#' Create tau vector
#' A helper function to create the tau vector given a
#' vector of residuals from one of our methods.
#' @param residuals The errors from one of our prediction methods on a Y matrix.
#' @return The tau vector to be used for calculating the S vector.
#' @export
calc_tau <- function(residuals) {
p <- ncol(residuals)
1:nrow(residuals) |>
\(x) {
ks::vech(residuals[x, ] %*% t(residuals[x, ]))
}) |>
unlist() |>
matrix(ncol = p*(p+1)/2, byrow = TRUE)
#' Calculate S matrix
#' A helper function to calculate the S vector given tau, k,
#' mu_tau, and sigma_tau_inv. While k is a tuning parameter, the rest
#' are calculated from the data.
#' @param tau A vector representing covariance.
#' @param k A tuning parameter.
#' @param mu_tau The mean of tau. Estimated from the training data.
#' @param sigma_tau_inv The inverse covariance matrix of tau. Estimated from the training data.
#' @return A vector S which is used to calculate the plotting statistic.
#' @export
calc_S <- function(tau, k, mu_tau, sigma_tau_inv) {
N <- nrow(tau)
p <- ncol(tau)
S <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = ncol(tau))
C <- vector("numeric", N)
C[1] <- sqrt(t(tau[1, ] - mu_tau) %*% sigma_tau_inv %*% (tau[1, ] - mu_tau))
if(!any(is.na(tau))) {
2:N |>
\(x) {
c <- S[x-1, ] + tau[x, ] - mu_tau
C[x] <<- sqrt(t(c) %*% sigma_tau_inv %*% c)
if(C[x] > k) {
s <- (S[x-1, ] + tau[x, ] - mu_tau)*(1-k/C[x])
1:p |>
\(y) {
S[x, y] <<- s[y]
#' Calculate D matrix
#' A helper function to calculate the D vector given tau,
#' mu_tau, and sigma_tau_inv. This is the mahalanobis distance for tau.
#' @param tau A vector representing covariance.
#' @param mu_tau The mean of tau. Estimated from the training data.
#' @param sigma_tau_inv The inverse covariance matrix of tau. Estimated from the training data.
#' @return A vector D which is used to calculate the plotting statistic.
#' @export
calc_D <- function(tau, mu_tau, sigma_tau_inv) {
N <- nrow(tau)
p <- ncol(tau)
D <- vector("numeric", length = N)
1:N |>
\(i) {
D[i] <<- t(tau[i, ] - mu_tau) %*% sigma_tau_inv %*% (tau[i, ] - mu_tau)
#' Calculate plotting statistic
#' A helper function to calculate the plotting statistic given
#' S and sigma_tau_inv.
#' @param S A matrix which tracks the MCUSUM through observations
#' @param sigma_tau_inv The inverse covariance matrix of tau. Estimated from the training data.
#' @return The plotting statistic which determines if the process is considered in-control or out-of-control at a given observation.
#' @export
calc_PStat <- function(S, sigma_tau_inv) {
N <- nrow(S)
1:N |>
\(x) {
sqrt(t(S[x, ]) %*% sigma_tau_inv %*% S[x, ])
#' Calculate plotting statistic
#' A helper function to calculate the plotting statistic given
#' D and r.
#' @param r The weight of the current observation. The previous observation has weight 1-r.
#' @param D The Mahalanobis distance of each tau vector.
#' @param p The number of variables in your multivariate time series.
#' @param pstat0 An initial value for the plotting statistic
#' @return The plotting statistic which determines if the process is considered in-control or out-of-control at a given observation.
#' @export
calc_PStat_MEWMA <- function(r, D, p, pstat0 = (p*(p+1)/2)) {
N <- length(D)
# First Entry
pstat <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = N)
pstat[1] <- r*D[1] + (1-r)*pstat0
# Other Entries
2:N |>
\(i) {
pstat[i] <<- r*D[i]+(1-r)*pstat[i-1]
#' Create Design Matrix
#' A helper function to create a design matrix to be the
#' input for the machine learning models Requires
#' choosing the number of lags in addition to each variable.
#' Potentially later the number of lags could be a vector
#' of length p. That way the number of lags could be different
#' for each variable.
#' @param data A dataframe or matrix of observations.
#' @param lags The number of lags of each variable to be included in the design
#' matrix, should be a scaler to apply to all variables or a vector with entries
#' for each column.
#' @param data_exog A dataframe or matrix of exogenous observations to be considered
#' in addition to the lagged columns of `data`.
#' @return A design matrix for training/predictions with the machine learning MCUSUM methods.
#' @export
create_X <- function(data, lags, data_exog = NULL) {
N <- nrow(data)
p <- ncol(data)
l <- lags
r <- N - max(l)
# Error if length lags not equal to p or 1
if(length(l) == 1) {
l <- rep.int(l, p)
} else if(length(l) != p) {
e1 <- simpleError("Lags must have length equal to either 1 or ncol(data).")
# Create X matrix by creating/combining lagged columns
X <-
purrr::map(1:p, \(x){
purrr::map(l[x]:1, \(y) {
dplyr::lag(data[, x], y) |> tail(r)
}) |>
unlist() |>
matrix(ncol = sum(l),
nrow = r,
byrow = FALSE)
# Return X with or without exogenous variables
if(!is.null(data_exog)) {
cbind(X, tail(data_exog, n = r))
} else {
#' Create Prediction Matrix
#' A helper function to create a prediction matrix for
#' use when training the machine learning models.
#' Requires choosing the number of lags so that the prediction
#' and design matrices line up.
#' @param data A dataframe or matrix of observations.
#' @param lags The number of lags of each variable, the first row of this matrix will be row lag + 1 of the data.
#' @return A prediction matrix which can be used for training/testing the machine learning MCUSUM methods.
#' @export
create_Y <- function(data, lags) {
N <- nrow(data)
p <- ncol(data)
l <- lags
data[(l+1):N, ] |>
#' Scale a TS
#' Scale a univariate time series between lower bound a and upper bound b.
#' Used for generating t for a simulation study.
#' @param ts A univariate time series.
#' @param a Lower bound of time series, default is 0.01.
#' @param b Upper bound of time series, default is 2.
#' @return Returns the scaled time series.
#' @export
scale_t <- function(ts, a = .01, b = 2) {
as.numeric((b-a)*(ts - min(ts))/(max(ts) - min(ts)) + a)
#' Calculate Run Length
#' Calculates the run length for a single instance of a method given a
#' plotting statistic and an upper limit by comparing the total number
#' of flagged observations to the total number of observations.
#' @param pstat The plotting statistic from a fault detection method.
#' @param h The upper in-control limit for this plotting statistic.
#' @return Returns the run length.
#' @export
get_run_length <- function(pstat, h) {
denom <- sum(pstat > h)
numer <- length(pstat)
ifelse(denom == 0, numer, numer/denom)
#' Calculate Run Length
#' Calculates the run length for a single instance of a method given a
#' plotting statistic and an upper limit by returning the index of the
#' first flagged observation.
#' @param pstat The plotting statistic from a fault detection method.
#' @param h The upper in-control limit for this plotting statistic.
#' @return Returns the run length.
#' @export
get_first_fault <- function(pstat, h) {
ret <- which(pstat > h)[1]
ifelse(length(ret) == 0, length(pstat), ret)
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