
#' Estimation of the supralinearity value for the MAAD protocol
#' Internal function called by \link{analyse_TL.MAAD}. \cr
#' This function estimates the supralinearity correction based on the dose vector and the Lx/Tx vector provided. \cr
#' See details for more information.
#' @param LxTx
#'  \link{numeric} (\bold{required}): Lx/Tx vector
#' @param LxTx.error
#'  \link{numeric} (\bold{required}): Error for the Lx/Tx vector
#' @param doses
#'  \link{numeric} (\bold{required}): doses vector
#' @param slope
#'  \link{list} (with default): Property of the additive growth curve.
#' @param fitting.parameters
#'  \link{list} (with default): fitting parameters. See details.
#' @details
#' This function estimates the supralinearity correction based on the doses vector and the Lx/Tx matrix provided. \cr
#' Different fitting methods are available (\code{LIN}, \code{EXP}, \code{EXP+LIN} or \code{EXP+EXP}).
#' Morover, the fitting can be weigthed or not. \cr
#' If the fitting parameter \code{fit.use.slope} is \code{TRUE}, the function will use the data
#' from \code{slope} to define the fitting curve for the supralinearity correction.
#' In that case, the supralinearity correction growth curve will be parallel to the additive growth curve.
#' #' \bold{Fitting parameters} \cr
#' The fitting parameters are:  \cr
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\code{method}}{
#'    \link{character}: Fitting method (\code{LIN}, \code{EXP}, \code{EXP+LIN} or \code{EXP+EXP}).}
#'  \item{\code{fit.weighted}}{
#'    \link{logical}: If the fitting is weighted or not.}
#'  \item{\code{fit.use.slope}}{
#'    \link{logical}: If the slope of the Q growth curve is reused for the supralinearity correction.}
#'  \item{\code{fit.rDoses.min}}{
#'    \link{numeric}: lowest regenerative dose used for the fitting.}
#'  \item{\code{fit.rDoses.max}}{
#'    \link{numeric}: Highest regenerative dose used for the fitting.}
#' }
#' @return
#'  The function provides an \linkS4class{TLum.Results} object containing: \cr
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{\code{GC}}{
#'      \linkS4class{lm}: The fitting result.}
#'    \item{\code{i}}{
#'      \link{numeric}: The supralinearity correction estimation for the given equivalent dose}
#'    \item{\code{I.error}}{
#'      \link{numeric}: The error for the supralinearity correction estimation}
#'    \item{\code{summary}}{
#'      \link{numeric}: The parameters of the fitting result.}
#'  }
#' @details
#'  \bold{Warning}: This function is an internal function and should not be used except for development purposes.
#'  Internal functions can be heavily modified and even renamed or removed in new version of the package.
#' @seealso
#'  \link{calc_TL.MAAD.fit.Q},
#'  \link{analyse_TL.MAAD}.
#' @author David Strebler, University of Cologne (Germany).
#' @export calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I

calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I <- function(




  slope = NULL,



  function.LIN <- function(a,b,x){a+b*x}
  # a: horizontal translation
  # b: slope

  function.EXP <- function(a,b,h,x){a*(1-exp(-(x+h)/b))}
  # a: vectical scale, reflexion against x
  # b: horizontal scale, reflexion against y
  # h: horizontal translation

  function.EXPLIN <- function(a1,b1,h1,a2,x){a1*(1-exp(-(x+h1)/b1)+(a2*x))}
  #a1: (EXP comp) vectical scale, reflexion against x
  #b1: (EXP comp) horizontal scale, reflexion against y
  #h1: (EXP comp) horizontal translation
  #a2: (LIN comp) slope

  function.EXPEXP <- function(a1,a2,h1,b1,b2,h2,x){(a1*(1-exp(-(x+h1)/b1)))+(a2*(1-exp(-(x+h2)/b2)))}
  #a1: (EXP comp1) vectical scale, reflexion against x
  #b1: (EXP comp1) horizontal scale, reflexion against y
  #h1: (EXP comp1) horizontal translation
  #a2: (EXP comp2) vectical scale, reflexion against x
  #b2: (EXP comp2) horizontal scale, reflexion against y
  #h2: (EXP comp2) horizontal translation

  # Integrity Check ---------------------------------------------------------
  if (missing(doses)){
    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: LxTx is missing.")
  }else if(!is.numeric(LxTx)){
    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: doses is not of type 'numeric'.")

  if (missing(LxTx.error)){
    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: LxTx.error is missing.")
  }else if(!is.numeric(LxTx.error)){
    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: LxTx.error is not of type 'numeric'.")

  if (missing(doses)){
    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: doses is missing.")
  }else if(!is.numeric(doses)){
    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: doses is not of type 'numeric'.")
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  fit.method <- fitting.parameters$fit.method
  fit.weighted <- fitting.parameters$fit.weighted
  fit.use.slope <- fitting.parameters$fit.use.slope

  w <- 1/(LxTx.error^2)

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Check value
    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: fit.method is missing")
  }else if(!(fit.method %in% V_METHODS)){
    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: The Fitting method is not suported.")

