
Defines functions remove_boilerplate

Documented in remove_boilerplate

#' Remove repetitive "boilerplate" text from documents
#' Remove repetitive "boilerplate" text from documents to minimize noise in the STM analysis.
#' @param input_dir Directory containing text files to extract ngrams from.
#' @param ngram_dir Directory in which to find ngrams.
#' @param output_dir Directory in which to save texts with boilerplate removed.
#' @param rep_text_dir Directory in which to save repetitive text for review.
#' @param header_footer_dir Directory in which to save header and footer text for review.
#' @param language Language in which documents are written.
#' @export

remove_boilerplate <- function(input_dir, ngram_dir, output_dir, rep_text_dir,
                               header_footer_dir, language="en") {

    # If any dirs don't exist yet, create them
    for(DIR in c(output_dir, rep_text_dir, header_footer_dir)) {
        if(!(dir.exists(DIR))) dir.create(DIR)

    # Load texts
    docs <- tm::VCorpus(tm::DirSource(input_dir, pattern="\\.txt$"),
                    readerControl = list(language=language))

    for(i in seq_along(docs)) {
        txt <- docs[[i]]$content
        if(length(txt) > 1) {
            txt <- stringr::str_c(txt, collapse=" ")
        docs[[i]]$content <- stringr::str_replace_all(txt, "[ \n\t\r]+", " ")

    doc_ngrams <- list(length(all))

    repetitive_text_removed <- list()
    repetitive_header_footer_text_removed <- list()

    for(i_doc in 1:length(docs)) {
        cat(sprintf("Document %d of %d\n", i_doc, length(docs)))
        doc <- docs[[i_doc]]
        txt <- doc$content
        ngram_file <- file.path(ngram_dir, stringr::str_replace(doc$meta$id, "\\.txt$", ".Rdata"))
        n_pages <- stringr::str_count(txt, "\\f") + 1
        ngram_vec <- character(0)
        for(ng in ngram_tabs) {
            ng$ngrams <- sapply(ng$ngrams, function(x) {
                Encoding(x) <- "UTF-8"
            ngram_vec <- c(ngram_vec, ng[ng$freq > max((n_pages/4), 5), "ngrams"])
        ng_order <- order(nchar(ngram_vec), decreasing=TRUE)
        ng_sorted <- ngram_vec[ng_order]
        cat(paste0(ng_sorted, collapse="\n"), file=file.path(rep_text_dir,
        repetitive_text_removed[[doc$meta$id]] <- ng_sorted
        if(length(ng_sorted) > 0) {
            for(s in ng_sorted) {
                rplc <- if(stringr::str_detect(s, "\\f")) "\f" else ""
                txt <- stringr::str_replace_all(txt, fixed(s), rplc)

