
Defines functions .merger_cats .worm_cat_fisher_test

# Goal: generate p values for enrichment of annotation terms in RNA seq data
# Step 1: Count categories in annotation files *AC*, will stay static
# Step 2: Count categories in regulated gene sets *RGS*, make this easy to switch in alternate data sets, *RGS_a, b, c, etc.*
# Step 3: Generate data frame: AC and RGS
# Step 4: Build contingency table for each category in RGS vs AC, use a for loop to build the contingency tables.
# Step 5: Use Fisher.test to generate P value for enrichment of specific categories in RGS

#' @import plyr
#' @import stats

.worm_cat_fisher_test <- function(output_dir, annotations_csv) {
    # Read in annotations file
    annotations <- utils::read.csv(annotations_csv, header = TRUE, sep = ",")

    # Read in rgs mapped to annotations
    rgs_and_categories_csv <- file.path(output_dir, "rgs_and_categories.csv")
    regulated_gene_set <- utils::read.csv(rgs_and_categories_csv, header = TRUE, sep = ",")

    # Step 1 Count categories in annotation files *AC*, will stay static

    total_annotations_count <- data.frame(nrow(annotations))

    annotated_cat1 <- data.frame(table(annotations$Category.1))
    annotated_cat2 <- data.frame(table(annotations$Category.2))
    annotated_cat3 <- data.frame(table(annotations$Category.3))

    # Step 2/3: Count categories in regulated gene sets *RGS*

    total_rgs_count <- data.frame(nrow(regulated_gene_set))

    rgs_annotated_cat1 <- data.frame(table(regulated_gene_set$Category.1))
    rgs_annotated_cat2 <- data.frame(table(regulated_gene_set$Category.2))
    rgs_annotated_cat3 <- data.frame(table(regulated_gene_set$Category.3))

    .merger_cats(rgs_annotated_cat1, annotated_cat1, total_annotations_count$nrow, total_rgs_count$nrow, output_dir, 1)
    .merger_cats(rgs_annotated_cat2, annotated_cat2, total_annotations_count$nrow, total_rgs_count$nrow, output_dir, 2)
    .merger_cats(rgs_annotated_cat3, annotated_cat3, total_annotations_count$nrow, total_rgs_count$nrow, output_dir, 3)

# Step 4: Merge data frames
.merger_cats <- function(rgs_annotated_cat, annotated_cat, total_annotations_count, total_rgs_count, output_dir, n) {

    merged_cats <- merge(rgs_annotated_cat, annotated_cat, by = "Var1", all.x = TRUE)

    merged_cats <- plyr::rename(merged_cats, c("Var1" = "Category", "Freq.x" = "RGS", "Freq.y" = "AC"))

    # Step 5: Build contingency table for each category in RGS vs AC

    # con <- file("test.log")
    # sink(con, append=TRUE)
    # sink(con, append=TRUE, type="message")

    df <- data.frame(Category = character(),
                     RGS = double(),
                     AC = double(),
                     PValue = double(),
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    fact_character <- levels(merged_cats$Category)[as.numeric(merged_cats$Category)]

    for (i in 1:nrow(merged_cats)) {
        if (is.na(merged_cats$RGS[i]) | is.na(merged_cats$AC[i])) {
            pvalue <- NA
        } else {
            stat <- fisher.test(matrix(c(merged_cats$RGS[i], total_rgs_count,
                                         merged_cats$AC[i],  total_annotations_count),
                                 nrow = 2, ncol = 2),
                          alternative = "greater")
            pvalue <- stat$p.value

        df[nrow(df) + 1, ] <- list(Category = fact_character[i],
                                   RGS = merged_cats$RGS[i],
                                   AC = merged_cats$AC[i], pvalue)

    sorted_df <- df[with(df, order(PValue)), ]
    file_nm <- .create_file_nm(output_dir, "rgs_fisher_cat%d.csv", n)
    utils::write.csv(sorted_df, file = file_nm)
dphiggs01/wormcat documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 4:25 a.m.