
Defines functions imputeZeros computeDevianceResiduals computeObservationalWeights zinb.loglik.matrix

Documented in computeDevianceResiduals computeObservationalWeights imputeZeros zinb.loglik.matrix

#' Log-likelihood of the zero-inflated negative binomial model for each entry
#' in the matrix of counts
#' Given a matrix of counts, this function computes the
#' log-probabilities of the counts under a zero-inflated negative binomial
#' (ZINB) model. For each count, the ZINB distribution is parametrized by three
#' parameters: the mean value and the dispersion of the negative binomial
#' distribution, and the probability of the zero component.
#' @param model the zinb model
#' @param x the matrix of counts
#' @return the matrix of log-likelihood of the model.
#' @
zinb.loglik.matrix <- function(model, x) {
    mu <- getMu(model)
    theta <- getTheta(model)
    theta_mat <- matrix(rep(theta, each = nrow(x)), ncol = ncol(x))
    pi <- getPi(model)
    lik <- pi * (x == 0) + (1 - pi) * dnbinom(x, size = theta_mat, mu = mu)
    lik[lik == 0] <- min(lik[lik != 0]) #to avoid log lik to be infinite

#' Observational weights of the zero-inflated negative binomial model for each entry
#' in the matrix of counts
#' Given a matrix of counts, this function computes the
#' observational weights of the counts under a zero-inflated negative binomial
#' (ZINB) model. For each count, the ZINB distribution is parametrized by three
#' parameters: the mean value and the dispersion of the negative binomial
#' distribution, and the probability of the zero component.
#' @param model the zinb model
#' @param x the matrix of counts
#' @return the matrix of observational weights computed from the model.
#' @importFrom stats dnbinom
#' @export
#' @examples
#' se <- SummarizedExperiment(matrix(rpois(60, lambda=1), nrow=10, ncol=6),
#'     colData = data.frame(bio = gl(2, 3)))
#' m <- zinbFit(se, X=model.matrix(~bio, data=colData(se)),
#'     BPPARAM=BiocParallel::SerialParam())
#' computeObservationalWeights(m, assay(se))
computeObservationalWeights <- function(model, x){
    mu <- getMu(model)
    pi <- getPi(model)
    theta <- getTheta(model)
    theta <- matrix(rep(theta, each = ncol(x)), ncol = nrow(x))
    nb_part <- dnbinom(t(x), size = theta, mu = mu)
    zinb_part <- pi * ( t(x) == 0 ) + (1 - pi) *  nb_part
    zinbwg <- ( (1 - pi) * nb_part ) / zinb_part
    zinbwg <- t(zinbwg)
    zinbwg[x > 0] <- 1
    zinbwg[zinbwg < 1e-15] <- 1e-15

#' Deviance residuals of the zero-inflated negative binomial model
#' Given a matrix of counts, this function computes the
#' deviance residuals under a zero-inflated negative binomial
#' (ZINB) model.
#' @param model the zinb model
#' @param x the matrix of counts n cells by J genes
#' @param ignoreW logical, if true matrix \code{W} is ignored. Default is TRUE.
#' @export
#' @return the matrix of deviance residuals of the model.
#' @examples
#' se <- SummarizedExperiment(matrix(rpois(60, lambda=5), nrow=10, ncol=6),
#'     colData = data.frame(bio = gl(2, 3)))
#' m <- zinbFit(se, X=model.matrix(~bio, data=colData(se)),
#'     BPPARAM=BiocParallel::SerialParam())
#' computeDevianceResiduals(m, t(assay(se)))
computeDevianceResiduals <- function(model, x, ignoreW = TRUE) {

    # this makes a copy of "model" -- is there a more efficient way?
    if (ignoreW) {
        model@W <- matrix(0, ncol = nFactors(model), nrow = nSamples(model))

    mu_hat <- getMu(model)
    pi_hat <- getPi(model)
    x_hat <- (1 - pi_hat) * mu_hat
    ll <- zinb.loglik.matrix(model, x)
    sign <- 1*(x - x_hat > 0)
    sign[sign == 0] <- -1
    sign * sqrt(-2 * ll)

