
Defines functions html_dependency_dragula get_choices makeDragulaChoices updateDragulaInput make_bg_svg generate_targets dragulaInput

Documented in dragulaInput updateDragulaInput

#' Drag And Drop Input Widget
#' @param inputId The `input` slot that will be used to access the value.
#' @param label Display label for the control, or `NULL` for no label.
#' @param sourceLabel Label display in the source box
#' @param targetsLabels Labels for each target element.
#' @param targetsIds Ids for retrieving values server-side, if `NULL`, the default,
#'  `targetsLabels` are used after removing all not-alphanumeric characters.
#' @param choices List of values to select from (if elements of the list are
#'  named then that name rather than the value is displayed to the user).
#'  If this argument is provided, then `choiceNames` and `choiceValues` must
#'  not be provided, and vice-versa. The values should be strings; other
#'  types (such as logicals and numbers) will be coerced to strings.
#' @param choiceNames,choiceValues List of names and values, respectively,
#' that are displayed to the user in the app and correspond to the each
#' choice (for this reason, `choiceNames` and `choiceValues` must have the same length).
#' If either of these arguments is provided, then the other must be provided and
#' choices must not be provided. The advantage of using both of these over a named
#' list for choices is that `choiceNames` allows any type of UI object to be passed
#' through (tag objects, icons, HTML code, ...), instead of just simple text.
#' @param selected Default selected values. Must be a `list` with `targetsIds` as names.
#' @param badge Displays choices inside a Bootstrap badge. Use `FALSE`
#'  if you want to pass custom appearance with `choiceNames`.
#' @param ncolSource Number of columns occupied by the source, default is `"auto"`, meaning full row.
#' @param ncolGrid,nrowGrid Number of columns / rows used to place source and targets boxes, see examples.
#' @param status If choices are displayed into a Bootstrap label, you can use Bootstrap
#'  status to color them, or `NULL`.
#' @param replace When a choice is dragged in a target container already
#'  containing a choice, does the later be replaced by the new one ?
#' @param copySource When `replace = TRUE`, does elements in source must be copied or moved ?
#' @param dragulaOpts Options passed to dragula JavaScript library
#'  (see [online documentation on GitHub](https://github.com/bevacqua/dragula#dragulacontainers-options)).
#'  Note that options `moves`, `accepts` and `invalid` must be valid JavaScript code as they are evaluated on the client.
#' @param boxStyle CSS style string to customize source and target container.
#' @param targetsHeight Height for the target boxes.
#' @param width Width of the input.
#' @param height Height of each boxes, the total input height is this parameter X 2 (unless if `targetsHeight` is set).
#' @note The output server-side is a list with two slots: `source` and `targets`.
#' @seealso [updateDragulaInput()] to update choices server-side.
#' @return a UI definition
#' @export
#' @importFrom htmltools validateCssUnit singleton tags css
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @importFrom shiny fillRow splitLayout restoreInput
#' @example examples/dragulaInput.R
dragulaInput <- function(inputId,
                         label = NULL,
                         targetsIds = NULL,
                         choices = NULL,
                         choiceNames = NULL,
                         choiceValues = NULL,
                         selected = NULL,
                         status = "primary",
                         replace = FALSE,
                         copySource = TRUE,
                         badge = TRUE,
                         ncolSource = "auto",
                         ncolGrid = NULL,
                         nrowGrid = NULL,
                         dragulaOpts = list(),
                         boxStyle = NULL,
                         targetsHeight = NULL,
                         width = NULL,
                         height = "100px") {

  bookmark <- restoreInput(id = inputId, default = NULL)
  if (!is.null(bookmark)) {
    selected <- bookmark$target
  args <- normalizeChoicesArgs(choices, choiceNames, choiceValues)

  if (!is.null(selected) && !is.list(selected))
    stop("If provided 'selected' must be a list.", call. = FALSE)

  targets <- generate_targets(
    inputId = inputId,
    args = args,
    targetsLabels = targetsLabels,
    targetsIds = targetsIds,
    selected = selected,
    replace = replace,
    boxStyle = boxStyle,
    badge = badge,
    status = status,
    targetsHeight = targetsHeight,
    height = height
  targetsIds <- targets$ids
  replaceTargets <- targets$replace

  if (is.null(ncolGrid))
    ncolGrid <- length(targetsIds)

  if (identical(ncolSource, "auto"))
    ncolSource <- ncolGrid

  if (!isTRUE(replace) & !is.null(selected)) {
    ind <- unlist(args$choiceValues, use.names = FALSE) %in% unlist(selected, use.names = FALSE)
    args$choiceValues <- args$choiceValues[!ind]
    args$choiceNames <- args$choiceNames[!ind]

