
Defines functions geomIcons match_geom_args potential_geoms_ref potential_geoms

Documented in match_geom_args potential_geoms potential_geoms_ref

#' @title Potential geometries according to the data
#' @description
#' From the data and variable used in aesthetics, decide which geometry can be used and which one is used by default.
#' @param data A \code{data.frame}
#' @param mapping List of aesthetic mappings to use with data.
#' @param auto Return only one geometry.
#' @return A \code{character} vector
#' @export
#' @name geoms
#' @importFrom rlang has_name eval_tidy expr sym
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # One continuous variable
#' potential_geoms(
#'   data = iris,
#'   mapping = aes(x = Sepal.Length)
#' )
#' # Automatic pick a geom
#' potential_geoms(
#'   data = iris,
#'   mapping = aes(x = Sepal.Length),
#'   auto = TRUE
#' )
#' # One discrete variable
#' potential_geoms(
#'   data = iris,
#'   mapping = aes(x = Species)
#' )
#' # Two continuous variables
#' potential_geoms(
#'   data = iris,
#'   mapping = aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width)
#' )
potential_geoms <- function(data, mapping, auto = FALSE) {

  data_mapped <- lapply(mapping, eval_tidy, data = data)

  x_type <- col_type(data_mapped$x, no_id = TRUE)
  y_type <- col_type(data_mapped$y, no_id = TRUE)

  potential_geoms_ref <- potential_geoms_ref()

  if (is.null(x_type) & !is.null(y_type)) {
    if (all(y_type %nin% "continuous")) {
      x_type <- y_type
      y_type <- "empty"
    } else {
      x_type <- "empty"
  if (!is.null(x_type) & is.null(y_type)) {
    y_type <- "empty"

  if (isTRUE(auto)) {
    auto_ <- 1
  } else {
    auto_ <- c(0, 1)

  geoms_ind <- eval_tidy(
    expr = expr(!!sym("x") == !!x_type & !!sym("y") %in% !!y_type & auto %in% !!auto_),
    data = potential_geoms_ref
  geoms <- potential_geoms_ref[geoms_ind, "geom"]

  if (inherits(data, what = "sf")) {
    if (isTRUE(auto)) {
      geoms <- "sf"
    } else {
      geoms <- c(geoms, "sf")
  if (isTRUE(x_type %in% c("continuous", "time")) & all(has_name(mapping, c("ymin", "ymax"))))
    geoms <- c(geoms, "ribbon")
  if (isTRUE(y_type %in% c("continuous", "time")) &  all(has_name(mapping, c("xmin", "xmax"))))
    geoms <- c(geoms, "ribbon")


#' @export
#' @rdname geoms
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_histogram geom_density geom_bar geom_sf
#' geom_boxplot geom_bar geom_point geom_line geom_tile geom_violin
#' geom_area geom_smooth geom_col
#' @examples
#' # Reference used by esquisse to select available geoms
#' # and decide which one to use by default
#' potential_geoms_ref()
potential_geoms_ref <- function() {
  x <- matrix(
    data = c(
      "continuous",  "empty",       "histogram", "1",
      "continuous",  "empty",       "boxplot",   "0",
      "continuous",  "empty",       "violin",    "0",
      "continuous",  "empty",       "density",   "0",
      "discrete",    "empty",       "bar",       "1",
      "time",        "empty",       "histogram", "1",
      "time",        "empty",       "bar",       "0",
      "continuous",  "discrete",    "boxplot",   "0",
      "continuous",  "discrete",    "point",     "0",
      "continuous",  "discrete",    "jitter",    "0",
      "continuous",  "discrete",    "violin",    "0",
      "continuous",  "discrete",    "bar",       "1",
      "discrete",    "continuous",  "col",       "1",
      "discrete",    "continuous",  "bar",       "0",
      "discrete",    "continuous",  "boxplot",   "0",
      "discrete",    "continuous",  "point",     "0",
      "discrete",    "continuous",  "jitter",    "0",
      "discrete",    "continuous",  "violin",    "0",
      "discrete",    "continuous",  "text",      "0",
      "discrete",    "continuous",  "label",     "0",
      "continuous",  "continuous",  "point",     "1",
      "continuous",  "continuous",  "jitter",    "0",
      "continuous",  "continuous",  "line",      "0",
      "continuous",  "continuous",  "step",      "0",
      "continuous",  "continuous",  "path",      "0",
      "continuous",  "continuous",  "area",      "0",
      "continuous",  "continuous",  "smooth",    "0",
      "continuous",  "continuous",  "text",      "0",
      "continuous",  "continuous",  "label",     "0",
      "discrete",    "discrete",    "tile",      "1",
      "time",        "continuous",  "line",      "1",
      "time",        "continuous",  "point",     "0",
      "time",        "continuous",  "step",      "0",
      "time",        "continuous",  "area",      "0",
      "time",        "continuous",  "bar",       "0",
      "time",        "continuous",  "smooth",    "0",
      "empty",       "continuous",  "line",      "1",
      "empty",       "continuous",  "step",      "0",
      "empty",       "continuous",  "path",      "0",
      "empty",       "continuous",  "area",      "0",
      "continuous",  "continuous",  "tile",      "0",
      "discrete",    "time",        "tile",      "0",
      "time",        "discrete",    "tile",      "0"
    ), ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE
  x <- data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names(x) <- c("x", "y", "geom", "auto")
  x$auto <- as.numeric(x$auto)

