
Defines functions copy_annotation_files_to_extdata get_remote_annotation_file_names get_local_annotation_file_names .create_file_nm .get_system_path_separator worm_cat_fun

Documented in copy_annotation_files_to_extdata get_local_annotation_file_names get_remote_annotation_file_names worm_cat_fun

#' Worm Cat Function
#'  worm_cat_fun uses a concise list of nested categories defined in the annotation_file
#'  where each gene is first assigned to a category based on physiological function, and then to a molecular function or cellular location.
#'  worm_cat_fun output provides a scaled bubble chart that allows the visualization and direct comparison of complex datasets.
#'  The tool also provides csv files containing input gene annotations, P-values from Fisher’s exact tests, and Bonferroni multiple hypothesis testing corrections.
#' @param file_to_process The file name to the gene set to be processed.
#' @param title The title for the bubble plots.
#' @param output_dir The output directory (this is usually a relative directory from the current working directory).
#' @param rm_dir A flag to remove the processing directory, the Default is \code{TRUE}. This assumes the \code{zip_files} is also \code{TRUE} CAUTION: If \code{rm_dir=TRUE} and \code{zip_files=FALSE} no output will be created.
#' @param annotation_file An internal annotation file name or a path to an external annotation file.
#' @param input_type The type of input data. \code{'Sequence.ID'} or \code{'Wormbase.ID'} the default is \code{'Sequence.ID'}.
#' @param zip_files A flag to create a zip file of the final content. The default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' worm_cat_fun(file_to_process="WORMCAT/testdata/sams-1_up.csv", output_dir="~/wormcat_out",
#'              annotation_file="whole_genome_v2_nov-11-2021.csv", input_type="Wormbase.ID")

worm_cat_fun <- function(file_to_process, title = "rgs", output_dir = NULL, rm_dir = FALSE, annotation_file = "whole_genome_v2_nov-11-2021.csv", input_type = "Sequence.ID", zip_files = TRUE) {
    # Check the input file for validity

    # Check special case for help documentation
    if (substr(file_to_process, 1, 7) == "WORMCAT") {
        wormcat_package_path <- system.file(package = "wormcat")
        file_to_process <- gsub("WORMCAT", wormcat_package_path, file_to_process)
        print(sprintf("WORMCAT substituted for %s", file_to_process))

    if (!file.exists(file_to_process)) {
        print(sprintf("The file %s cannot be found.", file_to_process))

    # If output_dir is not given, create one using a timestamp
    if (is.null(output_dir)) {
        output_dir <- paste("worm-cat_", format(Sys.time(), "%b-%d-%Y-%H:%M:%S"), sep = "")

    # Check if the output_dir directory exists
    if (dir.exists(output_dir)) {
        # Check if the directory is empty
        if (length(list.files(output_dir)) == 0) {
            message(sprintf("The directory %s exists and is Empty.", output_dir))
        } else {
            print(sprintf("The directory %s is not Empty.", output_dir))
    } else {
        # Create the output directory
        dir.create(output_dir, recursive = TRUE)

    # If annotation_file starts with HTTP assume we have a URL
    if (grepl("^http:|^https:", tolower(annotation_file))) {
      worm_cat_annotations <- annotation_file
    } else {
        separator <- .get_system_path_separator()
        # If annotation_file contains a file system specific separator assume an external annotation file is being used
        if (grepl(separator, annotation_file)) {
            worm_cat_annotations <- annotation_file
        } else {
            # Get full path to annotations file
            worm_cat_annotations <- system.file("extdata", annotation_file, package = "wormcat")

        if (!file.exists(worm_cat_annotations)) {
          print(sprintf("The annotation file %s cannot be found.", worm_cat_annotations))


    # Create the categories file and save it to CSV output
    .worm_cat_add_categories(file_to_process, output_dir, worm_cat_annotations, input_type)
    # Run a fisher test
    .worm_cat_fisher_test(output_dir, worm_cat_annotations)

