
Defines functions IntensityFunctionPlot

Documented in IntensityFunctionPlot

#' Plot intensity function
#' Plots the estimated intensity function along with a 95% bootstrap quantile confidence interval.
#' @importFrom grDevices bmp dev.new dev.off jpeg pdf png postscript tiff
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @param model.estimates a list containing all intensity function estimates and corresponding parameter estimates for all models.
#' This list is typically generated by the [EstimateThetaT()] function.
#' @param model.number a scalar containing the index of the model to plot in the `model.estimates` list.
#' @param best.models a list containing the names and corresponding indices of all models in the `model.estimates` list.
#' This argument is used for titling the plot(s).
#' @param add.title whether to add a title to the plot(s).
#' @param filename optionally, the name of a graphics or pdf file in which to save the plot(s). If no file extension is specified, plots will be saved to a pdf file.
#' If filename is NULL, then each plot is output to a new graphics device.
#' @param neuron.name a string containing the name of the neuron being plotted, used only in the output file metadata.
#' @param time.resolution a numeric vector indicating the interval between time points (ticks) on the x-axis of the plot.
#' @param y.limits a numeric vector containing the minimum and maximum amplitude on the y-axis of the plot.
#' @param axis.label.size a scalar determining the font size of the x- and y-axis labels of the plot.
#' @param title.size a scalar determining the font size of the title of the plot (if one exists).
#' @param IC.type optionally, the information criterion used to identify the best model; only used for titling the plot. By default this is NULL, indicating all models are plotted prior to model selection.
#' @param RStudio whether this function is being run in RStudio. This is only used if plots are output to R graphics devices, as RStudio opens graphics devices differently than R using Console/Terminal.
#' @return A list of ggplot objects, each of which contains the parameters necessary to produce one intensity function plot.
#' @export

IntensityFunctionPlot <- function(model.estimates, model.number, best.models, add.title=F, filename=NULL, neuron.name=NULL, time.resolution = NULL, y.limits = NULL, axis.label.size = 18, title.size = 24, IC.type=NULL, RStudio=FALSE){
  ##filename is the name of a .ps/.eps, .bmp, .jpg, .png, .tif, or .pdf file
  ##if you don't specify a file extension or specify a different file extension, R will add a .pdf extension to your file name and print to the pdf file
  ##if you don't want to print to a file at all, leave as the default NULL and each plot will be generated in a new Graphics Device within R
  ##if you specify a non-pdf file and include more than 1 number in model.number, then you will get only the last of those models as output
  ##neuron.name is for purposes of identifying the plotted neuron in the Title of the file
  ## time.resolution is the interval between time points (ticks) on the x-axis
  ## y.limits is a numeric vector of length 2 giving the min and max of the y-axis
  ## IC.type = NULL if you are running all the models before selecting the best model based on AIC/etc. Otherwise, IC.type is a string indicating the selection criterion used.
  ## axis.label.size and title.size are font sizes for axis labels/titles
  ## RStudio is a flag for whether you are running this function in RStudio, which does weird things when dev.new() is called



  if (max(model.number)>length(selection.criteria)){
    stop(paste("Model Number",max(model.number),"Does Not Exist"))


  for (j in 1:n.plots){
    plot.number<- model.number[j]

    } else {
      model.name <- selection.criteria[plot.number]

    if (is.null(time.resolution)){
      ##divide x-axis into 5 equal intervals; e.g., for 10 second trial, marks at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 seconds
    } else {
      if (is.numeric(time.resolution) & time.resolution[1] > 0){
        tick.separator <- time.resolution[1]
      } else {
        ## if not numeric or otherwise weird, use default

    ##the next set of several commands builds a single plot using the ggplot library

    ##setup plot


    ##margin size: R default is (b,l,t,r) = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1) in lines where 1 line = 0.2 in
    ##ggplot uses (t,r,b,l) in mm, where 25.4 mm = 1 in, or 1 line = 5.08 mm
    ##in ggplot pt 72.27 pt = 1 in so 1 line = 14.454 pt
    ##text size in R: default is 12 pt so cex=1.5 means font size = 18 and cex=2 means font size = 18
    plot.ticks<-plot.basics + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(min(model.to.plot$Time),max(model.to.plot$Time),by=tick.separator))

    if (!is.null(y.limits)){
      if (is.numeric(y.limits) & y.limits[2] > y.limits[1]){
        plot.ticks <- plot.ticks + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = y.limits[c(1,2)])

    ##add bootstrap CI first to eliminate color issue

    ##add intensity function estimate
    ##looks like the default size of the line is 0.5 for lwd=1

    ##add axis and graph titles
    plot.labeled<-plot.average+ggplot2::labs(x="Time",y="Intensity Function")+ggplot2::theme(axis.title=ggplot2::element_text(size=axis.label.size))
    if (add.title==FALSE){
      int.plots[[j]]<-plot.labeled ##plot the version without title
      if (!is.null(IC.type)){
        intensity.plot.title <- paste0("Best Model by ",IC.type,": ",model.name)
      } else{
        intensity.plot.title <- model.name
      plot.titled<-plot.labeled+ggplot2::ggtitle(intensity.plot.title)+ggplot2::theme(plot.title=ggplot2::element_text(size=title.size,face="bold", hjust = 0.5))
      ##title font size is 1.2 times greater than axis label font size = 21.6 points
      ##changed to 18 bold as per raster plot - ultimately this will not matter in the final plots that do not have titles
      int.plots[[j]]<-plot.titled ##plot the version with title

  }##end for loop

  ##save the plots to a file
  if (!is.null(filename)){

    ##open a png, jpg, tif, ps, or pdf graphics device based on extension

    if (substr(ext.type,2,3)=="ps"){
      if (ext.type %in% c("bmp","png","jpg","tif","pdf")){
        if (ext.type=="bmp"){
        if (ext.type=="png"){
        if (ext.type=="jpg"){
        if (ext.type=="tif"){

        if (ext.type=="pdf"){
        filename <- paste0(filename,".pdf")
    for(i in 1:n.plots){
  }else{ ##if we have no file to save to, plot in new R Graphics Device windows
    for(i in 1:n.plots){
      if(!RStudio){ # if this is run in R Studio, the new plot will pop open outside of RStudio
dpwynne/mmnst documentation built on Aug. 1, 2023, 8:08 a.m.