    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: fit.weighted is missing.")

    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: fit.use.slope is missing.")

  if(length(LxTx) != length(LxTx.error)){
    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: LxTx and LxTx.error have a different length.")

  if(length(doses) != length(LxTx)){
    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: LxTx and dose have a different length.")

      fit.use.slope <- FALSE
      warning("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Warning: slope is missing.")

  if(FALSE %in% is.finite(LxTx)){
    LxTx[!is.finite(LxTx)] <- 0.0001
    #warning("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Warning: LxTx not always finite")

  if(FALSE %in% is.finite(w)){
    w[!is.finite(w)] <- 0.0001
    #warning("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Warning: w not always finite")
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------


    if(fit.method == "LIN"){
      b <- slope$b
      b.error <- slope$b.error

      r <- slope$r

    }else if(fit.method == "EXP"){
      a <- slope$a
      b <- slope$b

      a.error <- slope$a.error
      b.error <- slope$b.error

    }else if(fit.method == "EXP+LIN"){
      a1 <- slope$a1
      b1 <- slope$b1
      a2 <- slope$a2

      a1.error <- slope$a1.error
      b1.error <- slope$a2.error
      a2.error <- slope$a3.error

    }else if(fit.method == "EXP+EXP"){
      a1 <- slope$a1
      b1 <- slope$b1
      a2 <- slope$a2
      b2 <- slope$b2

      a1.error <- slope$a1.error
      b1.error <- slope$b1.error
      a2.error <- slope$a2.error
      b2.error <- slope$b2.error

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Check value
    if(fit.method == "LIN"){
        stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: b is not finite.")

    }else if(fit.method == "EXP"){
        fit.use.slope <- FALSE
        warning("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: a is not finite.")
      }else if(!is.finite(b)){
        fit.use.slope <- FALSE
        warning("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: b is not finite.")

    }else if(fit.method == "LIN+EXP"){
        fit.use.slope <- FALSE
        warning("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: a1 is not finite.")
      }else if(!is.finite(b1)){
        fit.use.slope <- FALSE
        warning("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: b1 is not finite.")
      }else if(!is.finite(a2)){
        fit.use.slope <- FALSE
        warning("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: a2 is not finite.")

    }else if(fit.method == "EXP+EXP"){
        fit.use.slope <- FALSE
        warning("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: a1 is not finite.")
      }else if(!is.finite(b1)){
        fit.use.slope <- FALSE
        warning("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: b1 is not finite.")
      }else if(!is.finite(a2)){
        warning("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: a2 is not finite.")
      }else if(!is.finite(b2)){
        fit.use.slope <- FALSE
        warning("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: b2 is not finite.")
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

  data <- data.frame(x=doses,

  if(fit.method == "LIN"){

      temp.a <- LxTx - b*doses
      temp.a.error <- sqrt(LxTx.error^2 + (b.error*doses)^2)

      temp.a.w <- 1/(temp.a.error^2)

        # Weighted
        a <- sum(temp.a.w*temp.a,na.rm = TRUE)/sum(temp.a.w)
        a.error <- 1/sqrt(sum(temp.a.w))

        # Not weighted
        a <- mean(temp.a)
        a.error <- mean(temp.a.error)

      fit <- c(a,b)
      names(fit) <- c("a","b")

      # No slope
        # Weighted
        fit <- lm(formula = y ~ x,
                  data = data,

        # Not weighted
        fit <- lm(formula = y ~ x,
                  data = data)

      a <- summary(fit,correlation = TRUE)$coefficients[1,"Estimate"]
      a.error <- summary(fit,correlation = TRUE)$coefficients[1,"Std. Error"]
      b <- summary(fit,correlation = TRUE)$coefficients[2,"Estimate"]
      b.error <- summary(fit,correlation = TRUE)$coefficients[2,"Std. Error"]

      r <- abs(summary(fit,correlation = TRUE)$correlation[1,2])

    s <- list(a = a,
              a.error = a.error,
              b = b,
              b.error = b.error,
              r = r)

    I <- abs(a/b)

    I.error <- sqrt(sum((a.error/a)^2,(b.error/b)^2,abs(2*(a.error/a)*(b.error/b)*r), na.rm = TRUE)) * I

  }else if(fit.method == "EXP"){
    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: EXP fitting not supported yet.")

  }else if(fit.method == "EXP+LIN"){
    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: EXP+LIN fitting not supported yet.")

  }else if(fit.method == "EXP+EXP"){
    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: EXP+EXP fitting not supported yet.")

    stop("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Error: fit.method not supported.")

    I <- NA
    I.error <- NA
    warning("[calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I] Warning: I is not finite.")

  new.originator <- as.character(match.call()[[1]])

  result <- list(GC=fit,

  new.plotData <- list()

  new.TLum.Results.calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I <- set_TLum.Results(originator= new.originator,
                                                          data = result,
                                                          plotData = new.plotData)

  return (new.TLum.Results.calc_TL.MAAD.fit.I)
dstreble/TLdating documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:50 p.m.