
#  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Title : Example RTE
#    By : VP
#  Date : samedi 05/08/2017
#  ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Packages ----------------------------------------------------------------

library( "billboarder" )

# Datas -------------------------------------------------------------------


# Barcharts ---------------------------------------------------------------

# Simple

billboarder() %>%
  bb_barchart(data = prod_par_filiere[, c("annee", "prod_hydraulique")], color = "#102246") %>%
  bb_y_grid(show = TRUE) %>%
  bb_y_axis(tick = list(format = suffix("TWh")),
            label = list(text = "production (in terawatt-hours)", position = "outer-top")) %>% 
  bb_legend(show = FALSE) %>% 
  bb_labs(title = "French hydraulic production",
          caption = "Data source: RTE (")

# Dodge

billboarder() %>%
  bb_barchart(data = prod_par_filiere[, c("annee", "prod_hydraulique", "prod_eolien", "prod_solaire")]) %>%
  bb_data(names = list(prod_hydraulique = "Hydraulic", prod_eolien = "Wind", prod_solaire = "Solar")) %>% 
  bb_y_grid(show = TRUE) %>%
  bb_y_axis(tick = list(format = suffix("TWh")),
            label = list(text = "production (in terawatt-hours)", position = "outer-top")) %>% 
  bb_legend(position = "inset", inset = list(anchor = "top-right")) %>% 
  bb_labs(title = "Renewable energy production",
          caption = "Data source: RTE (")

# Stacked

billboarder() %>%
  bb_barchart(data = prod_par_filiere[, c("annee", "prod_hydraulique", "prod_eolien", "prod_solaire")], stacked = TRUE) %>%
  bb_data(names = list(prod_hydraulique = "Hydraulic", prod_eolien = "Wind", prod_solaire = "Solar"), labels = TRUE) %>% 
  bb_colors_manual("prod_eolien" = "#41AB5D", "prod_hydraulique" = "#4292C6", "prod_solaire" = "#FEB24C") %>%
  bb_y_grid(show = TRUE) %>%
  bb_y_axis(tick = list(format = suffix("TWh")),
            label = list(text = "production (in terawatt-hours)", position = "outer-top")) %>% 
  bb_legend(position = "right") %>% 
  bb_labs(title = "Renewable energy production",
          caption = "Data source: RTE (")

# production sources
prod_par_filiere_l <- reshape2::melt(data = prod_par_filiere)
prod_par_filiere_l <- prod_par_filiere_l[with(prod_par_filiere_l, annee == "2016" & variable != "prod_total"), 2:3]
prod_par_filiere_l <- prod_par_filiere_l[order(prod_par_filiere_l$value), ]

billboarder() %>%
  bb_barchart(data = prod_par_filiere_l) %>% 
  bb_y_grid(show = TRUE) %>% 
  bb_legend(show = FALSE) %>%
  bb_x_axis(categories = prod_par_filiere_l$variable, fit = FALSE) %>% 
  bb_labs(title = "French electricity generation by branch in 2016",
          y = "production (in terawatt-hours)",
          caption = "Data source: RTE (")

# Piecharts ---------------------------------------------------------------

nuclear2016 <- data.frame(
  sources = c("Nuclear", "Other"),
  production = c(
    prod_par_filiere$prod_nucleaire[prod_par_filiere$annee == "2016"],
    prod_par_filiere$prod_total[prod_par_filiere$annee == "2016"] -
      prod_par_filiere$prod_nucleaire[prod_par_filiere$annee == "2016"]

billboarder() %>% 
  bb_piechart(data = nuclear2016) %>% 
  bb_labs(title = "Share of nuclear power in France in 2016",
          caption = "Data source: RTE (")

# Linecharts --------------------------------------------------------------

billboarder() %>% 
  bb_linechart(data = rnorm(20))

billboarder() %>% 
  bb_linechart(data = cdc_prod_filiere[, c("date_heure", "prod_eolien")]) %>% 
  bb_x_axis(tick = list(format = "%H:%M", fit = FALSE))

sun <- getSunlightTimes(date = as.Date("2017-06-12"), lat = 48.86, lon = 2.34, tz = "CET")

billboarder() %>% 
  bb_linechart(data = cdc_prod_filiere[, c("date_heure", "prod_solaire")]) %>% 
  bb_x_axis(tick = list(format = "%H:%M", fit = FALSE)) %>% 
  bb_y_axis(min = 0, padding = 0) %>% 
      start = as.numeric(cdc_prod_filiere$date_heure[1]) * 1000,
      end = as.numeric(sun$sunrise)*1000
      start = as.numeric(sun$sunset) * 1000, 
      end = as.numeric(cdc_prod_filiere$date_heure[48]) * 1000
  ) %>% 
    lines = list(
      list(value = as.numeric(sun$sunrise)*1000, text = "sunrise"),
      list(value = as.numeric(sun$sunset)*1000, text = "sunset")
  ) %>% 
  bb_labs(title = "Solar production (2017-06-12)",
          y = "In megawatt (MW)",
          caption = "Data source: RTE (")

billboarder() %>% 
  bb_linechart(data = cdc_prod_filiere[, c("date_heure", "prod_eolien", "prod_hydraulique", "prod_solaire")], type = "spline") %>% 
  bb_y_axis(min = 0, padding = 0)

billboarder() %>% 
    data = cdc_prod_filiere[, c("date_heure", "prod_eolien", "prod_hydraulique", "prod_solaire")], 
    type = "area"
  ) %>% 
    groups = list(list("prod_eolien", "prod_hydraulique", "prod_solaire")),
    names = list("prod_eolien" = "Wind", "prod_hydraulique" = "Hydraulic", "prod_solaire" = "Solar")
  ) %>% 
  bb_legend(position = "inset", inset = list(anchor = "top-right")) %>% 
  bb_colors_manual("prod_eolien" = "#238443", "prod_hydraulique" = "#225EA8", "prod_solaire" = "#FEB24C", opacity = 0.8) %>% 
  bb_y_axis(min = 0, padding = 0) %>% 
  bb_labs(title = "Renewable energy production (2017-06-12)",
          y = "In megawatt (MW)",
          caption = "Data source: RTE (")

# vs
billboarder() %>% 
    data = cdc_prod_filiere[, c("date_heure", "prod_eolien", "prod_hydraulique", "prod_solaire")], 
    type = "area"
  ) %>% 
    groups = list(list("prod_eolien", "prod_hydraulique", "prod_solaire")),
    colors = list("prod_eolien" = "#238443", "prod_hydraulique" = "#225EA8", "prod_solaire" = "#FEB24C"),
    names = list("prod_eolien" = "Wind", "prod_hydraulique" = "Hydraulic", "prod_solaire" = "Solar")
  ) %>% 
  bb_y_axis(min = 0, padding = 0)

billboarder() %>% 
    data = equilibre_mensuel[, c("date", "consommation", "production")], 
    type = "spline"
  ) %>% 
  bb_x_axis(tick = list(format = "%Y-%m", fit = FALSE)) %>% 
  bb_x_grid(show = TRUE) %>% 
  bb_y_grid(show = TRUE) %>% 
  bb_colors_manual("consommation" = "firebrick", "production" = "forestgreen") %>% 
  bb_legend(position = "right") %>% 
  bb_subchart(show = TRUE, size = list(height = 30)) %>% 
  bb_labs(title = "Monthly electricity consumption and production in France (2007 - 2017)",
          y = "In megawatt (MW)",
          caption = "Data source: RTE (")
dreamRs/billboarder documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 3:42 a.m.