#' Structure learning with negative binomial model using glm
#' This function estimates the adjacency matrix of a NB model given a matrix of
#' counts, using the glm.nb function.
#' @param X the matrix of counts (n times p).
#' @param alpha the significant level of the tests
#' @param maxcard the uper bound of the cardinality of the conditional sets K
#' @param extend if TRUE it considers the union of the tests, otherwise it
#' considers the intersection.
#' @return the estimated adjacency matrix of the graph.
#' @export
#' @importFrom MASS glm.nb negative.binomial
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom stats as.formula glm
nb.wald <- function(X,maxcard,alpha, extend){
p <- ncol(X)
n <- nrow(X)
adj <- matrix(1,p,p)
diag(adj) <- 0
ncard <- 0
while (ncard <= maxcard) {
adj.est <- foreach(i = 1:p, .combine = "cbind",.packages = c("MASS")) %dopar%{
neighbor <- which (adj[, i] == 1)
if (length(neighbor) >= ncard){
condset <- combn(neighbor, ncard, FUN = list)
for (j in 1: length(neighbor)){
condset.temp <- condset
indcond <- FALSE
k <- 1
while (!indcond & k <= length(condset.temp)){
if (!(neighbor[j] %in% condset.temp[[k]])){
# fit model with new edges c(neighbor[j]
X_new <- scale(as.matrix(cbind(X[,c(neighbor[j], condset.temp[[k]])]),
nrow=n, ncol=ncard+1))
data <- data.frame(cbind(X[,i],X_new))
colnames(data) <- paste("V", 1:(ncard+2), sep="")
fmla <- as.formula(paste("V1 ~ ", paste(colnames(data)[-1], collapse= "+")))
fitadd <- try(glm.nb(fmla, data = data,link = "log"),silent = TRUE)
if (is(fitadd, "try-error")){
fitadd <- glm(X[,i]~scale(X_new),family = negative.binomial(theta = 1))
########## wald type tests
if (summary(fitadd)$coefficients[2,4] > alpha){
adj[neighbor[j], i] <- 0
indcond <- TRUE
k <- k+1
if (extend == TRUE){
adj <- adj.est + t(adj.est)
adj[which(adj != 0)] <-1
adj <- adj.est * t(adj.est)
ncard <- ncard + 1
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