
Defines functions getSens

Documented in getSens

# R-Code to calculate Q10-value based on SCAPE Copyright (C) 2013 Fabian Gans,
# Miguel Mahecha This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the GNU
# General Public License along with this program.  If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Estimate temperature sensitivty value and time varying $R_b$ from temperature and efflux time series including uncertainty.
#' @description
#' Function to determine the temperature sensitivity sensitivity and time varying
## basal efflux (R$_b(i)$) from a given transformed temperature and efflux
## (usually respiration) time series according the principle of 'SCAle dependent
## Parameter Estimation, SCAPE' (Mahecha et al. 2010).  This function should not
## be called directly please use getQ10, getArrhenius or getLloydTaylor instead.
#' @param temperature numeric vector: temperature time series
#' @param respiration numeric vector: respiration time series
#' @param sf numeric: sampling rate, number of measurements (per day)
#' @param gettau numeric: function to transform the exponent in the sensitivity model
#' @param fborder numeric: boundary for dividing high- and low-frequency parts (in days)
#' @param M numeric vector: size of SSA window (in days)
#' @param nss numeric vector: number of surrogate samples
#' @param method String: method to be applied for signal decomposition (choose from 'Fourier','SSA','MA','EMD','Spline')
#' @param weights numeric vector: optional vector of weights to be used for linear regression, points can be set to 0 for bad data points
#' @param lag numeric vector: optional vector of time lags between respiration and temprature signal
#' @param gapFilling Logical: Choose whether Gap-Filling should be applied
#' @param doPlot Logical: Choose whether Surrogates should be plotted
#' @description
#' General Function to determine the temperature sensitivity (\eqn{S}{S} value) and time varying basal efflux (\eqn{R_b}{R_b}) from a given temperature and efflux (usually respiration) time series.
#' The following general model is assumed:
#' \eqn{Resp(i) = R_b e^\frac{S}{tau}}{Resp(i) = Rb exp(S/tau)},
#' where \eqn{i}{i} is the time index. It has been shown, however, that this model is misleading when \eqn{R_b}{Rb} is varying over time which can be expected in many real world examples (e.g. Sampson et al. 2008).
#' If \eqn{R_b}{Rb} varies slowly, i.e. with some low frequency then the 'scale dependent parameter estimation, SCAPE'
#' allows us to identify this oscillatory pattern. As a consequence, the estimation of \eqn{Q_{10}}{Q10} can be substantially stabilized (Mahecha et al. 2010). The model becomes
#' \eqn{Resp(i) = R_b(i)Q_{10}^\frac{T(i)-Tref}{gamma}}{Resp(i) = Rb(i) * Q10^((T(i)-Tref)/(gamma)},
#' where \eqn{R_b(i)}{Rb(i)} is the time varying 'basal respiration', i.e. the respiration expected at \eqn{Tref}{Tref}. The convenience function getQ10 allows to extract the \eqn{Q_{10}}{Q10} value minimizing the confounding factor of the time varying \eqn{R_b}{Rb}. Four different spectral methods can be used and compared. A surrogate technique (function by curtsey of Dr. Henning Rust, written in the context of Venema et al. 2006) is applied to propagate the uncertainty due to the decomposition.
#' The user is strongly encouraged to use the function with caution, i.e. see critique by Graf et al. (2011).
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @author
#' Fabian Gans, Miguel D. Mahecha, MPI BGC Jena, Germany, fgans@bgc-jena.mpg.de mmahecha@bgc-jena.mpg.de
getSens <- function(temperature, respiration, sf, gettau, fborder = 30, M = -1, nss = 0,
  method = "Fourier", weights = NULL, lag = NULL, gapFilling = TRUE, doPlot = FALSE) {
  # Check if weights are given
  cat("Checking and preparing data ")
  if (length(weights) == 0)
    weights = rep(1, length(temperature))
  if ((length(weights) != length(temperature)) | (length(weights) != length(respiration)))
    stop("Error: Input data must have the same length")

  DAT <- data.frame(temperature, respiration, weights)
  DAT <- testAndFillMissing(DAT, sf)

  if (sd(DAT$temperature) == 0 | sd(DAT$respiration) == 0) {
    stop("Constant time series not allowed!")

  if (mean(DAT$temperature) < 150) {
    cat("assuming temperature is given in deg C")
  } else {
    cat("assuming temperature is given in K")
    DAT$temperature <- DAT$temperature - 273.15

  DAT$respiration[DAT$respiration <= 0] <- quantile(DAT$respiration[DAT$respiration >
    0], 0.01)  # make sure there are no nonsense values

  if (sum(DAT$respiration <= 0) > 0) {
    warning("Some respiration data values are below 0. Please check your dataset.")
    rold <- DAT$respiration
  # define the weights
  DAT$weights[DAT$respiration <= 0] <- 0

