
Defines functions best_matches

Documented in best_matches

#' @title Rank best matches
#' @description Rank vertex-pairs in  order of a goodness of matching metric
#' @param A A matrix, an \code{igraph} object, or a list of either.
#'   See \link{check_graph}
#' @param B A matrix, an \code{igraph} object, or a list of either.
#'   See \link{check_graph}
#' @param match \link{graphMatch}, eg result of call to \link{gm}
#' @param measure One of "row_cor", "row_diff", or "row_perm_stat" or
#'   a function (see details). Measure for computing goodness of matching.
#' @param num A positive integer or NULL. Number of pairs of best matched
#'   vertices needed. NULL indicates all matches.
#' @param true_label the true correspondence (if available).
#' @return \code{best_matches} returns a data frame with the indices of best
#'   matched vertices in \eqn{G_1} named \code{A_best}, the indices of best
#'   matched vertices in \eqn{G_2} named \code{B_best} and the values of measure
#'   for best matches, where smaller values indicate better matches for all
#'   measures. If the true correspondence is available, also returns the
#'   precision of top n best matches, for each n <= \code{num}.
#' \code{row_cor} takes 1 minus the row correlation value for the corresponding vertex.
#' \code{row_diff} takes the row difference value for each corresponding vertex.
#' \code{row_perm_stat} uses the row permutation statistics value.
#' @details If measure is a function, it should take exactly two matrices or igraph
#'    objects as arguments and return a vector of length equal to the number of nonseed nodes
#'    in the first object. Smaller values will be taken to indicate better matches.
#' @examples
#' cgnp_pair <- sample_correlated_gnp_pair(n = 50, corr =  0.5, p =  0.5)
#' g1 <- cgnp_pair$graph1
#' g2 <- cgnp_pair$graph2
#' seeds <- 1:50 <= 10
#' match <- gm(g1, g2, seeds, method = "indefinite")
#' # Application: select best matched seeds from non seeds as new seeds, and do the
#' # graph matching iteratively to get higher matching accuracy
#' best_matches(A = g1, B = g2, match = match, measure = "row_perm_stat", num = 5, true_label = 1:50)
#' @export
best_matches <- function(A, B, match, measure, num = NULL, true_label = NULL){

  if (
    !is.function(measure) &&
    !(measure %in% c("row_cor", "row_diff", "row_perm_stat"))
  ) {
    stop('measure must be one of "row_cor", "row_diff", or "row_perm_stat" or a function that takes two matrices as arguments.')
  graph_pair <- check_graph(A, B)
  A <- graph_pair[[1]]
  B <- graph_pair[[2]]
  nv <- nrow(A[[1]])
  if (is.null(num)){
    num <- nv - sum(match$seeds)

  if (num < 0 || num > nv) {
    stop('num must be > 0 and <= number of nodes ', nv)

  nc <- length(A)
  x <- !check_seeds(match$seeds, nv, logical = TRUE)
  match_corr <- match@corr
  x <- x[match_corr[,1]]
  match_corr <- match_corr[x,]
  stat <- rep(0, sum(x))

  for (ch in 1:nc) {
    # TODO: Use graphMatch functionality
    A[[ch]] <- A[[ch]][match_corr[,1], match_corr[,1]]
    B[[ch]] <- B[[ch]][match_corr[,2], match_corr[,2]]

    # calculate measure stat
        stat <- stat + do.call(measure,list(A[[ch]],B[[ch]]))
      error = function(e) {
          'measure must be one of "row_cor", "row_diff", or "row_perm_stat" or a function. See ?best_matches',

  rperm <- sample(length(stat))
  stat <- stat[rperm]
  if(num <= nv){
    topindex <- order(stat, decreasing = FALSE)[1:num]
  } else {
    stop("num can't exceed the total number of vertices.")

  measure_value <- stat[topindex]
  top_matches <- match_corr[rperm[topindex],]

    precision <- sapply(1:num, function(n){mean(true_label[top_matches$corr_A][1:n] == top_matches$corr_B[1:n])})
    best_matches <- data.frame(A_best=top_matches$corr_A, B_best=top_matches$corr_B,
                               measure_value, precision)
  } else{
    best_matches <- data.frame(A_best=top_matches$corr_A, B_best=top_matches$corr_B,

dpmcsuss/iGraphMatch documentation built on May 22, 2024, 8:52 p.m.