    out = data.table::setDT(do.call(readxl::read_excel, l))
  } else {
    l <- .dots_f(list(data.table="fread"), list(...))
    l = c(list(file),l)
    out = do.call(data.table::fread, l)

file_choose <- function(input,dialogue="console") {

  if (dialogue == "console") {
    cat("Select the desired file: (row number)\n")
    input %>% basename %>% cbind %>% unname %>% print
    pos = scan(n=1, quiet=T)
    Myfile = input[pos]
  } else if (dialogue == "window") {
    path <- sub('/([^/]*)$', '', input[1])
    Myfile = choose.files(default=paste0(getwd(), "/*.*"))

# sidiap.import = function(x,sep="|",...){
#   data.table::fread(x,sep=sep,...) %>%
#     mutate_if(.,is.integer,uem.anydate)
# }

.sidiap.import <- function(x,sep="|",...){

  d <- `if`(sub('.*\\.', '', x)=="rds", readRDS(x), fread(x,sep=sep,...))


## unimport: Import any kind of file used in a UEM statistical analysis project.

# 6 type of files: (Rscript, Rimage, data.frame, excel, csv, sidiap and textfile)
# Requires the type, path and the filename

unimport <- function(type,path,filename,exact_string=F, ...){
  elli <- list(...)
  equivalences <-data.table(

  ext <- equivalences[Filetype==type,Extension] # we get the extension of our type

  lf <- list.files(path=path, full.names = T)
  lf <- grepl(ext,tools::file_ext(lf)) %>% lf[.] # lf are the files with the desired type
  if (length(lf)==0) stop('Error: There is no file with the type specified')

  fn <- grep(filename, tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(lf)),
             ignore.case = T) %>% lf[.] # fn are the candidates to import
  if (length(fn)==0) stop('Error: There is no file with the filename specified')

  if (exact_string) {
    fn <- fn[tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(fn))==filename]
    if (length(fn)==0) stop('Error: There is no file with the exact filename specified')

  if (length(fn) > 1L) {
    file_choose_names = names(formals(file_choose))
    fn = do.call(file_choose,c(list(fn),.dots_f(list(UEMR="file_choose"), elli)))

  if (type %in% c("textfile","excel","csv")) {
    do.call(.cat.import,c(fn, elli))
  } else if (type == "Rscript") {
    do.call(source, c(list(fn),.dots_f(list(base="source"),elli)))
  } else if (type %in% c("Robject","data.frame")) {
  } else if (type=="sidiap") {
  } else if (type == "Rimage") {
    load(fn, envir = .GlobalEnv)

douve/UEMR documentation built on July 3, 2024, 12:43 a.m.