#' Match list of arguments to arguments of geometry
#' @param geom Character. name of the geometry.
#' @param args Named list, parameters to be matched to the geometry arguments.
#' @param add_aes Add aesthetics parameters (like size, fill, ...).
#' @param mapping Mapping used in plot, to avoid setting fixed aesthetics parameters.
#' @param add_mapping Add the mapping as an argument.
#' @param exclude_args Character vector of arguments to exclude, default is to exclude aesthetics names.
#' @param envir Package environment to search in.
#' @return a `list()`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # List of parameters
#' params <- list(
#'   bins = 30,
#'   scale = "width",
#'   adjust = 2,
#'   position = "stack",
#'   size = 1.6,
#'   fill = "#112246"
#' )
#' # Search arguments according to geom
#' match_geom_args(geom = "histogram", args = params)
#' match_geom_args(geom = "violin", args = params)
#' match_geom_args(geom = "bar", args = params, add_aes = FALSE)
#' match_geom_args(geom = "point", args = params)
#' match_geom_args(geom = "point", args = params, add_aes = FALSE)
match_geom_args <- function(geom,
                            add_aes = TRUE,
                            mapping = list(),
                            add_mapping = FALSE,
                            exclude_args = NULL,
                            envir = "ggplot2") {
  if (is.null(exclude_args))
    exclude_args <- names(aes(!!!syms2(mapping)))
  if (!is.null(args$fill_color)) {
    if (geom %in% c("bar", "col", "histogram", "boxplot", "violin", "density", "ribbon")) {
      args$fill <- args$fill_color %||% "#0C4C8A"
    if (geom %in% c("line", "step", "path", "point", "smooth")) {
      args$colour <- args$fill_color %||% "#0C4C8A"
  if (geom %in% c("bar", "col", "histogram", "boxplot", "violin", "density")) {
    args$size <- NULL
    args$linewidth <- NULL
  if (geom %in% c("col")) {
    args$stat <- NULL
    args$fun <- NULL
  pkg_envir <- getNamespace(envir)
  if (!grepl(pattern = "^geom_", x = geom))
    geom <- paste0("geom_", geom)
  geom_args <- try(formals(fun = get(geom, envir = pkg_envir)), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(geom_args, "try-error"))
    stop(paste(geom, "not found in", envir), call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(args$stat)) {
    stat_args <- try(
      formals(fun = get(paste0("stat_", args$stat), envir = pkg_envir)),
      silent = TRUE
    if (!inherits(stat_args, "try-error")) {
      geom_args <- c(geom_args, stat_args)
  # browser()
  if (isTRUE(add_aes)) {
    GeomFun <- paste0("Geom", capitalize(gsub("geom_", "", geom)))
    GeomFun <- try(get(GeomFun, envir = pkg_envir), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(GeomFun, "try-error")) {
      GeomFun <- try({
        fun <- get(geom, envir = pkg_envir)
      }, silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(GeomFun, "try-error") & !is.null(geom_args$geom)) {
      GeomFun <- paste0("Geom", capitalize(geom_args$geom))
      GeomFun <- try(get(GeomFun, envir = pkg_envir), silent = TRUE)
    if (!inherits(GeomFun, "try-error")) {
      aes_args <- GeomFun$aesthetics()
      geom_args <- c(geom_args, setNames(aes_args, aes_args))
  # browser()
  args <- args[names(args) %in% setdiff(names(geom_args), exclude_args)]
  if (isTRUE(add_mapping) & length(mapping) > 0)
    args <- c(list(expr(aes(!!!syms2(mapping)))), args)

# utils for geom icons
geomIcons <- function(geoms = NULL, default = c("auto", "blank", "select")) {
  default <- match.arg(default)
  defaults <- c(
    "line", "step", "path", "area", "ribbon",
    "bar", "col",
    "histogram", "density",
    "point", "jitter", "smooth",
    "boxplot", "violin",
    "tile", "sf",
    "text", "label"
  if (is.null(geoms))
    geoms <- defaults
  geoms <- match.arg(geoms, defaults, several.ok = TRUE)
  geoms <- unique(c(default, geoms))
  href <- "esquisse/geomIcon/gg-%s.png"
  geomsChoices <- lapply(
    X = geoms,
    FUN = function(x) {
      list(inputId = x, img = sprintf(href, x), label = if (x != "select") capitalize(x))

  geomsChoicesNames <- lapply(
    X = geomsChoices,
    FUN = function(x) {
        style = "width: 90px;",
        tags$img(src = x$img, width = 56, height = 56),
  geoms[!geoms %in% defaults] <- "blank"
  list(names = geomsChoicesNames, values = geoms)
dreamRs/esquisse documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 5:59 p.m.