    # For each of the three files created above:
    # 1. Parse the file only to include the entries with "acceptable p-values."
    # 2. Create bubble plots for each of the three categories based on the acceptable p-vlaues.
    for (i in 1:3) {
        rgs_fisher_cat_csv <- .create_file_nm(output_dir, "rgs_fisher_cat%d.csv", i)

        rgs_fisher_cat_apv_csv <- .create_file_nm(output_dir, "rgs_fisher_cat%d_apv.csv", i)

        plot_title <- paste(title, sprintf("category%d", i), sep = ":")
        .worm_cat_bubble_plot(rgs_fisher_cat_apv_csv, plot_title)

    # Capture basic information about this run write output to run_data.txt
    run_data <- .create_file_nm(output_dir, "run_data.txt")
    runtime_l <- paste("runtime", format(Sys.time(), "%b-%d-%Y-%H:%M:%S"), sep = ": ")
    annotation_file_l <- paste("annotation_version", annotation_file, sep = ": ")
    input_type_l <- paste("input_type", input_type, sep = ": ")

    cat(runtime_l, annotation_file_l, input_type_l, file = run_data, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)

    # Create a zip file as the final output
    zip_ext <- ""
    if (zip_files) {
       files2zip <- dir(output_dir, full.names = TRUE)
       utils::zip(zipfile = output_dir, files = files2zip)
       zip_ext <- ".zip"

    if (rm_dir & zip_files) {
        message("Cleaning up the working directory")
        unlink(output_dir, TRUE)
    print("Wormcat Execution completed!")
    print(sprintf("Data is available %s%s", output_dir, zip_ext))

.get_system_path_separator <- function() {
    separator <- file.path("dummy", "file")
    # Extract the separator from the generated path
    separator <- substr(separator, nchar("dummy") + 1, nchar(separator) - nchar("file"))

.create_file_nm <- function(output_dir, name_format, n = 0) {
    if (n == 0) {
        file_nm <- name_format
    } else {
        file_nm <- sprintf(name_format, n)
    file_path <- file.path(output_dir, file_nm)

#' List Local Annotation Files
#' This function returns a list of locally available curated annotation file names for use with worm_cat_fun.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_local_annotation_file_names()
get_local_annotation_file_names <- function() {

    # Get the path to the "extdata" directory within the wormcat package
    extdata_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "wormcat")

    # List all files in the "extdata" directory
    files_in_extdata <- list.files(extdata_dir, full.names = TRUE)
    annotation_files <- basename(files_in_extdata)


#' List Remote Annotation Files
#' This function returns a list of remotely available curated annotation file names for use with worm_cat_fun.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_remote_annotation_file_names()
get_remote_annotation_file_names <- function() {
  # URL of the CSV data
  base_url <- "https://dphiggs01.github.io/Wormcat_data/"
  annotation_list_url <- paste0(base_url, "annotation_list.csv")

    # Read CSV data from the URL
  data <- utils::read.csv(annotation_list_url, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Sort the data by the "order" column
  sorted_data <- data[order(data$order), ]

  # Create a list of tuples
  tuples_list <- lapply(1:nrow(sorted_data), function(i) {
    short_desc <- sorted_data$short_desc[i]
    file_name <- paste0(base_url, sorted_data$location_suffix[i], "/", sorted_data$file_name[i])
    return(list(short_desc, file_name))


#' Copy Remote Annotation Files to Local file system
#' This function copies a list of remotely available curated annotation files to the
#' local files system for use with worm_cat_fun.
#' @export
copy_annotation_files_to_extdata <- function() {
  # Call the function to get the list of tuples
  annotation_files <- get_remote_annotation_file_names()

  # Directory to copy the files to
  extdata_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "wormcat")

  # Process and copy files
  for (tuple in annotation_files) {
    short_desc <- tuple[[1]]
    file_url <- tuple[[2]]

    file_name <- gsub("^.*/", "", file_url)
    dest_file <- file.path(extdata_dir, file_name)

    if (!file.exists(dest_file)) {
      utils::download.file(file_url, dest_file)
      cat("Copied:", file_name, "\n")
    } else {
      message(sprintf("Skipped (already exists): %s", file_name))
dphiggs01/wormcat documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 4:25 a.m.