
#                 `````````````````````````````````````````
#                 :  Extrac_Var.R functionality overview  :
#                 .........................................
# There are two functions in this file which are designed to be directly invoked
# by calling routines.  These top-level (relative to this file) functions are:
#     extract_var - returns data as specified / provided by arg var_specify,
#                   possibly obtained by subsetting data from arg data_obs.
#     extract_idx - returns indices corresponding to the data which is to be
#                   subsetted
# See the comments describing the functions for a fuller description.  The
# remaining functions in the file are subroutines for these main routines.
# Note that the main routines are the ones that perform the error
# checking, and it is assumed that the arguments are valid when calling the
# subroutines.
# The routines in this file have a desired type of a matrix or data.frame for
# data_obs, a numeric or character vector for var_specify, and logical for
# expect_matr

# Extracting data section ------------------------------------------------------

# Extract the data as specified / provided by arg var_specify, possibly obtained
# by subsetting data from arg data_obs.  In more detail, the argument for
# var_specify may itself be the data, in which case the data itself is just
# returned (is essentially the identity function).  If this is not the case,
# then the argument to var_specify should be either NULL, or a numeric or
# character vector providing the names or indices of the columns in data_obs
# that should be extracted and returned to the caller.  If var_specify is NULL,
# then the function returns all columns in data_obs, after removing any columns
# specified by name or index in arguments passed to dot-dot-dot.
# PRE: when we have a 1-row data_obs, and an index argument to var_specify then
# this will erroneously treat the index as data.  Thus a calling function should
# not use this routine if this scenario is a possibility.

extract_var <- function(data_obs, var_specify, expect_matr=FALSE, ...) {

    # Extract variable name from var_specify and data_obs; used for error messages
    spec_nm <- deparse( substitute(var_specify) )
    dat_nm <- deparse( substitute(data_obs) )

    # Check arguments for type and size validity
    extract_check_valid(data_obs, var_specify, expect_matr, dat_nm, spec_nm)

    ## Figure out in which way the data is presented to us

    if (is.null(var_specify)) {
        if (identical(expect_matr, FALSE)) {
            stop("is var_specify is NULL, then expect_matr must be TRUE")
        argstr <- "null"
    # Note: the second condition in the following case is to handle the case where
    # the length of the region is the same as the length of the data (e.g. if
    # there are 3 replicates in bioactivity data and region is length 3).  This
    # condition is usually able to (except in the 1-row data case) disambiguate
    # the cases b/c we only expect var_specify to be data (as opposed to column
    # names or indices) in the case of vector arguments.  See the precondition
    # regarding 1-row data.
    else if ((identical(length(var_specify), NROW(data_obs)))
             && identical(expect_matr, FALSE)) {
        argstr <- "data"
    else if (is.numeric(var_specify)) {
        argstr <- "num"
    else if (is.character(var_specify)) {
        argstr <- "char"
    else {
        stop(spec_nm, " is not of the right type")

    ## Call the appropriate  subroutine and return the extracted data

           null = extract_null(data_obs, dat_nm, spec_nm, ...),
           data = extract_data(var_specify, spec_nm),
           num  = extract_num(data_obs, var_specify, expect_matr, dat_nm, spec_nm),
           char = extract_char(data_obs, var_specify, expect_matr, dat_nm, spec_nm),
           stop("Invalid switch type"))

# Return data_obs after removing any columns (i.e. variables in data_obs) that
# belong to other variables as specified in dot-dot-dot

extract_null <- function(data_obs, dat_nm, spec_nm, ...) {

    # Obtain variable indices after removing indices corresponding to other
    # variables (as passed on through variadic arg)
    var_idx <- extract_null_to_idx(data_obs, dat_nm, ...)

    # Check that we haven't used all the data on other variables.  Require 2
    # columns for consistency since we demand this for the following call to
    # extract_idx_to_data.
    if (length(var_idx) < 2L) {
        stop("There must be at least 2 columns left for ", dat_nm,
             " after removing data for other variables", call.=FALSE)

    # Return data_obs after removing non-used columns and converting to a matrix
    extract_idx_to_data(data_obs, var_idx, TRUE, dat_nm, spec_nm)

# var_specify is itself a variable so just return it (i.e. is the identity
# function)

extract_data <- function(var_specify, spec_nm) {

    if (!is.numeric(var_specify)) {
        stop("If ", spec_nm, " is the same length of the data then it must be of ",
             "mode numeric", call.=FALSE)
    else if (anyNA(var_specify)) {
        stop(spec_nm, " cannot have any missing")

    return (var_specify)

# Return the column(s) in data_obs as specified by a vector of indices provided
# to var_specify

extract_num <- function(data_obs, var_specify, expect_matr, dat_nm, spec_nm) {

    var_idx <- extract_num_to_idx(data_obs, var_specify, dat_nm, spec_nm)

    extract_idx_to_data(data_obs, var_idx, expect_matr, dat_nm, spec_nm)

