
# Combine user input gamma hyperpars with default ------------------------------
# keys <- unique(c(names(lst1), names(lst2)))
# setNames(mapply(c, lst1[keys], lst2[keys]), keys)       # Update using this code

getHypGam <- function(varNames, userHypGam) {
  parNames <- c("a","b","p","bndL","bndU")
  defaultVals <- list(a=1, b=1, p=0.5, bndL=0, bndU=Inf)
  # Combine user input hyperparameters (when provided) with default hyperparameters
  # Uses 'parNames' and 'defaultVals' from parent environment
  getHypGam <- function(thisUserHyp) {
    if ( is.null(thisUserHyp) )
      return (defaultVals)
    # else: custom params provided for this variable
    # Combine default values with custom input values (when given)
    combineHyp <- defaultVals
    for (thisName in parNames)
      if (thisName %in% names(thisUserHyp))
        combineHyp[[thisName]] <- thisUserHyp[[thisName]]
    return (combineHyp)
  hypGam <- lapply(varNames, function(x) getHypGam(userHypGam[[x]]))
  names(hypGam) <- varNames
  return (hypGam)

# Combine user input phi hyperpars with default --------------------------------

getHypPhi <- function(userHypPhi) {
  hypPhi <- list(c1=1, c2=1)
  if ("c1" %in% names(userHypPhi)) hypPhi$c1 <- userHypPhi$c1
  if ("c2" %in% names(userHypPhi)) hypPhi$c2 <- userHypPhi$c2
  return (hypPhi)

# Sample Boolean with probability 'prob' for TRUE ------------------------------

sampBool <- function(prob) {
  sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), size=1, prob=c(prob, 1 - prob))

# Initial values for gamma set to mean of priors -------------------------------

getGamInit <- function(hypGam, gamIsTrunBool) {
  # Calculate the mean for a prior distribution of gamma_h
  getPriorMean <- function(thisHypGam, thisGamIsTrBool) {
    if (!thisGamIsTrBool)
      return (thisHypGam$a / thisHypGam$b)
    # else: prior dist is truncated and we have to integrate to obtain mean 
    # 'expecFcn': The term inside the integral for calculating the mean
    expecFcn <- function(x) x * dgamma(x, shape=thisHypGam$a, rate=thisHypGam$b)
    integralTerm <- integrate(expecFcn, lower=thisHypGam$bndL, upper=thisHypGam$bndU)$value
    normalizeConst <- with(pgamma(bndU, shape=a, rate=b) - pgamma(bndL, shape=a, rate=b), 
    return (integralTerm / normalizeConst)
  contMean <- sapply(1:length(hypGam), function(j) getPriorMean(hypGam[[j]], gamIsTrunBool[j]))
  gamInit <- sapply(1:length(hypGam), function(j) with(p + (1 - p) * contMean[j], data=hypGam[[j]]))
  return (gamInit)

# Calculate U %*% beta for theta_0 and theta_1 ---------------------------------

getUProdTheta <- function(uProdBeta, UH, gamCoefH, thetaH) {
  if (identical(gamCoefH, 1))
    uProdTheta <- list( point = uProdBeta,
                        cont  = uProdBeta + drop(UH * log(thetaH)) )
    uProdTheta <- list( point = uProdBeta - drop(UH * log(thetaH)),
                        cont  = uProdBeta )
  return (uProdTheta)

# Convenience function for collapsing a vector ---------------------------------
pasteC <- function(x) {
  paste(x, collapse="")

# Combine user input gam tuning vals with default ------------------------------

getTuningGam <- function(q) {
  rep(0.5, q)

# Sample proposal value for theta_h Metropolis step ----------------------------

sampPropTheta <- function(thetaH, tuningH) {
  abs( runif(1, thetaH - tuningH, thetaH + tuningH) )

# Calculate U[, -h] %*% beta ---------------------------------------------------

getUProdBetaNoH <- function(uProdBeta, UH, gamH) {
  if (identical(gamH, 1))
    uProdBeta - drop(UH * log(gamH))

# Calculate U %*% beta ---------------------------------------------------------

getUProdBeta <- function(uProdBetaNoH, UH, gamH) {
  if (identical(gamH, 1))
    uProdBetaNoH + drop(UH * log(gamH))

# Ensure proper format for 'outPath' -------------------------------------------

format_outPath <- function(path) {
  ifelse(identical(substr(path, nchar(path), nchar(path)), "/"), path,  paste0(path, "/"))
dpritchLibre/DSP_Package documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:49 p.m.