        # Should also remove ngrams that appear too often near the beginning or ends of pages
        # Grab 30 words on either side of form-feed characters (don't distinguish between
        # before and after, because this seems to get messed up in the conversion process)
        # token_pattern <- "\\b[\\S\\f]+?\\b|\\S+"
        token_pattern <- "[\\S]+|\\f"
        page_breaks <- stringr::str_locate_all(txt, "\\f")[[1]][,1]
        all_words <- stringr::str_locate_all(txt, token_pattern)[[1]]
        page_break_word_nums <- which(all_words[,1] %in% page_breaks)
        header_footer_text <- paste(sapply(page_break_word_nums, function(i) {
            start_loc <- all_words[max(1, i-40), 1]
            stop_loc <- all_words[min(i+40, nrow(all_words)), 2]
            return(stringr::str_sub(txt, start_loc, stop_loc))
        ), collapse=" ")
        header_footer_text <- stringr::str_replace_all(header_footer_text, "\\f", "")
        # Get ngrams with n 2-40
        flagged <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2)
        for(i in 2:40) {
            if(ngram::wordcount(header_footer_text) >= i) {
                ngram_tab <- ngram::get.phrasetable(ngram::ngram(header_footer_text, n=i))
                # Flag any ngram that appears in more than max(n_pages/4, 5) pages
                flagged <- rbind(flagged, ngram_tab[ngram_tab$freq > max((n_pages/4), 5), c("ngrams", "freq")])
            } else {
        if(nrow(flagged) > 0) {
            # flagged_no_subsets <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2)
            # for(i in 1:nrow(flagged)) {
            #     if(sum(stringr::str_detect(flagged[ , 1], fixed(flagged[i, 1]))) == 1) {
            #         flagged_no_subsets <- rbind(flagged_no_subsets, flagged[i, ])
            #     }
            # }
            flagged_order <- order(nchar(flagged[ , 1]), decreasing=TRUE)
            flagged_sorted <- flagged[flagged_order, ]
            # Remove characters added by ngram
            flagged_sorted[ , 1] <- stringr::str_replace_all(flagged_sorted[ , 1], "Â", "")
            # Remove it (from around page breaks) if more than 80% of occurrences are within
            # 40 words from page breaks
            counts <- stringr::str_count(txt, fixed(flagged_sorted[,1]))
            to_remove <- flagged_sorted[flagged_sorted$freq > 0.8*counts, "ngrams"]
            cat(paste0(to_remove, collapse="\n"), file=file.path(header_footer_dir, doc$meta$id))
            repetitive_header_footer_text_removed[[doc$meta$id]] <- to_remove

            # Split txt into two vectors: one containing text not within 40 words of a form-feed (in order),
            # and the other containing text that *is* within 40 words of a form-feed.
            header_footer_text <- character(length(page_break_word_nums))
            other_text <- character(length(page_break_word_nums) + 1)
            for(i in seq_along(page_break_word_nums)) {
                n <- page_break_word_nums[i]
                if(i==length(page_break_word_nums)) {
                    final_page_lt_41_words <- nrow(all_words) - n <= 40
                    other_text[i+1] <- if(final_page_lt_41_words) "" else stringr::str_sub(txt, all_words[n+41, 1], nchar(txt))
                    n_plus_1 <- nrow(all_words) + 1
                } else n_plus_1 <- page_break_word_nums[i+1]
                next_page_lt_41_words <- n_plus_1 <= (n + 41)
                head_foot_stop <- if(next_page_lt_41_words) all_words[n_plus_1 - 1, 2] else all_words[n+40, 2]
                if(i==1) {
                    first_page_lt_41_words <- n <= 41
                    if(first_page_lt_41_words) {
                        other_text[1] <- ""
                        header_footer_text[1] <- stringr::str_sub(txt, 1, head_foot_stop)
                    } else {
                        other_text[1] <- stringr::str_sub(txt, 1, all_words[n-41, 2])
                        header_footer_text[1] <- stringr::str_sub(txt, all_words[n-40, 1], head_foot_stop)
                } else {
                    n_minus_1 <- page_break_word_nums[i-1]
                    prev_page_lt_41_words <- (n_minus_1 + 41) >= n
                    prev_page_lt_81_words <- (n_minus_1 + 81) >= n
                    head_foot_start <- if(prev_page_lt_41_words) all_words[n, 1] else all_words[max((n_minus_1 + 41), (n-40)), 1]
                    other_text[i] <- if(prev_page_lt_81_words) "" else stringr::str_sub(txt, all_words[n_minus_1 + 41, 1], all_words[n-41, 2])
                    header_footer_text[i] <- stringr::str_sub(txt, head_foot_start, head_foot_stop)

            # Remove to_remove from header_footer_text
            for(s in to_remove) {
                rplc <- if(stringr::str_detect(s, "\\f")) "\f" else ""
                header_footer_text <- stringr::str_replace_all(header_footer_text, fixed(s), rplc)
            txt <- paste(head(other_text, -1), header_footer_text, sep=" ", collapse=" ")

        cat(txt, file=file.path(output_dir, doc$meta$id))
dtburk/gensci.stm documentation built on Nov. 13, 2019, 12:33 a.m.