Bus_delays: School bus delays in New York City

Bus_delaysR Documentation

School bus delays in New York City


School bus delays in New York City




A data.frame object with one row for each of 238,266 bus-delay incidents in New York City.

  • breakdown_id: A unique (almost) id number for each incident

  • year the school year of the incident

  • route_name the name of the bus route

  • delay_duration how long (minutes) the delay lasted

  • pre_k whether the bus was for Pre-kindergarden students. If not, it was for elementary school students. (Older students ride the city bus in NYC.)

  • reason an explanation of the cause of the delay

  • boro which of the jurisdictions of the NYC area the delay occurred in.

  • n_students how many student passengers were on the bus when the delay occurred.

  • company the name of the company operating the bus

  • date the date of the incident


The data have been lightly cleaned from their original form as a CSV file. 305 rows from the original data were removed: those with a number of passengers greater than 48. (These were presumably data-entry errors since a common legal limit for bus passengers is 48.)


The data themselves were scraped from the New York City OpenData site, https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Transportation/Bus-Breakdown-and-Delays/ez4e-fazm on Dec. 13, 2018. The data was brought to the author's attention on a blog written by Nils Ross https://datascienceplus.com/nyc-bus-delays/. Much of the code used to clean the data was copied from that blog post.

dtkaplan/SDSdata documentation built on June 28, 2022, 8:09 a.m.