  # define tau which will be decomposed
  DAT$tau <- gettau(DAT$temperature)

  # if (model == 'Q10') { DAT$tau <- (DAT$temperature -Tref)/gam } else if (model
  # == 'Arrhenius') { R_gas_const = 8.3144621 # units J K−1 mol−1 DAT$temperature =
  # DAT$temperature + 273.15 # Backtransform to Kelvin DAT$tau <-
  # -1/DAT$temperature } else if (model == 'LloydTaylor') { Tref = Tref + 273.15 T0
  # = 227.13 DAT$temperature = DAT$temperature + 273.15 # Backtransform to Kelvin
  # DAT$tau <- ( 1/(Tref-T0) - 1/(DAT$temperature-T0) ) }

  # add rho which will be decomposed

  DAT$rho <- log(DAT$respiration)

  if (any(is.na(DAT$rho))) {
    dump.frames("debug_info", to.file = TRUE)
    stop("Error, NA values in rho after file prep! See debug_info for details")

  output <- list()

  output$settings <- list()
  output$settings$sf <- sf
  output$settings$fborder <- fborder
  output$settings$M <- M
  output$settings$nss <- nss
  output$settings$method <- method
  output$settings$lag <- lag
  output$settings$gapFilling <- gapFilling
  cat(" ok\n")

  cat("Decomposing datasets")
  # Decompose temperature
  x <- scapedecomp(x = DAT$tau, sf = sf, fborder = fborder, method = method, Ms = M)
  DAT$tau.dec.lf <- x[, 1]
  DAT$tau.dec.hf <- x[, 2]

  # Decompose respiration
  x <- scapedecomp(x = DAT$rho, sf = sf, fborder = fborder, method = method, Ms = M)
  DAT$rho.dec.lf <- x[, 1]
  DAT$rho.dec.hf <- x[, 2]
  cat(" ok\n")

  calcSensModel <- function(rho, tau, weights, lag) {
    if (lag > 0) {
      l <- length(rho)
      rho <- rho[(lag + 1):l]
      tau <- tau[1:(l - lag)]
      weights <- weights[(lag + 1):l] * weights[1:(l - lag)]
    } else if (lag < 0) {
      l <- length(rho)
      rho <- rho[1:(l + lag)]
      tau <- tau[(1 - lag):l]
      weights <- weights[1:(l + lag)] * weights[(1 - lag):l]
    lmres <- lm(rho ~ tau - 1, weights = weights)

    return(list(XYZ = lmres$coefficients, Confint = confint(lmres)[2] - confint(lmres)[1]))

  # Generate Ensemble of surrogate base-respiration data
  if (nss > 0) {
    cat("Generating surrogates")
    sur.rho.hf <- .iAAFTSurrogateEnsemble(DAT$rho.dec.hf, nss)
    sur.rho <- array(data = rep(DAT$rho.dec.lf, nss), dim = c(nrow(DAT), nss)) +
      sur.rho.hf + mean(DAT$rho)

    sur.tau.hf <- .iAAFTSurrogateEnsemble(DAT$tau.dec.hf, nss)
    sur.tau <- array(data = rep(DAT$tau.dec.lf, nss), dim = c(nrow(DAT), nss)) +
      sur.tau.hf + mean(DAT$tau)
    cat(" ok\n")

    cat("Decomposing surrogates")
    ens.dec <- aaply(.data = sur.rho, .fun = scapedecomp, .margins = 2, sf = sf,
      fborder = fborder, Ms = M, method = method)
    ens.rho.dec.lf <- t(ens.dec[, , 1])
    ens.rho.dec.hf <- array(data = rep(DAT$rho, nss), dim = c(nrow(DAT), nss)) -
    ens.rho.dec.hf <- apply(ens.rho.dec.hf, 2, function(z) z - mean(z))

    ens.dec <- aaply(.data = sur.tau, .fun = scapedecomp, .margins = 2, sf = sf,
      fborder = fborder, Ms = M, method = method)
    ens.tau.dec.lf <- t(ens.dec[, , 1])
    ens.tau.dec.hf <- array(data = rep(DAT$tau, nss), dim = c(nrow(DAT), nss)) -
    ens.tau.dec.hf <- apply(ens.tau.dec.hf, 2, function(z) z - mean(z))
    cat(" ok\n")

    cat("fitting surrogate models")
    output$SCAPE_XYZ_surr <- array(data = 0, dim = c(nss, nss))
    output$SCAPE_Rb_surr <- array(data = 0, dim = c(nss, nss, nrow(DAT)))
    output$SCAPE_Rpred_surr <- array(data = 0, dim = c(nss, nss, nrow(DAT)))
    for (i in 1:nss) {
      for (j in 1:nss) {
        output$SCAPE_XYZ_surr[i, j] <- calcSensModel(ens.rho.dec.hf[, i],
          ens.tau.dec.hf[, j], DAT$weights, 0)[[1]]
        output$SCAPE_Rb_surr[i, j, ] <- getRb2Sens(tau_lf = ens.tau.dec.lf[,
          j], rho_lf = ens.rho.dec.lf[, i], tau = sur.tau[, i], rho = sur.rho[,
          j], S = output$SCAPE_XYZ_surr[i, j])
        output$SCAPE_Rpred_surr[i, j, ] <- predictR(Rb = output$SCAPE_Rb_surr[i,
          j, ], S = output$SCAPE_XYZ_surr[i, j], tau = DAT$tau, lag = 0)
    output$surrogates <- list()
    output$surrogates$rho.dec.lf <- ens.rho.dec.lf
    output$surrogates$rho.dec.hf <- ens.rho.dec.hf
    output$surrogates$tau.dec.lf <- ens.tau.dec.lf
    output$surrogates$tau.dec.hf <- ens.tau.dec.hf
    cat(" ok\n")