      `for` = inputId,
      class = "control-label",
      class = if (is.null(label)) "shiny-label-null"
      class="form-group shiny-input-container shiny-input-dragula mb-0",
      style = css(width = validateCssUnit(width)),
      id = inputId,
        style = css(
          display = "-ms-grid",
          display = "grid",
          gridColumnGap = "5px",
          gridRowGap = "5px",
          gridTemplateColumns = sprintf("repeat(%s, 1fr)", ncolGrid),
          "-ms-grid-columns" = rep("1fr", ncolGrid),
          gridTemplateRows = if (!is.null(nrowGrid)) 
            paste(validateCssUnit(height), paste(rep(validateCssUnit(targetsHeight %||% height), nrowGrid-1), collapse = " "))
          id = paste0(inputId, "-source-container"),
          class = "container-drag-source",
          style = if (!is.null(ncolSource)) paste0("grid-area: 1 / 1 / auto / span ", ncolSource, ";"),
          style = boxStyle,
          style = make_bg_svg(sourceLabel),
          style = css(height = validateCssUnit(height)),
            id = paste(inputId, "source", sep = "-"),
            class = "dragula-source",
            style = "min-height: 15px;",
            makeDragulaChoices(inputId = inputId, args = args, status = status, badge = badge)
        type = "application/json",
        `data-for` = inputId,
          source = list1(paste(inputId, "source", sep = "-")),
          targets = list1(paste(inputId, "target", targetsIds, sep = "-")),
          replace = replace,
          replaceIds = list1(replaceTargets),
          copySource = copySource,
          options = dragulaOpts
        ), auto_unbox = TRUE, json_verbatim = TRUE)

generate_targets <- function(inputId,
                             height) {
  if (is.null(targetsIds)) {
    targetsIds <- targetsLabels
  stopifnot(length(targetsLabels) == length(targetsIds))

  target_ids <- makeId(targetsIds)

  replaceTargets <- target_ids
  if (is.numeric(replace)) {
    replaceTargets <- target_ids[replace]
    replace <- TRUE
  } else {
  replaceTargets <- paste0(inputId, "-target-", replaceTargets)

  targets <- lapply(
    X = seq_along(targetsLabels),
    FUN = function(i) {
      if (is.null(selected)) {
          style = css(margin = 0, height = validateCssUnit(targetsHeight %||% height)),
          style = boxStyle,
          class = "box-dad xyvar dragula-target",
          id = paste(inputId, "target", target_ids[i], sep = "-"),
          style = make_bg_svg(targetsLabels[i])
      } else {
        choicesTarget <- get_choices(args, selected[[targetsIds[i]]])
          style = css(margin = 0, height = validateCssUnit(targetsHeight %||% height)),
          style = boxStyle,
          class = "box-dad xyvar dragula-target",
          id = paste(inputId, "target", target_ids[i], sep = "-"),
          style = make_bg_svg(targetsLabels[i]),
          makeDragulaChoices(inputId = inputId, args = choicesTarget, status = status, badge = badge)
    ids = target_ids,
    replace = replaceTargets,
    targets = targets

#' @importFrom jsonlite base64_enc
#' @importFrom htmltools doRenderTags tag
make_bg_svg <- function(text) {
  svg <- tag("svg", list(
    xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
    version = "1.1",
    tag("text", list(
      x = "100%",
      y = "20",
      opacity = "0.15",
      fill = "E6E6E6",
      "font-weight" = "bold",
      "font-family" = "Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
      "font-size" = "20",
      "text-anchor" = "end",
      transform = "translate(-2,0)",
  svg <- doRenderTags(svg)
  svg <- base64_enc(svg)
  svg <- gsub(x = svg, pattern = "\n", replacement = "")
  svg <- sprintf(
  paste0(svg, "background-color:white; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:right bottom;")

