
Defines functions growthRadPlot

Documented in growthRadPlot

#' @title Constructs skeleton plots of radial or proportional radial measurements made at annuli on fish calcified structures.
#' @description Constructs skeleton plots of radial or proportional radial measurements made at annuli on fish calcified structures.  These plots can be used to identify clearly incorrect radial measurements.
#' @details This function constructs a plot of horizonal lines for each individual with the annular increments marked with vertical lines.  This is simply an exploratory graph to allow visual comparison of patterns among individuals.
#' This function requires one-fish-per-line radial measurement data. This function also assumes that the data frame has the total radius-at-capture and the fish's age.
#' @param df A data frame that contains the radial growth measurement data in one-fish-per-line format.
#' @param indivs A string that contains the variable name or a vector of strings that contains the variable names that identify individual fish in the data frame.
#' @param in.pre A string that indicates the prefix for all variable names that contains the radial growth measurement data in the input data frame.
#' @param in.var A vector of column numbers or variable names that contain the radial growth measurement data in the input data frame.
#' @param radcap A string that contains the variable name that holds the total structure radius at the time of capture.
#' @param agevar A string that contains the variable name that holds the assigned ages.
#' @param proportions A logical that indicates whether raw radial measurements (\code{=FALSE}, default) or proportional (of the total radius) measurements are plotted.
#' @param numperpg A numeric that indicates the number of individuals to plot per page.
#' @param xlab A string for labeling the x-axis.
#' @param lwd A numeric that indicates the width of the lines plotted.
#' @param col A string that indicates the color to use for the plotted lines.
#' @param pch A numeric that indicates the plotting character used to mark the annuli.  The default (\code{=124}) is a vertical line.
#' @param ymar A numeric that indicates how wide the y-axis margin should be for labelling the individuals.
#' @param \dots Optional arguments sent to the \code{lines()} or \code{points()}.
#' @return None.  However, a plot is produced.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{dogle@@northland.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gReshape}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' data(SMBassWB)
#' head(SMBassWB)     # to see column names & some data
#' growthRadPlot(SMBassWB,c("yearcap","gear","fish"),
#'               in.pre="anu",radcap="radcap",agevar="agecap",ymar=6)
#' @export
growthRadPlot <- function(df,indivs,in.pre="rad",in.var,radcap="radcap",agevar="age",
                          "Radial Measurements","Proportions of Total Radius"),
                          lwd=2,col="black",pch=124,ymar=5,...) {

  # find the variables in df that contain the increments
  if (missing(in.pre) & missing(in.var)) stop("You must use one of the in.pre or in.var arguments.",call.=FALSE)
  if (!missing(in.pre) & !missing(in.var)) warning("Both in.var and cols arguments were used.  Only the in.var argument will be used.",call.=FALSE)
  if (!missing(in.pre) & missing(in.var)) { in.var <- grep(in.pre,names(df)) }

  # combine labels if >1 item is sent to indivs= argument
  if (length(indivs)>1) ylabs <- apply(df[,indivs],1,paste,collapse=".")
    else ylabs <- df[,indivs]

  # make the plot
  opar <- graphics::par(mar=c(3,ymar,1,3),mgp=c(1.75,0.75,0),ask=TRUE)
  # set values for y-axis of the plots
  yvals <- -(1:numperpg)
  # set maximum for x-axis
  ifelse(proportions,max.x <- 1,max.x <- max(df[,radcap]))
  # loop through pages of plots
  for (i in 1:ceiling(dim(df)[1]/numperpg) ) {
    # set up plot schematic
    # loop through fish to be put on current page
    for (j in (numperpg*(i-1)+1):(numperpg*i)) {
      # get increment values for this fish
      xvals <- df[j,in.var]
      # make fist value a zero (to start) and remove NAs
      xvals <- c(0,xvals[!is.na(xvals)])
      # convert to proportions if measure==proportion
      if (proportions) xvals <- xvals/df[j,radcap]
      # only put line on if there is a line to plot
      if (length(xvals)>1) {
        # put the line down
        if (proportions) graphics::lines(c(0,1),rep(yvals[j-(numperpg*(i-1))],2),lwd=lwd,col=col,...)
          else graphics::lines(c(0,df[j,radcap]),rep(yvals[j-(numperpg*(i-1))],2),lwd=lwd,col=col,...)
        # mark increments with a vertical line
    } # end fish on current page loop (j)
    # put y-axis label of fish id
  } # end pages loop (i)
droglenc/FSAmisc documentation built on Jan. 8, 2023, 12:59 a.m.