
#' Annotate Chronoamperogram
#' Plots a chronoamperogam and annotates it with either the
#' current for a single pulse experiment, or, for a double pulse
#' experiment, with the currents after both the forward pulse and
#' the reverse pulse, and the current ratio. The currents are
#' displayed for a designated time after a pulse, which defaults
#' to the length of the pulse if a value is not provided.
#' @param filename Name of the file that contains the results of a simulated chronoamperometry experiment.
#' @param time.delay Time after the application of a pulse for which the current is reported.
#' @param scale.factor Setting to a value less than 1 adjusts the \emph{y}-axis limits so that the limits are not defined by the current spike.
#' @param main_title An optional main title.
#' @return Returns a plot of the chronoamperogram with annotations.
#' @importFrom graphics plot grid abline arrows text
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ex_ca = simulateCA(e.start = 0.25, e.pulse = -0.25, e.form = 0,
#'   pulses = "double", t.2 = 20, x.units = 100, t.units = 1000)
#' annotateCA(ex_ca, time.delay = 0.5)

annotateCA = function(filename, time.delay,
                      scale.factor = 1, main_title = NULL) {

# verify that the file was created using caSim

  if (filename$expt != "CA") {
    stop("This file is not from a chronoamperometry simulation.")

# set time.delay if not provided

  if (missing(time.delay)) {
    if (filename$pulses == "double"){
      time.delay = filename$time_pulse2 - filename$time_pulse1
    else {
      time.delay = filename$time_end - filename$time_pulse1

# plot the chronoamperogram, add baseline, and annotate plot

  plot(filename$time, filename$current, type = "l",
       xlab = "time (s)",
       ylab = expression(paste("current (", mu, "A)")),
       main = main_title,
       ylim = c(min(filename$current)/scale.factor,

  delta.y = max(filename$current)/scale.factor - min(filename$current)/scale.factor

  abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
  if (filename$pulses == "single") {
    index = filename$tunits * (filename$time_pulse1 + time.delay)/filename$time_end
    arrows(x0 = filename$time[index], y0 = 0,
           x1 = filename$time[index], y1 = filename$current[index],
           code = 3, length = 0.1, angle = 15)
    text(x = 0.8 * max(filename$time),
         y = max(filename$current)/scale.factor - 0.10 * delta.y,
         substitute(paste("i: ", i, " ", mu, "A"), list(i = noquote(formatC(filename$current[index], format = "f", digits = 2)))),
         adj = c(0, NA), cex = 0.80)
  } else {
    index1 = filename$tunits * (filename$time_pulse1 + time.delay)/filename$time_end
    index2 = filename$tunits * (filename$time_pulse2 + time.delay)/filename$time_end
    arrows(x0 = filename$time[index1], y0 = 0,
           x1 = filename$time[index1], y1 = filename$current[index1],
           code = 3, length = 0.1, angle = 15)
    arrows(x0 = filename$time[index2], y0 = 0,
           x1 = filename$time[index2], y1 = filename$current[index2],
           code = 3, length = 0.1, angle = 15)
    text(x = 0.8 * max(filename$time),
         y = max(filename$current)/scale.factor - 0.10 * delta.y,
         substitute(paste(i[f], ": ", ifor, " ", mu, "A"), list(ifor = noquote(formatC(filename$current[index1], format = "f", digits = 2)))),
         adj = c(0, NA), cex = 0.80)
    text(x = 0.8 * max(filename$time),
         y = max(filename$current)/scale.factor - 0.175 * delta.y,
         substitute(paste(i[r], ": ", irev, " ", mu, "A"), list(irev = noquote(formatC(filename$current[index2], format = "f", digits = 2)))),
         adj = c(0, NA), cex = 0.80)
    text(x = 0.8 * max(filename$time),
         y = max(filename$current)/scale.factor - 0.25 * delta.y,
         substitute(paste("|",i[r]/i[f], "|: ", ratio), list(ratio = noquote(formatC(abs(filename$current[index2]/filename$current[index1]), format = "f", digits = 3)))),
         adj = c(0, NA), cex = 0.80)
dtharvey/eChem documentation built on July 9, 2019, 1:35 a.m.