
Defines functions wsVal

Documented in wsVal

#' @title Finds standard weight equation coefficients for a particular species.
#' @description Returns a vector that contains all known or a subset of information about the standard weight equation for a given species, type of measurement units, and reference percentile.
#' @details This function extract all known information from \code{\link{WSlit}} about the following standard weight equation,
#' \deqn{log_{10}(Ws) = log_{10}(a) + blog_{10}(L) + blog_{10}(L)^{2}}
#' See \code{\link{WSlit}} for more information about the meaning of each value returned.
#' Note from above that the coefficients are returned for the TRANSFORMED model. Thus, to obtain the standard weight (Ws), the returned coefficients are used to compute the common log of Ws which must then bed raised to the power of 10 to compute the Ws.
#' @param species A string that contains the species name for which to find coefficients. See details.
#' @param units A string that indicates whether the coefficients for the standard weight equation to be returned are in (\code{"metric"} (DEFAULT; mm and g) or \code{"English"} (in and lbs) units.
#' @param ref A numeric that indicates which percentile the equation should be returned for. Note that the vast majority of equations only exist for the \code{75}th percentile (DEFAULT).
#' @param simplify A logical that indicates whether the \sQuote{units}, \sQuote{ref}, \sQuote{measure}, \sQuote{method}, \sQuote{comments}, and \sQuote{source} fields should be included (\code{=FALSE}) or not (\code{=TRUE}; DEFAULT). See details.
#' @return A one row data frame from \code{\link{WSlit}} that contains all known information about the standard weight equation for a given species, type of measurement units, and reference percentile if \code{simplify=FALSE}. If \code{simplify=TRUE} then only the species; minimum and maximum length for which the standard equation should be applied; and intercept, slope, and quadratic  coefficients for the standard weight equation. Note that the maximum length and the quadratic coefficient will not be returned if they do not exist in \code{\link{WSlit}}.
#' If no arguments are given to this function, a species name is mis-spelled, or if a standard weight equation does not exist (in \code{\link{WSlit}}) for a particular species, then a warning will be issued and a list of species names will be printed.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @seealso See \code{\link{wrAdd}} and \code{\link{WSlit}} for related functionality.
#' @section IFAR Chapter: 8-Condition.
#' @references Ogle, D.H. 2016. \href{https://fishr-core-team.github.io/fishR/pages/books.html#introductory-fisheries-analyses-with-r}{Introductory Fisheries Analyses with R}. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL.
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' wsVal()
#' wsVal("Bluegill")
#' wsVal("Bluegill",units="metric")
#' wsVal("Bluegill",units="English")
#' wsVal("Bluegill",units="English",simplify=TRUE)
#' wsVal("Ruffe",units="metric",simplify=TRUE)
#' wsVal("Ruffe",units="metric",ref=50,simplify=TRUE)
#' @export
wsVal <- function(species="List",units=c("metric","English"),ref=75,simplify=FALSE) {
  type <- measure <- method <- NULL   # avoiding bindings warning in RCMD CHECK
  units <- match.arg(units)
  ## load WSlit data frame into this functions environment
  WSlit <- FSA::WSlit
  ## Make checks on species (if species exists then reduce dataframe to that species)
  if (length(species)>1) STOP("'species' must contain only one name.")
  if (species=="List") iListSpecies(WSlit)
  else {
    if (!any(unique(WSlit$species)==species)) {
      STOP("There is no Ws equation in 'WSlit' for ",species,
           ".\n  Type 'wsVal()' to see a list of available species.\n\n")
    } else df <- droplevels(WSlit[WSlit$species==species,])
    ## Make checks on units (if OK reduce data frame to those units)
    if (!any(unique(df$units)==units)) {
      STOP("There is no Ws equation in ",units," units for ",species,
           ".\n  Please see relevant portion of `WSlit` above.\n\n")
    } else df <- droplevels(df[df$units==units,])
    ## Make checks on ref (if OK reduce data frame to that ref)
    if (!any(unique(df$ref)==ref)) {
      STOP("There is no Ws equation with ref of ",ref," for ",species,
           ".\n  Please see relevant portion of `WSlit` above.\n\n")
    } else df <- droplevels(df[df$ref==ref,])
    ## Should be a single row data frame if it gets to this point
    ## If comments says "none" then drop the comment variable
    if (df$comment=="none") df <- df[,-which(names(df)=="comment")]
    ## If function is linear (as opposed to quadratic) then drop the quad variable
    if (df$type=="linear") df <- df[,-which(names(df)=="quad")]
    ## Change "min.len" and "max.len" variables to ".TL" or ."FL" as appropriate
    tmp <- paste(c("min","max"),df$measure,sep=".")
    names(df)[which(names(df) %in% c("min.len","max.len"))] <- tmp
    ## Remove max.len if it is NA
    if (is.na(df[,tmp[2]])) df <- df[,-which(names(df)==tmp[2])]
    ## If told to simplify then only get certain values
    if (simplify)
      df <- df[,which(names(df) %in% c("species",tmp,"int","slope","quad"))]
droglenc/FSA documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 12:51 a.m.