#' @title Update Dragula Input
#' @description Update [dragulaInput()] widget server-side.
#' @param session The `session` object passed to function given to `shinyServer`.
#' @inheritParams dragulaInput
#' @param selectedNames,selectedValues Update selected items with custom names and values.
#' @export
#' @importFrom htmltools doRenderTags
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library("shiny")
#' library("esquisse")
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   tags$h2("Update dragulaInput"),
#'   radioButtons(
#'     inputId = "update",
#'     label = "Dataset",
#'     choices = c("iris", "mtcars")
#'   ),
#'   tags$br(),
#'   dragulaInput(
#'     inputId = "myDad",
#'     sourceLabel = "Variables",
#'     targetsLabels = c("X", "Y", "fill", "color", "size"),
#'     choices = names(iris),
#'     replace = TRUE, width = "400px", status = "success"
#'   ),
#'   verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "result")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   output$result <- renderPrint(str(input$myDad))
#'   observeEvent(input$update, {
#'     if (input$update == "iris") {
#'       updateDragulaInput(
#'         session = session,
#'         inputId = "myDad",
#'         choices = names(iris),
#'         status = "success"
#'       )
#'     } else {
#'       updateDragulaInput(
#'         session = session,
#'         inputId = "myDad",
#'         choices = names(mtcars)
#'       )
#'     }
#'   }, ignoreInit = TRUE)
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
updateDragulaInput <- function(session,
                               choices = NULL,
                               choiceNames = NULL,
                               choiceValues = NULL,
                               selected = NULL,
                               selectedNames = NULL,
                               selectedValues = NULL,
                               badge = TRUE,
                               status = "primary") {
  if (!is.null(choices) | !is.null(choiceNames)) {
    args <- normalizeChoicesArgs(choices, choiceNames, choiceValues)
    choices <- doRenderTags(makeDragulaChoices(
      inputId = session$ns(inputId),
      args = args,
      status = status,
      badge = badge
  if (!is.null(selected) && length(selected) > 0) {
    nms <- names(selected)
    selected <- lapply(
      X = selected,
      FUN = function(x) {
        choicesTarget <- normalizeChoicesArgs(x, NULL, NULL)
          inputId = session$ns(inputId),
          args = choicesTarget,
          status = status,
          badge = badge
    names(selected) <- paste(session$ns(inputId), "target", makeId(nms), sep = "-")
  if (!is.null(selectedNames) & !is.null(selectedValues)) {
    if (length(selectedNames) != length(selectedValues))
      stop("'selectedValues' & 'selectedNames' must be of same length", call. = FALSE)
    nms <- names(selectedNames)
    selected <- lapply(
      X = seq_along(selectedNames),
      FUN = function(i) {
        choicesTarget <- normalizeChoicesArgs(NULL, selectedNames[[i]], selectedValues[[i]])
          inputId = session$ns(inputId),
          args = choicesTarget,
          status = status,
          badge = badge
    names(selected) <- paste(session$ns(inputId), "target", makeId(nms), sep = "-")
  message <- dropNulls(list(choices = choices, selected = selected))
  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)

makeDragulaChoices <- function(inputId, args, status = NULL, badge = TRUE) {
    X = seq_along(args$choiceNames),
    FUN = function(i) {
        class = "dragula-block",
          class = "label-dragula",
          class = if (badge) "label badge-dragula",
          class = if (badge & !is.null(status)) paste0("label-", status),
          id = paste(inputId, "target-label", makeId(args$choiceValues[[i]]), sep = "-"),
          `data-value` = args$choiceValues[[i]],

get_choices <- function(x, values) {
  if (is.null(values))
  ind <- vapply(x$choiceValues, function(x) {
    x %in% values
  }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
    choiceNames = x$choiceNames[ind],
    choiceValues = x$choiceValues[ind]

#' @importFrom htmltools htmlDependency
html_dependency_dragula <- function() {
    name = "esquisse-dragula",
    version = packageVersion("esquisse"),
    src = c(file = "assets/dragula", href = "esquisse/dragula"),
    package = "esquisse",
    script = c("dragula.min.js", "dragula-bindings.js"),
    stylesheet = c("dragula.min.css", "styles-dad.css"),
    all_files = FALSE
dreamRs/esquisse documentation built on July 24, 2024, 3:28 a.m.