# Return the column(s) in data_obs as specified by a vector of column names
# provided to var_specify

extract_char <- function(data_obs, var_specify, expect_matr, dat_nm, spec_nm) {

  var_idx <- extract_char_to_idx(data_obs, var_specify, dat_nm, spec_nm)

  extract_idx_to_data(data_obs, var_idx, expect_matr, dat_nm, spec_nm)

# Returns a *numeric object* providing the column(s) in data_obs as specified by
# a vector of indices provided to var_idx

extract_idx_to_data <- function(data_obs, var_idx, expect_matr, dat_nm, spec_nm) {

    # Subset to desired data
    out_dat <- data_obs[, var_idx, drop=!expect_matr]

    # Ensure that data is numeric and w/o missing
    extract_check_if_numer_nomiss(out_dat, dat_nm, spec_nm)

    # case: data_obs is a data.frame; convert to matrix or vector.  However, row
    # names are lost in coercion from data.frame to atomic so we have to recover
    # manually.
    if (is.data.frame(data_obs)) {
        # case: return object is to be a vector; the elements can be accessed named
        # using names()
        if (!expect_matr) {
            names(out_dat) <- row.names(data_obs)
        # case: out_dat a matrix; use row.names to set dimnames
        else {
            out_dat <- as.matrix(out_dat)
            row.names(out_dat) <- row.names(data_obs)

    return (out_dat)

# Extracting indices section ---------------------------------------------------

# Returns a vector of indices corresponding to columns (i.e. variables) in
# data_obs as specified by var_specify.  In more detail, the argument for
# var_specify should either be (i) numeric, in which case it is just returned,
# or (ii) a character vector providing the names of column in data_obs which are
# converted to indices, or (iii) NULL, then the function returns all indices in
# data_obs, after removing any indices specified by name or index in arguments
# passed to dot-dot-dot.
# PRE: assumes that var_specify is not a data vector (i.e. is of type NULL,
# numeric, or character).  This is in contrast to extract_var() where a data
# vector can be passed as the argument to var_specify.

extract_idx <- function(data_obs, var_specify, expect_matr=FALSE, ...) {

    # Extract variable name from var_specify; used for error messages
    dat_nm <- deparse( substitute(data_obs) )
    spec_nm <- deparse( substitute(var_specify) )

    # Check arguments for type and size validity
    extract_check_valid(data_obs, var_specify, expect_matr, dat_nm, spec_nm)

    # Figure out in which way the data is presented to us

    if (is.null(var_specify)) {
        if (!identical(expect_matr, TRUE)) {
            stop("is var_specify is NULL, then expect_matr must be TRUE", call.=FALSE)
        argstr <- "null"
    else if (is.numeric(var_specify)) {
        argstr <- "num"
    else if (is.character(var_specify)) {
        argstr <- "char"
    else {
        # Should have restricted to the above cases by extract_check_valid
        stop("Should not be able to reach this part of the program")

    # Call the appropriate subroutine and return the extracted data
           null = extract_null_to_idx(data_obs, spec_nm, ...),
           num  = extract_num_to_idx(data_obs, var_specify, dat_nm, spec_nm),
           char = extract_char_to_idx(data_obs, var_specify, dat_nm, spec_nm),
           stop("Should not be able to reach this part of the program"))

# Returns a vector of indices corresponding to columns in data_obs after
# removing any columns (i.e. variables in data_obs) that belong to other
# variables as specified in dot-dot-dot

extract_null_to_idx <- function(data_obs, dat_nm, ...) {

    other_vars <- list(...)

    # Obtain a list with each element a length-0 or length-1 vector providing
    # the index in data_obs corresponding to the variable from dot-dot-dot being
    # passed.  When no args are passed to dot-dot-dot then an empty list is
    # returned.
    other_idx_list <- lapply(other_vars, function(rem_var) {

        if (identical(length(rem_var), NROW(data_obs))) {
            return (integer(0))
        else if (is.numeric(rem_var)) {
            extract_check_valid(data_obs, rem_var, TRUE, dat_nm, "remove_var")
            return ( extract_num_to_idx(data_obs, rem_var, dat_nm, "remove_var") )
        else if (is.character(rem_var)) {
            extract_check_valid(data_obs, rem_var, TRUE, dat_nm, "remove_var")
            return ( extract_char_to_idx(data_obs, rem_var, dat_nm, "remove_var") )
        else {
            stop("remove_var must either be of mode numeric or mode character", call.=FALSE)
    # Obtain an integer vector; returns NULL if other_idx_list is empty
    other_idx <- unlist(other_idx_list)

    # Return variable indices after removing indices corresponding to other vars.
    # If other_idx is NULL then setdiff returns the first argument.
    setdiff(1:NCOL(data_obs), other_idx)