  cat("Regression of SCAPE and Conventional method")
  # No surrogates but taking confidence interval of linear fit
  lmres_SCAPE <- calcSensModel(DAT$rho.dec.hf, DAT$tau.dec.hf, DAT$weights, 0)
  output$SCAPE_XYZ <- unname(lmres_SCAPE[[1]])
  output$SCAPE_XYZ_regression_confint <- unname(lmres_SCAPE[[2]])

  if (is.na(output$SCAPE_XYZ)) {
    warning("Sensitivity could not be determined, because hf-tau is empty")
    output$SCAPE_XYZ <- 1
    output$SCAPE_XYZ_regression_confint <- 0

  # Another comparison, calculate Q10 with linear fit using logarithmic formula
  lmres_Conv <- calcSensModel(DAT$rho - mean(DAT$rho), DAT$tau - mean(DAT$tau),
    DAT$weights, 0)
  output$Conv_XYZ <- unname(lmres_Conv[[1]])
  output$Conv_Rb <- unname(exp(mean(DAT$rho) - lmres_Conv[[1]] * mean(DAT$tau)))
  output$Conv_XYZ_regression_confint <- unname(lmres_Conv[[2]])
  cat(" ok\n")

  # Time lagged linear fits
  if (length(lag > 0)) {
    cat("Calculating time-lagged results")
    output$lag_results <- list()
    output$lag_results$XYZ <- array(NA, dim = c(length(lag), 4), list(Lag = as.character(lag),
      Value = c("SCAPE_XYZ", "+/-", "Conv_XYZ", "+/-")))
    ilag <- 1
    for (tl in lag) {
      lmres_SCAPE <- calcSensModel(DAT$rho.dec.hf, DAT$tau.dec.hf, DAT$weights,
      lmres_Conv <- calcSensModel(DAT$rho - mean(DAT$rho), DAT$tau - mean(DAT$tau),
        DAT$weights, tl)
      output$lag_results$XYZ[ilag, ] <- c(lmres_SCAPE[[1]], lmres_SCAPE[[2]]/2,
        lmres_Conv[[1]], lmres_Conv[[2]]/2)
      ilag <- ilag + 1
    if (nss > 0) {
      output$lag_results$surrogate_XYZ <- array(NA, dim = c(length(lag), nss,
        nss), list(Lag = as.character(lag), sur_rho = as.character(1:nss),
        sur_tau = as.character(1:nss)))
      for (i in 1:nss) {
        for (j in 1:nss) {
          ilag <- 1
          for (tl in lag) {
          lmres_SCAPE <- calcSensModel(ens.rho.dec.hf[, i], ens.tau.dec.hf[,
            j], DAT$weights, tl)
          output$lag_results$surrogate_XYZ[ilag, i, j] <- c(lmres_SCAPE[[1]])
          ilag <- ilag + 1
    cat(" ok\n")

  cat("Reconstructing Rb")
  output$SCAPE_Rb <- getRb2Sens(tau_lf = DAT$tau.dec.lf, rho_lf = DAT$rho.dec.lf,
    tau = DAT$tau, rho = DAT$rho, S = output$SCAPE_XYZ)
  DAT$SCAPE_R_pred <- predictR(Rb = output$SCAPE_Rb, S = output$SCAPE_XYZ, tau = DAT$tau,
    lag = 0)
  DAT$Conv_R_pred <- predictR(Rb = output$Conv_Rb, S = output$Conv_XYZ, tau = DAT$tau,
    lag = 0)
  # output$MEF<-MEFW(DAT$respiration_pred,DAT$respiration,w=DAT$weights)
  cat(" ok\n")
  output$DAT <- DAT
  if (doPlot) {
    if (nss == 0)
      warning("No ensemble plot possible, because number of surrogates is set to 0") else plotensembles(output)

  ## value<< A list with elements $SCAPE_Q10 : the estimated \eqn{Q_{10}}{Q10} with
  ## the SCAPE principle and the method chosen. $Conv_Q10 : the conventional
  ## \eqn{Q_{10}}{Q10} (assuming constant Rb) $DAT$SCAPE_R_pred : the SCAPE
  ## prediction of respiration $DAT$SCAPE_Rb : the basal respiration based on the
  ## the SCAPE principle $DAT$Conv_R_pred : the conventional prediction of
  ## respiration $DAT$Conv_Rb : the conventional (constant) basal respiration

dpabon/ecofunr documentation built on July 15, 2020, 12:58 p.m.