#' Impute the zeros using the estimated parameters from the ZINB model.
#' Given a matrix of counts and a zinb model, this function computes the
#' imputed counts under a zero-inflated negative binomial
#' (ZINB) model.
#' @param model the zinb model
#' @param x the matrix of counts n cells by J genes
#' @export
#' @return the matrix of imputed counts.
#' @examples
#' se <- SummarizedExperiment(matrix(rpois(60, lambda=5), nrow=10, ncol=6),
#'     colData = data.frame(bio = gl(2, 3)))
#' m <- zinbFit(se, X=model.matrix(~bio, data=colData(se)),
#'     BPPARAM=BiocParallel::SerialParam())
#' imputeZeros(m, t(assay(se)))
imputeZeros <- function(model, x) {
    mu <- getMu(model)
    pi <- getPi(model)
    phi <- getPhi(model)
    imputedZero <- (mu * pi) / (pi + (1 - pi) * t((1 + t(mu) * phi)^(- 1/ phi)))
    x[x == 0] <- imputedZero[x == 0]

#' @describeIn zinbwave Y is a
#'   \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{SummarizedExperiment}}.
#' @export
#' @param X The design matrix containing sample-level covariates, one sample per
#'   row. If missing, X will contain only an intercept. If Y is a
#'   SummarizedExperiment object, X can be a formula using the variables in the
#'   colData slot of Y.
#' @param V The design matrix containing gene-level covariates, one gene
#'   per row. If missing, V will contain only an intercept. If Y is a
#'   SummarizedExperiment object, V can be a formula using the variables in the
#'   rowData slot of Y.
#' @param K integer. Number of latent factors. Specify \code{K = 0} if only
#'   computing observational weights.
#' @param fitted_model a \code{\link{ZinbModel}} object.
#' @param which_assay numeric or character. Which assay of Y to use. If missing,
#'   if `assayNames(Y)` contains "counts" then that is used. Otherwise, the
#'   first assay is used.
#' @param which_genes character. Which genes to use to estimate W (see details).
#'   Ignored if \code{fitted_model} is provided.
#' @param commondispersion Whether or not a single dispersion for all features
#'   is estimated (default TRUE).
#' @param zeroinflation Whether or not a ZINB model should be fitted. If FALSE,
#'   a negative binomial model is fitted instead.
#' @param BPPARAM object of class \code{bpparamClass} that specifies the
#'   back-end to be used for computations. See
#'   \code{\link[BiocParallel]{bpparam}} for details.
#' @param verbose Print helpful messages.
#' @param nb.repeat.initialize Number of iterations for the initialization of
#'   beta_mu and gamma_mu.
#' @param maxiter.optimize maximum number of iterations for the optimization
#'   step (default 25).
#' @param stop.epsilon.optimize stopping criterion in the optimization step,
#'   when the relative gain in likelihood is below epsilon (default 0.0001).
#' @param normalizedValues indicates wether or not you want to compute
#' normalized values for the counts after adjusting for gene and cell-level
#' covariates.
#' @param residuals indicates wether or not you want to compute the residuals
#' of the ZINB model. Deviance residuals are computed.
#' @param imputedValues indicates wether or not you want to compute the imputed
#' counts of the ZINB model.
#' @param observationalWeights indicates whether to compute the observational
#'   weights for differential expression (see vignette).
#' @details For visualization (heatmaps, ...), please use the normalized values.
#' It corresponds to the deviance residuals when the \code{W} is not included
#' in the model but the gene and cell-level covariates are. As a results, when
#' \code{W} is not included in the model, the deviance residuals should capture
#' the biology. Note that we do not recommend to use the normalized values for
#' any downstream analysis (such as clustering, or differential expression), but
#' only for visualization.
#' @details If one has already fitted a model using \code{\link{ZinbModel}},
#' the object containing such model can be used as input of \code{zinbwave} to
#' save the resulting W into a \code{SummarizedExperiment} and optionally
#' compute residuals and normalized values, without the need for re-fitting the
#' model.
#' @details By default \code{zinbwave} uses all genes to estimate \code{W}.
#'   However, we recommend to use the top 1,000 most variable genes for this
#'   step. In general, a user can specify any custom set of genes to be used to
#'   estimate \code{W}, by specifying either a vector of gene names, or a single
#'   character string corresponding to a column of the \code{rowData}.
#' @details Note that if both \code{which_genes} is specified and at least one
#'   among \code{observationalWeights}, \code{imputedValues}, \code{residuals},
#'   and \code{normalizedValues} is \code{TRUE}, the model needs to be fit
#'   twice.
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @examples
#' se <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = matrix(rpois(60, lambda=5),
#'                                                          nrow=10, ncol=6)),
#'                            colData = data.frame(bio = gl(2, 3)))
#' m <- zinbwave(se, X="~bio", BPPARAM=BiocParallel::SerialParam())
setMethod("zinbwave", "SummarizedExperiment",
          function(Y, X, V, K=2, fitted_model, which_assay,
                   zeroinflation=TRUE, verbose=FALSE,
                   nb.repeat.initialize=2, maxiter.optimize=25,
                   normalizedValues = FALSE, residuals = FALSE,
                   imputedValues = FALSE,
                   observationalWeights = FALSE, ...) {