# Return a vector of indices corresponding to column(s) in data_obs as specified
# by a vector of indices provided to var_specify; in other words this is the
# identity function

extract_num_to_idx <- function(data_obs, var_specify, dat_nm, spec_nm) {

    # Check valid input values
    for (k in var_specify) {
        if ((k < 1) || (k > NCOL(data_obs))) {
            stop("out of bounds index ", k, " provided for ", spec_nm,
                 " relative to ", dat_nm, call.=FALSE)
    # Check that there are no duplicates in var_specify (note: integer(0) fails
    # the conditional as desired)
    if (! identical(length(unique(var_specify)), length(var_specify)) ) {
        stop(spec_nm, " cannot have any duplicate values", call.=FALSE)

    # As a side effect this strips away vector names

# Return a vector of indices corresponding to the column(s) in data_obs as
# specified by a vector of column names provided to var_specify

extract_char_to_idx <- function(data_obs, var_specify, dat_nm, spec_nm) {

    var_nm <- colnames(data_obs)
    if (is.null(var_nm)) {
        stop("Variable specified by name but data columns not equipped with names", call.=FALSE)

    # Check that there are no duplicates in var_specify (note: integer(0) fails
    # the conditional as desired)
    if ( !identical(length(unique(var_specify)), length(var_specify)) ) {
        stop(spec_nm, " cannot have any duplicate values", call.=FALSE)

    out_idx <- sapply(var_specify, function(nm) {

        # Number of matches for current element of var_specify in fraction names
        matchIdx <- grep(nm, var_nm, fixed=TRUE)
        nMatch <- length(matchIdx)

        # Check that current name has exactly one match
        if (identical(nMatch, 0L)) {
            stop("column names in ", dat_nm, " do not contain ", nm,
                 " element in ", spec_nm, call.=FALSE)
        else if (!identical(nMatch, 1L)) {
            stop("name provided had multiple matches in data - ", nm,
                 " element in ", spec_nm, call.=FALSE)

        return (matchIdx)

    # Return indices after stripping variable names
    stats::setNames(out_idx, NULL)

# Argument validity checking ---------------------------------------------------

# Check arguments for type and size validity

extract_check_valid <- function(data_obs, var_specify, expect_matr, dat_nm, spec_nm) {

    # Check that data_obs is of the right type
    if (!is.matrix(data_obs) && !is.data.frame(data_obs)) {
        stop(dat_nm, " must be a matrix or data.frame", call.=FALSE)
    else if (identical(NROW(data_obs), 0L)) {
        stop(dat_nm, " must have number of rows no less than 1", call.=FALSE)
    # Can't have 1 column b/c then it is ambiguous whether a length 1 numeric
    # vector is data or is a column index
    else if (NCOL(data_obs) < 2L) {
        stop(dat_nm, " must have number of columns no less than 2", call.=FALSE)

    # Check that expect_matr is of the right form.  Do this before checking
    # var_specify b/c we need to use the value of expect_matr in the checks.
    if (!identical(expect_matr, TRUE) && !identical(expect_matr, FALSE)) {
        stop("expect_matr must be either TRUE or FALSE", call.=FALSE)

    # Check that var_specify is of the right form
    if (!is.null(var_specify) && !is.numeric(var_specify) && !is.character(var_specify)) {
             " must either be NULL or either of mode numeric or mode character",

    if (!is.null(var_specify)) {
        spec_len <- length(var_specify)

        # Check that there are no missing in var_specify
        if (anyNA(var_specify)) {
            stop(spec_nm, " cannot contain any missing", call.=FALSE)

        # Check that input corresponding to matrix data has at least 1 entry
        if ( identical(length(var_specify), 0L) ) {
            stop("If non-NULL, then ", spec_nm, " must have length no less than 1", call.=FALSE)

        # Check that input corresponding to vector data has either exactly 1 entry or
        # exactly the number of entries in the data (i.e. is providing a variable)
        if (!expect_matr && !(identical(spec_len, 1L) || identical(spec_len, nrow(data_obs)))) {
                 " must have length 1 or length equal to the number of observations",

# Ensure that out_dat has columns that are each numeric and contain no missing
# (worded like this because out_dat may either be atomic or a data.frame)

extract_check_if_numer_nomiss <- function(out_dat, dat_nm, spec_nm) {

    # case: data is a data.frame; ensure each column is numeric w/o NAs
    if (is.data.frame(out_dat)) {
        if ( !all( sapply(out_dat, is.numeric) ) ) {
                 " cannot have any non-numeric in the region provided by ",
                 spec_nm, call.=FALSE)
        else if ( any( sapply(out_dat, anyNA) ) ) {
            stop(dat_nm, " cannot have any missing in the region provided by ",
                 spec_nm, call.=FALSE)
    # case: data is atomic
    else {
        if ( !is.numeric(out_dat) ) {
                 " cannot have any non-numeric in the region provided by ",
                 spec_nm, call.=FALSE)
        else if (anyNA(out_dat)) {
            stop(dat_nm, " cannot have any missing in the region provided by ",
                 spec_nm, call.=FALSE)
dpritchLibre/PepSAVIms documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:49 p.m.