#' @title Fit a gam model to an individual site data set
#' @description The purpose of this function is to allow a user to fit the gam model which is used for
#' imputation to a sigle site's worth of data. This is primarily used for testing purposes and not meant
#' to be called by the user in general.
#' @param data data
#' @param obs.formula Formula for the observation model
#' @param sig.abund Variance estimates for abundance response if it is estimated.
#' @param min.k Minimum df for the thin-plate regression spine model fit to the counts
#' @param ln.adj Amount to add to zero valued abundances before taking logs
#' @param obs.prior List that provides the mean (named 'gamma.mean') and covariance matrix
#' for the observation model coefficients (named 'gamma.vcov')
#' @return a list...
#' @author Devin S. Johnson
#' @export
#' @import mgcv
site.fit.gam = function(data, obs.formula=NULL, sig.abund=NULL,
min.k = 3, ln.adj=0, family="tw",
nz = sum(data$y>0)
if(is.null(obs.prior)) stop("A list of priors must be given if 'obs.formula' is specified!")
# gamma offset/random eff.
X = model.matrix(obs.formula, data)
Xgamma = X%*% obs.prior$gamma.mean %>% as.vector()
gamma_pen = list(X=list(S=solve(obs.prior$gamma.vcov), sp=1))
gam.cut = ncol(X)+min.k+3
lin.cut = ncol(X)+3
} else{use.gamma=TRUE}
} else(use.gamma=FALSE)
# Fit models
fit = mgcv::gam(
y ~ offset(Xgamma) + X + s(time, k=nrow(data)-ncol(X)-1),
select=TRUE, data=data, family=family, method="REML",
paraPen = gamma_pen
} else if(nz>=lin.cut){
pen_list = c(gamma_pen, list(time=list(sp=-1, S=diag(1))))
fit <- mgcv::gam(
y ~ offset(Xgamma) + time + X,
paraPen = pen_list, data=data, family=family, method="REML"
} else{
fit <- mgcv::gam(
y ~ offset(Xgamma) + X,
paraPen = gamma_pen, data=data, family=family, method="REML"
} else{
# Fit models
fit = mgcv::gam(
y ~ s(time, k=nrow(data)-1),
select=TRUE, data=data, family=family, method="REML"
} else if(nz>= 3){
pen_list = list(time=list(sp=-1, S=diag(1)))
fit = mgcv::gam(
y ~ time,
paraPen = pen_list, data=data, family=family, method="REML"
else {
fit = mgcv::gam(
y ~ 1,
data=data, family=family, method="REML"
} # end if obs.formula present
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