              if(missing(fitted_model)) {

                  if(missing(which_genes) | K == 0) {
                      YY <- Y
                  } else {
                      if(length(which_genes) == 1) {
                          if(!which_genes %in% colnames(rowData(Y))) {
                              stop("if `which_genes` has length 1, it must be the name of a column of `rowData(Y)`.")
                          which_genes <- rowData(Y)[,which_genes]

                      YY <- Y[which_genes,]

                  fitted_model <- zinbFit(YY, X, V, K,
                                          which_assay, commondispersion,
                                          verbose, nb.repeat.initialize,
                                          stop.epsilon.optimize, BPPARAM,

              out <- as(Y, "SingleCellExperiment")

              if (nFactors(fitted_model) > 0){
                  W <- getW(fitted_model)
                  colnames(W) <- paste0('W', seq_len(nFactors(fitted_model)))
                  reducedDim(out, "zinbwave") <- W

              if(missing(which_assay)) {
                  if("counts" %in% assayNames(Y)) {
                      dataY <- assay(Y, "counts")
                  } else {
                      warning("No assay named `counts`, using first assay.",
                              "Use `assay` to specify a different assay.")
                      dataY <- assay(Y)
              } else {
                  if(!(is.character(which_assay) | is.numeric(which_assay))) {
                      stop("assay needs to be a numeric or character specifying which assay to use")
                  } else {
                      dataY <- assay(Y, which_assay)

              refit <- any(c(observationalWeights, normalizedValues, residuals,
                             imputedValues)) &
                  (nrow(Y) != nFeatures(fitted_model)) & K > 0

              if(refit) {
                  fitted_model <- zinbFit(Y, X, V, K = 0,
                                          which_assay, commondispersion,
                                          verbose, nb.repeat.initialize,
                                          stop.epsilon.optimize, BPPARAM,

              if (normalizedValues){
                  norm <- computeDevianceResiduals(fitted_model,
                                                   ignoreW = TRUE)
                  assay(out, "normalizedValues") <- t(norm)

              if (residuals){
                  devres <- computeDevianceResiduals(fitted_model,
                                                     ignoreW = FALSE)
                  assay(out, "residuals") <- t(devres)

              if (imputedValues){
                  imputed <- imputeZeros(fitted_model,
                  assay(out, "imputedValues") <- t(imputed)

              if (observationalWeights) {
                  weights <- computeObservationalWeights(fitted_model,
                  dimnames(weights) <- dimnames(out)
                  assay(out, "weights") <- weights

drisso/zinbwave documentation built on March 18, 2024, 5:13 p.m.