Ramsey_weather: Hourly weather records in Ramsey County, MN

Ramsey_weatherR Documentation

Hourly weather records in Ramsey County, MN


These data, covering the period from late September 1992 through mid June 2022, were scraped from the NOAA weather site. Measurements are made roughly every hour, although there are gaps and occasions when the measurements are much more frequent.




A data.frame object with one row for measurement time

  • usaf_station: the USAF code for the weather station (constant)

  • wban_station: the WBAN code for the weather station (constant)

  • date_time: a POSIXct format date & time

  • latitude: constant

  • longitude: constant

  • wind_speed: in miles-per-hour

  • wind_direction: direction wind is coming from, as a compass reading: 0 - 360 degrees, with 0 meaning north

  • air pressure: in hectopascals

  • temperature_dewpoint: in degrees C

  • temperature: in degrees C

  • precip: amount of liquid precipitation, in mm, over the last interval

  • precip_hrs: the length of the interval over which precip was accumulated

  • precip_rate: a rate: precip / precip_hrs.


Some of the precipitation measurements overlap in time. For instance, there might be a 6-hour interval over which precipitation was summed, as well as 1-hour intervals containing precipation counted in the 6-hour interval. Use precip_rate as an indicator of how hard it was raining during the interval covered.


See the script in system.file(package = "SDSdata", "raw_data/weather/read_weather.R")

dtkaplan/SDSdata documentation built on June 28, 2022, 8:09 a.m.