Purchases: Credit card transaction data

PurchasesR Documentation

Credit card transaction data


These are credit card transactions made between April and July, 2018 at grocery stores and gas stations. They are used with permission of the purchaser(s), whose identity is redacted for privacy reasons.




An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 74 rows and 6 columns.


A data frame object with one row for each purchase

  • type: all the transactions were purchases

  • date the date the transaction occurred

  • posted the date the transaction was reported to the credit-card company

  • amount: the amount of the purchase in USD.

  • merchant string descripting the location

  • merchant_type: character string either grocery store or gasoline station

dtkaplan/SDSdata documentation built on June 28, 2022, 8:09 a.m.