
#' RUM Simple Q matrix data simulation
#' Creates response data for a simplified version of the RUM model using the Simple 2 Attribute Q matrix
#' #' @section \strong{Important notes}:
#' \describe{
#'  As of 5-20-2016 I am unsure if the data simulation algorithm is accurate or effective. I abandoned this model in favor for the R-DINA.
#' }
#' @section \strong{Notation}:
#'  \describe{
#'    \tabular{ll}{
#'      JJ \tab Number of examinees \cr
#'      II \tab Number of items \cr
#'      KK \tab Number of skills \cr
#'      j \tab Examinee j \cr
#'      i \tab Item i \cr
#'      k \tab Skill k \cr
#'      alphaK \tab Skill mastery population proportion vector \cr
#'      alphaJK \tab Examinee skill mastery profile \cr
#'      x \tab response matrix \cr
#'      pi \tab Probability that an examinee having mastered all the Q required skills for item i will correctly apply all the skills when solving item i \cr
#'      iParamsLow \tab Matrix of item parameters for ideal low complexity model \cr
#'      rStar \tab Item discrimination \cr
#'      kappa \tab Mastery threshold parameter \cr
#'    }
#'  }
#' @author Dave Rackham \email{ddrackham@gmail.com}
#' @references \url{http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.2333-8504.2008.tb02157.x/abstract}
#' @keywords q-matrix
#' @examples
#' data <- RUMSimpleQData()
#' @export

RUMSimpleQData <- function(){

  kappa <- .6
  J <- 1000
  I <- 30
  K <- 2
  q <- simpleQ()

  # Generate the final mastery proportions
  alphaK <- c(.7, .5)
  alphaJK <- matrix(nrow = J, ncol = K)
  for (j in 1:J){
    for (k in 1:K){
      alphaJK[j,k] <- stats::rbinom(1,1,alphaK[k])

  # Generate random matery probabilities
  masteryJK <- matrix(nrow=J, ncol=K)

  for (j in 1:J){
    for(k in 1:K){
        masteryJK[j,k] <- stats::rbeta(1,2,30)
        masteryJK[j,k] <- stats::rbeta(1,20,2)

  iParamsLow <- matrix(nrow = I, ncol = K) # n skills

  iParamsLow[1,] <-  c(0.10, 1)
  iParamsLow[2,] <-  c(0.05, 1)
  iParamsLow[3,] <-  c(0.18, 1)
  iParamsLow[4,] <-  c(0.02, 1)
  iParamsLow[5,] <-  c(0.11, 1)
  iParamsLow[6,] <-  c(0.10, 1)
  iParamsLow[7,] <-  c(0.15, 1)
  iParamsLow[8,] <-  c(0.20, 1)
  iParamsLow[9,] <-  c(0.14, 1)
  iParamsLow[10,] <- c(0.12, 1)

  iParamsLow[11,] <-  c(1, 0.02)
  iParamsLow[12,] <-  c(1, 0.05)
  iParamsLow[13,] <-  c(1, 0.11)
  iParamsLow[14,] <-  c(1, 0.06)
  iParamsLow[15,] <-  c(1, 0.08)
  iParamsLow[16,] <-  c(1, 0.12)
  iParamsLow[17,] <-  c(1, 0.20)
  iParamsLow[18,] <-  c(1, 0.14)
  iParamsLow[19,] <-  c(1, 0.18)
  iParamsLow[20,] <-  c(1, 0.21)

  iParamsLow[21,] <-  c(0.05, 0.28)
  iParamsLow[22,] <-  c(0.08, 0.03)
  iParamsLow[23,] <-  c(0.21, 0.08)
  iParamsLow[24,] <-  c(0.13, 0.17)
  iParamsLow[25,] <-  c(0.11, 0.19)
  iParamsLow[26,] <-  c(0.26, 0.08)
  iParamsLow[27,] <-  c(0.18, 0.14)
  iParamsLow[28,] <-  c(0.03, 0.08)
  iParamsLow[29,] <-  c(0.13, 0.16)
  iParamsLow[30,] <-  c(0.32, 0.18)

  pi <- stats::runif(30,0.85,.99)

  probCorrect <- matrix (nrow=I, ncol=J)
  for (i in 1:I){ # items
    for (j in 1:J){ # respondents
      # rStar <- iParamsLow[i,]^((1-masteryJK[j,])*q[i,])  # Using prob
      rStar <- iParamsLow[i,]^((1-alphaJK[j,])*q[i,])  # Using mastery
      probCorrect[i,j] <- pi[i] * round(prod(rStar),3)

  # Generate response matrix
  xMat <- matrix (nrow=I, ncol=J)
  for (i in 1:I){
    for (j in 1:J){
      xMat[i,j] <- stats::rbinom(1,1,probCorrect[i,j])

  # Create vectorized response data
  observed <- matrix(1,nrow=I,ncol=J)
  N <- sum(observed)
  # qVec <- rep(-1, N*K)
  x <- rep(-1,N)
  jj <- rep(-1,N)
  ii <- rep(-1,N)
  n <- 1
  for (i in 1:I) {
    for (j in 1:J) {
      if (observed[i,j]) {
        x[n] <- xMat[i,j]
        jj[n] <- j
        ii[n] <- i
        # qVec[n] <- q[j,]
        n <- n + 1

  out <- list("I" = I, "J" = J, "K" = K, "N" = N, "xMat" = xMat, "x" = x, "jj" = jj, "ii" = ii,
              "probCorrect" = probCorrect, "alphaJK" = alphaJK,
              "masteryJK" = masteryJK, "kappa" = kappa, "iParamsLow" = iParamsLow)

drackham/dcmdata documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:52 p.m.