
Defines functions gReshape

Documented in gReshape

#' @title Reshapes a one-fish-per-line data frame to a one-measurement-per-line data frame.
#' @description Converts growth data from the one-fish-per-line format to the one-measurement-per-line format.  One-fish-per-line format is a common form for collecting or storing growth data.  One-measurement-per-line format is required for many statistical analyses.
#' @details This function does NOT convert the data from radial to incremental or incremental to radial measurements (see \code{\link[RFishBC]{gConvert}}).
#' The input data frame in \code{df} must have the following specific formats.  First, the measurements of annular increments or radii must be in one-fish-per-line format.  The measurements must be contained in columns that are named with a common prefix (e.g., \dQuote{anu}, \dQuote{inc}, or \dQuote{rad}) followed by a number that represents the age of the fish when that portion of the structure formed.  This prefix must be the same for all columns that contains measurements and \bold{must not be found in any other variable (as a prefix or not)}.  For example, the first annular measurement should be in a variable named \dQuote{anu1}, the second annular measurement in \dQuote{anu2}, and so on.  The name of the prefix should be included in the \code{in.pre=} argument.
#' If \code{id.var} is left blank then the vector of variables that will not be changed upon the reshaping will consist of all variables that do NOT start with the \code{in.pre} prefix.
#' Errors may occur if a particular variable in the original data frame, to be included in the \code{id.var=} list, is of POSIX type.  A workaround for this error is to include the name of that variable in \code{drop=}.
#' The name of the variable in the reshaped output data frame that contains the measurements will be called the same as \code{in.pre} by default.  This can be changed by including a new name as a string in \code{val.name}.
#' @note This code was in \pkg{FSA} but it can largely be accomplished with \code{\link[tidyr]{gather}} from \pkg{tidyr} and \code{\link[stringr]{str_sub}} from \pkg{stringr}.
#' @param df A data frame that contains the growth measurement data in one-fish-per-line format with specifics as defined in the details.
#' @param in.pre A string that represents the common start to the measurement variable names.  See details.
#' @param id.var A vector of variables in \code{df} that do not change.  See details.
#' @param var.name A string that indicates the name in the reshaped data frame that represents the level of the measurement variables in the original data frame.
#' @param val.name A string that indicates the name in the reshaped data frame that represents the measurements in the orginal data frame.
#' @param last.plus A string that if non-null indicates that the last measurement represents \dQuote{plus growth} and not an actual increment.  If \dQuote{plus growth} is recorded then this string should indicate the name of the variable in \code{df} that contains the age of the fish at capture.
#' @param na.rm A logical that indicates whether \code{NA} values in the measurement variables should be removed after reshaping.
#' @param drop A vector of variable names to drop before reshaping.
#' @return Returns a data frame in one-measurement-per-line format.  See details.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{dogle@@northland.edu}
#' @seealso See also \code{\link[RFishBC]{gConvert}} for related code, and \code{\link[stats]{reshape}}, and \code{\link[tidyr]{gather}} in \pkg{tidyr} for similar but more general functionality.
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' data(SMBassWB,package="FSA")
#' head(SMBassWB)
#' # convert radial measurements to increments
#' SMBi1 <- RFishBC::gConvert(SMBassWB,in.pre="anu",out.type="inc")
#' head(SMBi1)
#' SMBi1a <- gReshape(SMBi1,in.pre="inc")
#' head(SMBi1a)
#' # same as above but assume that last increment (in agecap variable) is plus-growth
#' SMBi2a <- gReshape(SMBi1,in.pre="inc",last.plus="agecap")
#' head(SMBi2a)
#' # example of dropping some variables before reshaping
#' SMBi1b <- gReshape(SMBi1,in.pre="inc",drop=c("species","lake"))
#' head(SMBi1b)
#' @export
gReshape <- function(df,in.pre,id.var,var.name="prvAge",val.name=in.pre,last.plus=NULL,
                     na.rm=TRUE,drop=NULL) {
  ## Some Checks
  if (missing(in.pre)) stop("\nYou must have a prefix string in 'in.pre='.",call.=FALSE)
  # coerce df to be a data.frame
  df <- as.data.frame(df)
  # drop variables if given
  if (!is.null(drop)) df <- df[,-which(names(df) %in% drop)]
  # find measure.var by matching prefixes (the ^ makes sure it is a prefix)
  measure.var <- names(df)[grepl(paste0("^",in.pre),names(df))]
  if (length(measure.var)==0) stop("No variables start with the 'in.pre' string.",call.=FALSE)
  # if no id.var, then id.var is all not in measure.var
  if (missing(id.var)) id.var <- names(df)[!grepl(paste0("^",in.pre),names(df))]
  # do the reshaping (new.row.names gets around error with duplicate rownames from reshape)
  ndf <- stats::reshape(df,direction="long",idvar=id.var,varying=measure.var,
  # remove all increments with NAs
  if (na.rm) ndf <- ndf[!is.na(ndf[,in.pre]),]
  # rename the rows
  rownames(ndf) <- 1:nrow(ndf)
  # handle the last.plus issues
  if (!is.null(last.plus)) {
    if(any(is.na(match(last.plus,names(df))))) stop("'last.plus=' variable not found.",call.=FALSE)
    # If last.plus not null then remove values where age exceeds age@cap (sent in last.plus)
    ndf <- ndf[(ndf[,var.name] <= ndf[,last.plus]),]
  # strip attributes from reshape before returning
  attr(ndf,"reshapeLong") <- NULL
droglenc/FSAmisc documentation built on Jan. 8, 2023, 12:59 a.m.